
"carrot recruitment" and "inbreeding"? the organization department of the cpc central committee and the ministry of human resources and social security have recently clarified →


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the central organization department and the ministry of human resources and social security recently issued a notice to further improve and standardize the public recruitment of public institutions. in response to the current prominent problems such as some places and departments deliberately circumventing the public recruitment procedures and requirements, unreasonable recruitment qualification conditions, and irregular qualification review, what new measures and new requirements are proposed in the notice? how to better safeguard the rights and interests of applicants in equal employment?
point 1: reasonable setting of qualification conditions to prevent “carrot recruitment”
the so-called "carrot recruitment" refers to the recruitment conditions or positions that are "tailor-made" for candidates with connections, so as to help them successfully apply for the job.
the person in charge of the personnel management department of the ministry of human resources and social security introduced that in response to the issues of "nepotism recruitment" and "personnel profiling" that have attracted great public attention, the notice requires a comprehensive analysis and assessment of job responsibilities and recruitment situations in recent years, clarifying the categories and grades of recruitment positions, and scientifically setting conditions such as academic qualifications, academic majors, age, and years of work experience. no discriminatory, targeted, or unreasonable restrictive conditions should be set.
in order to create a fair competition environment, the notice proposes that qualification review should be conducted in accordance with the qualification conditions specified in the recruitment notice. in principle, applicants who meet the conditions listed in the notice should be allowed to enter the next recruitment stage, and "resume screening" should not be conducted. qualification review work should not be entrusted to third parties such as examination service agencies.
applicants who have a family relationship with staff members of the recruiting unit should be required to report it at the time of registration. those who have a family relationship with leadership positions must be strictly reviewed and screened to prevent the problem of "inbreeding".
focus 2: effectively improve the quality of questions and ensure fair and just interviews
"in response to security risks such as low question quality, chaotic examination entrustment, and high-tech cheating in a few public recruitments, the notice requires that recruitment examinations be more targeted and scientific, strict discipline requirements be enforced, and problems such as copying, patchwork, and reuse of examination questions be resolutely prevented." the above-mentioned person in charge said.
if the questions are set independently, experts in related fields who are familiar with talent assessment technology and relevant policies and regulations on open recruitment of public institutions and understand the job requirements of the proposed positions should be selected to participate in the setting of questions; if the questions are set by others, an examination service agency with high professional level and compliance with confidentiality requirements should be selected to undertake the setting work.
the notice requires that the interview process be fair and just. generally, there should be more than five examiners for the interview, of which no less than one-third should be invited from outside. in principle, candidates for the same position should be interviewed by the same group of examiners using the same set of interview questions. the interview room should be equipped with video and audio equipment to record the entire interview process.
point 3: no one is allowed to formulate preferential policies or expand the scope of preferential policies at will
special recruitment and additional points are preferential policies for open recruitment in public institutions. the comprehensive personnel management departments of central public institutions have clear regulations, such as the special recruitment policies for public institutions for retired military personnel and those who have passed the assessment at the end of grassroots service projects established by the state.
"but in practice, some places have independently formulated and implemented preferential policies or arbitrarily expanded the scope of preferential policies stipulated by the state, resulting in policy imbalance and violating the principles of fairness and justice." the above-mentioned person in charge said that for this reason, the notice requires that all regions, departments, and units shall not independently formulate preferential policies for the open recruitment of public institutions such as special recruitment and additional points for specific personnel, and shall not arbitrarily expand the scope of preferential policies stipulated by the state.
the person in charge told reporters that, taking into account the actual work situation at the local level, in order to ensure a smooth policy transition and protect the legitimate rights and interests of relevant groups, the subsequent organization and implementation will guide localities to accurately grasp the spirit of the policy, standardize the existing preferential policies based on different circumstances, and those that really need to continue to be implemented will be retained according to procedures.
point 4: strengthen the overall planning of open recruitment to avoid excessive dispersion
"in response to the problems of overly dispersed public recruitment work in some places and departments (units), high organizational costs, and greater examination security risks, the notice clearly requires strengthening the coordination of public recruitment work from the perspective of ensuring openness, fairness and justice, improving work efficiency, reducing organizational costs, and preventing and resolving risks," said the above-mentioned person in charge.
the notice sets out specific requirements for the centralized organization of open recruitment for lower-level positions in the public institutions affiliated to the central and state organs, and for the unified organization of open recruitment by local public institutions based on levels and categories.
at the same time, taking into account the actual situation of colleges and universities, research institutes, public hospitals and other large-scale public institutions providing public services to the society, the notice clearly states that they can independently organize and carry out open recruitment in accordance with the prescribed procedures and requirements, rather than simply adopting a "one-size-fits-all" approach.
- reprinted from xinhua news agency
source: legal network