
the “fifteen minutes between classes” is here, how can we break the educational dilemma?


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looking back at those green school days, the brief break of a few minutes between classes was like a touch of bright color, adding endless fun and freedom to our study career.

the bell rang suddenly, like a horn of liberation, instantly breaking the dullness and restraint of the classroom.

the children poured out like a tide. the corridors and playgrounds were instantly filled with laughter. the running figures and chasing games formed a vivid picture.

this is not only a physical release, but also a spiritual liberation, allowing children to temporarily forget the burden of books and immerse themselves in innocent friendship and carefree play.

however, as time goes by, recess activities seem to be gradually put under a tight rein.

the children's steps were restricted within the classroom, and their laughter became restrained and cautious. the sunshine and breeze outside the classroom seemed to have become an unattainable dream. all these changes were caused by the heavy pressure of the word "safety".

the worries of parents and the responsibilities of the school are like two huge mountains, which make it hard to breathe during the ten minutes between classes. teachers are worried about the safety of children, parents are afraid of accidents, and schools are unwilling to take any risks.

thus, the ten minutes between classes passed quietly, and was replaced by endless silence and restraint.

recently, a new policy in beijing has come like a spring breeze, providing children with five minutes of extra break time.

on the surface, this measure is a response to the physical and mental health of students, but whether it can really awaken the vitality of recess activities is a question worth pondering. the vision of the education commission is beautiful, hoping that children can walk out of the classroom, bathe in the sun, and enjoy freedom.

however, the reality is far more complicated than adding five minutes. it involves educational philosophy, management methods, and a delicate balance between parents and schools.

the root cause of the disappearance of the ten-minute break between classes is the excessive interpretation and concern about safety.

parents' expectations of schools have been upgraded from reasonable safety guarantees to an almost demanding "zero risk". once a child is injured at school, the school will often become the target of public criticism, regardless of who is responsible. under this pressure, schools have chosen the most conservative management strategy: reducing activities and avoiding risks.

even though schools know that children need exercise and freedom, for the sake of "safety", free activities during breaks have become a time bomb in the eyes of schools.

however, such "disappearance" is not only the passage of time, but also the deviation of educational concepts.

children are naturally lively and active, and they need to find a balance between body and mind in free activities.

nowadays, recess activities have become stereotyped and standardized, and children have lost the space for individual development.

even if the time is increased, the nature of recess does not change if children are still forced to participate in group activities - they still cannot truly run and play freely, and still spend their so-called "free" time within the framework of the organization.

behind this, it is reflected that the education management system neglects children's autonomy and individuality.

in some schools, recess activities are carefully designed, strictly supervised, and even included in assessments. this excessive focus on safety seems to protect children, but in fact it deprives them of their right to develop freely. as the book "parents have vision, children have patterns" says, parents' vision should be to create a free, safe, and trusting environment for their children to grow up.

the same should apply to schools. activities during breaks should be natural and relaxed rather than overly designed and organized.

therefore, to restore the true meaning of recess, we must start with educational concepts.

although increasing the time is important, the key is to remove the constraints on children's activities and give them trust and space. those rigid activity arrangements will only make children's desire for freedom stronger, but cannot meet their real needs.

during the real break, it is up to the children themselves to decide how to spend their time.

whether chatting, running or sitting quietly in the sun, it is their right to choose freely.

such breaks can not only relax the body and mind, but also cultivate children's independent thinking and decision-making abilities.

back to reality, although beijing and other places have implemented 15 minutes of break time, how to implement it and how to allow children to truly enjoy freedom is still a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

education authorities and schools should realize that restrictions are not the best solution, but may cause more problems. giving children space to freely release their nature in the sun is the real value of the quarter-hour break.

parents and schools need to re-examine the meaning of "safety". children's growth should not only be limited to avoiding harm, but also include the development of psychological and social abilities. and this needs to be achieved in a free and natural environment.

if children are always placed under complete control, their autonomy and creativity will find it difficult to blossom.

education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about shaping personality and soul.

although the activities between classes are small, they reflect the deep-seated deviation of educational concepts. only by fundamentally adjusting the education management model and truly respecting children's freedom and development needs can the ten-minute or even fifteen-minute break between classes truly return to its essence.

in short, the significance of recess activities goes far beyond physical relaxation; it is a charging station for the soul.

allowing children to have their own free space is more educational than any imposed activities. this is not only a return to the ten minutes between classes, but also a respect and understanding of the nature of children's growth.

i hope every child can find their own happiness and growth during the free time between classes.