
product innovation and new selling points - observation on catering brands at the 9th food and beverage conference


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huang tingting, reporter of huasheng online
"'roll' and 'tired' are the current hot words in the catering industry." at the 2024 (9th) china international food and catering expo (hereinafter referred to as "food and catering expo"), bei bei, founder of hanyu catering planning, said that as consumption concepts become more pragmatic and rational, catering brands must upgrade their products and services to provide richer consumer value.
the 9th food and beverage fair was held in changsha from september 6 to 8. reporters saw at the exhibition that in order to break through the industry's "involution", many catering brands continued to innovate and enhance their product matrix to create new selling points.
cater to consumption trends, innovate research and development to launch new products
probiotic fermentation, replenishing energy, gaining weight in autumn and maintaining health... at the food event, qianwei soup stock brand used "health" to attract consumers.
first, the "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories" tea drinks are popular in the market, and then "chinese medicine + catering" has become a new trend. "nowadays, young people like to eat 'healthy' hot pot. we provide hot pot base packages to catering stores, and make adjustments to the taste to launch health-preserving and functional hot pot bases." said the person in charge of the qianwei soup brand booth.
focusing on the trend of "healthy eating", beijing jingwutang technology co., ltd. has also launched new products.
hold the bottle cap and twist it, and the live bacteria in the bottle cap will fall into the yogurt. its staff said that the competition in the yogurt "track" has become fierce, and in order to attract consumers, the company has innovated to create "healthier" yogurt.
targeting the pain points of the industry for innovation. for example, fruit tea has always been a category that is difficult to standardize and has a high threshold in the tea industry. for restaurants that sell fruit tea, it is not cost-effective to reserve fresh fruits for fruit tea and learn how to make fruit tea, which requires high investment.
but in the hot summer, fruit tea is a popular choice for consumers. what should we do? yilexian tried it and gained a lot of cooperation opportunities.
the reporter saw at the yilexian exhibition that the staff took out a pack of concentrated juice, added ice cubes and water, shook it well and poured it into a milk tea cup. in 1 minute, a cup of succulent bayberry juice was ready.
it is reported that yilexian uses a frozen fruit puree production line to produce concentrated fruit packs, which are popular among catering outlets. many well-known chain catering outlets in changsha are its partners.
good raw materials are not enough, additional services are also needed
how else can rice be sold?
taste, origin, variety, nutritional value... these words have become selling points for many rice merchants.
"for the same wuchang rice, if we want to stand out, we have to provide more additional services." said a relevant person in charge of fengguangli (heilongjiang) agricultural group co., ltd.
at this food fair, fengguangli company brought the "no-washing rice" product, which was developed just over a month ago.
it is reported that catering businesses, especially those in the south, have a large demand for rice, and washing rice is time-consuming and laborious. using "no-wash rice", the price is similar to that of ordinary rice, and the process of washing rice can be avoided.
this year, fengguangli company invested tens of millions of yuan to customize a rice washing production line. after washing, the rice is dried at low temperature to retain the original flavor of the rice.
those selling rice here are racking their brains, and those selling potatoes on the other side are also racking their brains.
potatoes with crispy rice are a must-have on snack stalls. merchants buy the finished product, fry it in oil at 180 degrees celsius for 3 to 6 minutes, and then they are ready to serve.
crisp, crispy, super crispy, crunchy... a product called guoba potato can actually have so many different tastes. the staff of furongzui guoba potato enthusiastically introduced that not only does it have a variety of tastes, but you can also choose between straight knife type and batter-free type. if you are not satisfied with any of them, you can even customize them individually.
some people say that the catering industry cannot compete with those who provide services. but now, the service trend has also spread to the raw material supply side.
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