
a cppcc member in jiangsu called for strengthening the professional assessment of the civil service examination, and the local human resources and social security bureau responded


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"currently, the authority and fairness of civil service examinations, as an important way for the country to select talents, have been widely recognized. however, in the personnel recruitment process, some employers rely too much on civil service examination scores and ignore the assessment of applicants' actual business capabilities, resulting in one-sided talent evaluation."

on september 4, a proposal analysis published on the website of the xinghua municipal cppcc of jiangsu province stated that this situation not only limits the diversity of talents, but may also cause a waste of talent resources, so that units now cannot find the corresponding talents they really need when recruiting.

in the view of local cppcc members, a recruitment method that focuses too much on the content of the civil service examination may have many impacts. first, for applicants, deciding whether to hire based solely on civil service examination scores may lead to unfair talent evaluation and bury applicants with actual work ability and potential. second, for employers, placing too much emphasis on theoretical examination scores may lead to neglect of the actual work ability of talents, thus affecting the long-term development of the unit.

to this end, the above proposal suggests strengthening the assessment of business capabilities.personnel recruitment should pay more attention to the assessment of business capabilities and increase the proportion of interview finalists; increase the score proportion of interviews, practical operations and other links to more accurately assess the actual work ability of applicants; diversify the examination forms. in addition to the traditional written examination, various examination forms such as interviews and practical exercises should be introduced to comprehensively examine the comprehensive quality and ability of candidates; establish a diversified evaluation system. employers should establish a diversified evaluation system, comprehensively considering the personal morality, teamwork, communication skills and other factors of candidates to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of talent evaluation.

the xinghua municipal human resources and social security bureau responded that:in accordance with the spirit of relevant national and provincial documents on open recruitment, some public institutions in xinghua city have conducted independent recruitment, such as the media integration center, culture, sports, radio, film and tourism bureau, agriculture and rural affairs bureau, education bureau, health commission and other units.xinghua also conducts additional professional skills tests for units with strong professionalism. for example, last year, when the media integrated public recruitment of reporters was conducted, a skills test was added. after work, the employers gave feedback that these recruited staff were very useful and were able to independently conduct interviews and editing.

regarding the establishment of a diversified evaluation system, the xinghua municipal human resources and social security bureau stated that we will implement hierarchical and classified assessments in accordance with the spirit of the notice on the "regulations on the assessment of staff in public institutions" issued by the organization department of the cpc central committee and the ministry of human resources and social security. the assessment content should be detailed and clear in terms of assessment elements and specific indicators, reflecting the characteristics and specific requirements of staff in different industries, types, levels, and positions, and enhancing targeted effectiveness. for public institutions in key industries such as propaganda, ideology, culture, education, science and technology, and health and wellness, the core elements of the staff assessment content should be determined in accordance with the relevant requirements for the classified promotion of the reform of the talent evaluation mechanism, the indicator weights should be reasonably set, and differentiated assessments based on industry attributes should be implemented.

in recent years, there have been discussions in many places about the procedures and methods for recruiting civil servants and public institutions.

for example, for positions that require high professionalism, should the recruitment order be interview first and then written test?

in may 2023, the human resources and social security bureau of banan district, chongqing, responded to this suggestion, saying that after investigation, it was found that the recruitment order of interview first and written test later was adopted. from the perspective of employment rights, the public recruitment procedures of public institutions are stipulated by the state, and our city and our district have no right to break through. in practical operation, on the one hand, interview first and written test later cannot objectively reflect the ability of students and cannot ensure fairness and justice. because the interview itself is a subjective assessment method, each examiner will not give exactly the same score to the same student.the written test comes first, and the results of the public subject assessment are objective and can truly reflect the students' thinking ability and writing level.on the other hand, conducting an interview before a written test will lead to a substantial increase in administrative costs. to ensure the fairness of the interview, the interview scores of candidates applying for the same position can only be judged by the same group of examiners. if the number of applicants for a position reaches hundreds or even thousands, conducting an interview before a written test will bring difficulties to the actual operation.

according to the human resources and social security bureau of banan district, in recent years, the district human resources and social security bureau has attached great importance to the construction of the talent team of the public institutions in our district, and actively taken practical measures to promote the development of professional and technical talent teams. first, support the flexible recruitment of urgently needed talents in the form of open recruitment, assessment recruitment, campus recruitment, talent conference assessment recruitment, special recruitment, etc. second, in the recruitment of personnel in relevant public institutions, support the independent formulation of recruitment plans, the independent setting of relevant recruitment position conditions, the independent determination of the content of written tests and interviews, and the implementation of the autonomy of employment. third, for those with postgraduate degrees, senior professional titles or other urgently needed and scarce professional and technical talents, support the adoption of assessment recruitment or "green channel" talent introduction and other methods to select the best. in the next step, when we carry out the public recruitment of public institutions, we will follow the relevant regulations of the state and our city, and fully consider your suggestions, and implement policies in a classified manner. for positions where supply exceeds demand, we will still adopt open recruitment, first written test and then interview for recruitment; for positions where supply is less than demand, we will adopt flexible methods such as assessment recruitment, interview assessment only, and no longer organize written tests for recruitment, so as to effectively promote the public recruitment of public institution staff to match people with positions.

for example, should the teacher recruitment interview process adopt a structured format?

in this regard, the tonghua municipal human resources and social security bureau of jilin province replied to the npc deputies in may 2023 that in the past few years of open recruitment, we have been exploring how the education system can scientifically and reasonably set up examination methods to select more suitable talents for employers. at the same time, in order to ensure the fairness and justice of the interview process, in accordance with the requirements of the public recruitment norms of public institutions and referring to the national civil servant interview procedures, we adopt a structured interview teaching method. the interview examiners follow the principle of "examination in different places" and recruit qualified examiners from other cities and prefectures to form an examiner team. in addition, we have specifically hired examiners with strong professionalism and certain experience and qualifications in the industry, and use their professional qualities to carefully examine the actual operation ability, job adaptability and other professional abilities of the applicants. in the next step, we will give full play to the functions of the human resources and social security departments, continue to improve the recruitment system, and strengthen the work of key links such as the professional interview content, recruitment conditions, and recruitment procedures for candidates. at the same time, we will strengthen policy publicity and supervision and management, strengthen communication and coordination with relevant business departments and departments, and guide public institutions and their competent departments to conduct recruitment in a scientific and standardized manner.

in addition, the sichuan provincial department of human resources and social security introduced in the early years that in order to ensure the fairness of the examination, there is no provision for "employers to conduct job competency tests" in the civil service recruitment examination. in practice, whether public institutions conduct professional written examinations, what form of interviews are adopted, and the conversion ratio of written and interview scores are all determined by the recruiting units based on the actual situation of the department under the premise of complying with the public recruitment policy, giving the recruiting units due autonomy in hiring.