
outcome document of the china-africa-unesco dialogue on cooperation in education and cultural preservation


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china-africa cooperation action plan on education and cultural heritage protection - outcome document of the china-africa-unesco dialogue on education and cultural heritage protection cooperation
on september 6, 2024, the china-africa-unesco dialogue on education and cultural heritage protection cooperation was held during the forum on china-africa cooperation summit. the participating representatives had extensive and in-depth exchanges on the theme of "joining hands to promote educational development and cultural heritage protection in africa". chinese and african representatives:
we appreciate the forum on china-africa cooperation summit held on september 5-6, 2024, which put forward a series of new cooperation initiatives and actions around building an all-weather china-africa community with a shared future in the new era; the 37th au summit held on february 17-18, 2024, designated 2024 as the au education theme year and adopted relevant conceptual documents.
it is believed that education is the cornerstone of world peace, stability, prosperity and development. it plays a fundamental, leading and supporting role in promoting national modernization and sustainable development, and carries people's yearning for a better life. cultural heritage is a precious cultural wealth created by mankind. protecting cultural heritage is an inevitable requirement for the continuation of human civilization and sustainable development of the world, and is the common responsibility of the international community. strengthening cooperation in education and cultural heritage protection is of positive significance for implementing global development initiatives, global security initiatives, global civilization initiatives, achieving the goals of the united nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the african union's agenda 2063, and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
it emphasizes that china's cooperation with africa in education and cultural heritage protection must always adhere to the principles of equality, mutual benefit, openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation. it is committed to helping africa strengthen its capacity building, establish a resilient education system and a sustainable cultural heritage protection system, and ensure that the results of the above cooperation benefit more african people equitably.
chinese and african representatives are willing to jointly take practical actions to implement the outcomes of the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit.
strengthen educational cooperation and work together to promote educational modernization. first, implement the vocational education empowerment action, promote the joint cultivation of skilled talents and the joint construction of vocational education standards, improve the integration of production and education, and the school-enterprise cooperation mechanism, and improve the level of industrialization and agricultural modernization in africa. second, implement the teacher capacity building action, carry out teacher training cooperation in the fields of stem education, digital education, vocational education, etc., continuously strengthen the construction of the african teacher team, and help africa cross the educational development gap by improving teacher capabilities. to implement the above actions, china is willing to cooperate with african countries to establish the china-africa "chinese + vocational skills" education regional development center, the china-africa teacher education center, and the china-africa digital education regional cooperation center. the two sides are willing to share the experience of universal compulsory education and dropout prevention and school attendance in poor areas, promote colleges and universities to carry out talent training, joint research and knowledge innovation cooperation, promote education to help women and young people create a future together, and deepen china-africa language and cultural exchanges and cooperation. third, implement the digital education sharing action, jointly formulate digital education development standards, share digital education platforms and resources, strengthen open education cooperation, improve the digital literacy of teachers and students, and form a data-based education decision-making and evaluation mechanism.
strengthen the protection of cultural heritage and promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. strengthen the sharing of experience and resources in the protection of cultural heritage between china and africa, and actively share china's experience in the application and protection of world cultural heritage in the fields of joint archaeology, restoration of ancient monuments, management of museums and collections, application for protection of world cultural heritage, and capacity building for the protection and management of cultural heritage. provide technical support for african countries to apply for world heritage and for the impact assessment of the development and construction of world heritage sites; strengthen cooperation in international affairs, jointly participate in the formulation of international rules related to world heritage, and effectively safeguard the interests of developing countries; carry out transnational joint application for the maritime silk road and china-egypt hydrological heritage. strengthen the information notification and experience exchange in the field of combating the illegal trafficking of cultural property and promoting the recovery and return of lost cultural relics, coordinate positions in international affairs, and jointly promote the return of cultural property lost due to colonialism or foreign occupation to its original country with the support of unesco. carry out pragmatic cooperation between china and african countries in the protection and management of intangible cultural heritage, promote the participation of inheritors, experts and scholars, and cultural and art professionals in the field of intangible culture in china and africa in international cultural activities, carry out exchanges and visits, and build a display platform for the protection of intangible cultural heritage between china and africa.
the chinese and african representatives appreciated unesco's inclusion of africa as one of its two major global priorities and its unremitting efforts to this end. support unesco in implementing the "african campus" project and unesco's actions to promote the education of girls and women in africa. support unesco in implementing the china-unesco trust fund to help the development of higher vocational and technical education in africa, train talents for africa, and improve the quality of teachers. china will cooperate with unesco to implement the african world heritage capacity building trust fund project, jointly organize training courses on the protection and development of intangible cultural heritage in african countries, and promote experience sharing, exchanges and cooperation. support the protection, maintenance and promotion of culture. according to the unesco "2022 world culture conference declaration", we call for full recognition and inclusion of culture as an independent goal in the post-2030 sustainable development agenda.
the chinese and african representatives called on governments, international organizations, social organizations, education and cultural circles to join hands to jointly implement the un 2030 agenda for sustainable development, promote the au's "agenda 2063", and make positive contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.