
working for a job is like taking the college entrance examination. one year of work is equivalent to 20 years of work. yuzhixing has become the industry's top talent incubator


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in 1989, sun yafang, a bachelor's degree graduate from the university of electronic science and technology of china, asked to be the director of the front-line office, but ren zhengfei transferred her to the training center of the marketing department as a trainer. after working for a year, he agreed to let her go to the "front line". later, she became a well-known "market female killer" and later became the former chairman of huawei.
ren zhengfei made it clear: "'knowledge capital' is always higher than capital, and talent is the key to determining all factors."
ma guojun, who graduated from zhengzhou light industry institute, joined haier. haier named the positioning pad "ma guojun pad" after his invention. haier's zhang ruimin said: "the important thing is not how to identify talents, but to establish a system and create an atmosphere that can produce talents."
"tencent does not place much emphasis on hierarchy or qualifications. as long as you are passionate, keep learning, have a cooperative spirit, and continue to create value, i believe you will be able to achieve great self-realization and self-growth here," said martin, president of tencent.
"there are thousand-mile horses only when there are bole. thousand-mile horses are common, but bole is rare." han yu said in "on horse".
zhengzhou, henan yuzhixing crop protection co., ltd. (yuzhixing for short), in 2022, when the epidemic was raging, used a notice and an annual salary of one million to recruit talented young people from all over the world in order to solve the world's agricultural problems. "yuzhixing is a university, a university that transforms knowledge into value." li guojian, chairman of henan yuzhixing crop protection co., ltd., said frankly.
in 2024, when the industry was tightening labor costs, 60 talents were recruited from 211 and 985 universities at one go. at yuzhixing, some graduates were promoted to management cadres within 9 months. what is so special about this company that dares to employ "young generals"?
(graduates from henan agricultural university participated in the centralized interview)
know people well and use them correctly
“the greatest thing is to know people.”
"bian jing" says: the basis of governing the world is to know people first; the basis of accomplishing things is to employ people first.
zhuo chunfang, who graduated from tarim university in 2018, was nervous and hesitant when he first joined yuzhixing. some veterans even worried that he would be a hindrance. but yuzhixing chairman li guojian took a liking to him at first sight and supported him many times. this gave zhuo chunfang great confidence.
today, this "newbie" who "pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger" has been promoted to marketing director.
when guo zhenghao first joined yuzhixing, he was introverted and nervous about his job, which required him to interact closely with farmers. however, the company's leaders encouraged him. at the same time, he saw hope in the company's friendly interpersonal relationships and the free promotion channel for talents. he mustered up his courage, fought against all odds, and was finally promoted to city manager based on his excellent business and performance.
newly employed college students are often confused about their work. yuan jianqiang recalled that when he graduated from henan agricultural university in 2023 and just joined yuzhixing, he was no exception. "i don't know how to do it? i'm always worried that i will be laid off if i don't do it well." yuan jianqiang said frankly. the master who brought him to the company used various methods to guide him. let him think about what he can do to gain the trust of customers? how to show the company's altruism, etc.? after unremitting efforts, yuan jianqiang has now been promoted to the city manager level. in one year, he has shed the immaturity of a student and grown into a fierce general who controls a market.
hu xiaopeng, a student majoring in agricultural and forestry economics and management at henan agricultural university in 2024, was determined to find a job when he just started his senior year. he interned at yuzhixing in november 2023, and was promoted to a regular employee in advance in may 2024 due to his good performance. in august, he was promoted to city manager due to his outstanding performance.
yuzhixing is good at identifying and employing the right people, thus maximizing the value of human resources. of course, this is inseparable from the company's strong and rich learning culture.
(marketing director-level management cadre zhuo chunfang, speaking at a customer training meeting)
study hard and improve your cultivation
in the era of knowledge economy, the cultural construction of an enterprise determines the breadth and depth of the enterprise.
only when an enterprise has culture can it educate its people and shape their souls with culture.
(city manager yuan jianqiang (right) presents a certificate to liangwang)
anyone who has been to the headquarters of yuzhixing company is impressed by one detail. upon entering the company's gate, the first thing you see is a wall of books. in each square partition, various professional books are neatly arranged, ranging from world economic and management masterpieces to agricultural plant protection disease prevention and treatment technologies. opening the borrowing manual, you can see dense records of borrowing by employees from multiple departments such as the marketing department, brand department, technical department, and finance department.
"from the company chairman to the general employees, there are reading tasks throughout the year, and they have to check and review after reading; those who fail to complete them will be fined."
"a company with such a learning atmosphere must have good development prospects. in such an atmosphere, it is difficult for me not to learn and grow." zhang jin, who graduated from henan agricultural university in 2021, learned about yuzhixing by chance and was immediately attracted by the company's strong learning atmosphere.
with the idea of ​​"i must stay", zhang jin worked for two years, rising from a grassroots employee to a city manager.
(city manager guo zhenghao (first from left) instructs customers on agricultural technology in the fields)
"the company's learning culture is generally positive, progressive and effective." guo zhenghao recalled that they first met at a lecture of yuzhixing at henan agricultural university, and he had a good impression at the time. for campus recruitment after the epidemic, conventional companies mostly completed it online, but yuzhixing conducted interviews directly on site at the company from the first round of interviews, which gave him a good impression of a very reliable company.
thanks to yuzhixing's learning culture, hu xiaopeng has a new understanding of lifelong learning: "if you want to grow, you need to keep learning, whether in school or in society. only by continuous learning can you go further and easier in the future."
"i feel that my growth to where i am today is inseparable from the transformation of the learning culture at yuzhixing." zhuo chunfang said frankly that from 2018 to 2024, following the company's learning plan, he read a lot of books, such as "mckinsey thinking", "the effective executive", "the seven habits of highly effective people", etc., all of which he read more than once or twice. not only did it enrich and strengthen myself, but it also opened up my work pattern and thinking mode.
if you grow fast in a company with a strong learning atmosphere, you will naturally have more opportunities to be promoted.
(the company's apprenticeship ceremony helps newcomers grow quickly)
value talents and promote them quickly
in 1997, when the "huawei constitution" was drafted, ren zhengfei said: "the ability to effectively manage talent is the core competitiveness of an enterprise." a brave general must be recruited from the ranks, and a prime minister must be selected from the prefectures and counties. this is huawei's principle for selecting cadres.
yuzhixing places more emphasis on talent in selecting and employing people, and promotes them quickly.
hu xiaopeng, who graduated in 2024, was promoted to city manager less than a year after starting work.
"i had only been in the company for nine months at that time, and was working in the same position as someone who had been there for two years. of course i was excited. but when i calmed down, i felt more responsibility and pressure." hu xiaopeng said that since the company gave him the opportunity, he would definitely work hard. "this is an infinite trust and honor."
yuan jianqiang, who graduated in 2023, was also promoted to city manager. from probation to grassroots employee to city manager, from understanding customers to being independently responsible for the market, he is facing one challenging job after another.
it took zhang jin two years to be promoted to city manager. what he remembers most is the time he talked to clients on his own about two or three months after joining the company.
"it was the first time for me to go to an unfamiliar province and a strange town by myself. i braved the high temperature of 30 or 40 degrees celsius to discuss cooperation with people i had never met before. i ran from one store to another under the scorching sun, but in the end, i didn't come up with a single cooperation. i felt mixed emotions and was very, very uncomfortable. the two years at yuzhixing were no easier than the college entrance examination. i feel that i have grown more than i had in the previous 10 to 20 years." zhang jin sighed.
tian kai, who graduated from henan university of science and technology with a degree in forestry, has completed a "triple jump" since he became a regular employee of yuzhixing in early 2022, from a junior city manager to a regional manager. looking back on the three years in yuzhixing's "school", the most unforgettable thing is the persistence in promoting the big retail festival activities. at the beginning, customers did not agree, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. it was not until the second year, when the competition was fierce, that customers gradually realized the benefits of doing the big retail festival activities before the new year. from then on, the cooperation was much closer.
talking about being reused, zhuo chunfang has always been grateful. he said that yuzhixing always gave him a feeling of "home". whenever he encountered difficulties at work, there were always masters and brothers by his side to give him advice and help him overcome them together.
"my biggest gain from yuzhixing is that i no longer feel inferior. no matter what problems i encounter, there must be ways to solve them." "in the future, i hope to continue to grow with yuzhixing."
(city manager hu xiaopeng provides technical guidance to a customer in a wheat field)
why has yuzhixing become the industry’s top talent incubator?
"continue learning and move towards first place".
this slogan appears frequently in yuzhixing’s external publicity copy.
this is consistent with the company's talent development strategy.
it is reported that yuzhixing is committed to building a learning organization, and all employees have persisted in learning for eight years. during the downturn in the industry, when most were cutting spending or even laying off employees, yuzhixing focused on attracting high-end talents and worked hard to create a gathering place for agricultural talents. in the 2024 graduation season, yuzhixing recruited 50 graduates from prestigious universities, including 26 postgraduates, accounting for 52%; 19 985/211 universities, accounting for 38%. from zhengzhou university, to huazhong agricultural university, northwest agriculture and forestry, and then to china agricultural university, yuzhixing values ​​culture and innovation the most, and attaches the most importance to top talents.
in 2022, the company issued a global recruitment announcement for talented young people with an annual salary of one million. yuzhixing hopes to use global problems to attract the world's top talents and jointly promote the civilized progress of the entire agricultural supplies industry.
good at cultivating "young generals" and daring to build a ladder of rapid growth and opportunity platform for the majority of college graduates, yuzhixing's "senior management" firmly believes that only when talents grow quickly can the company press the "accelerator", become more confident and have the courage to overcome all difficulties in the future.
talent, scientific research and innovative spirit are the foundation for yuzhixing's survival and development. "yuzhixing has set its development strategy at the beginning of its establishment, aiming at building a world-class high-tech solution platform for agricultural planting problems, and the foundation driving these strategic developments is high-tech talents," said chairman li guojian.