
strengthen the synergy between science and technology education and humanities education to cultivate outstanding talents for chinese-style modernization


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yin xiaoyuan zhao xu
core tips
science and technology education and humanities education have different logical thinking, but both have a unique role in promoting the development of human civilization. as a gathering place for education, science and technology, and talents, colleges and universities must vigorously cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. strengthening the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education is a matter of course.
education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for china's modernization. although science and technology education and humanities education have different logical thinking, they both have unique promoting effects on the development of human civilization. colleges and universities are the gathering place of education, science and technology, and talents. it is the due responsibility of colleges and universities to vigorously cultivate talents with both scientific and technological thinking and humanistic qualities. the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee proposed that strengthening the coordination between science and technology education and humanities education is a major strategic step in deepening the comprehensive reform of education, which will help promote the modernization of education and provide effective human support for china's modernization.
fully understand the strategic significance of strengthening the coordination between science and technology education and humanities education
today's scientific development is increasingly showing the characteristics of interdisciplinary, knowledge integration, and technology integration. it is an inevitable trend to strengthen the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education. on the one hand, the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education has pointed out the direction for cultivating compound high-quality talents. compound talents are talents with organic interweaving and multiple abilities. in the new era, colleges and universities should continuously improve the quality of talent supply. the talents they cultivate should not only have good moral cultivation and sufficient knowledge reserves, but also have a strong scientific innovation spirit and high humanities quality. on the other hand, the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education has enriched the connotation of marxism on the all-round development of people. general secretary xi jinping pointed out: "education is an important way to improve the comprehensive quality of the people and promote the all-round development of people. it is an important cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress. it is a cause of decisive significance for the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation." strengthening the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education to return education to its fundamental purpose is the essential requirement for promoting the all-round development of people. both science and technology education and humanities education promote the positive progress of the educated. humanities education can provide value guidance for scientific education, have a profound impact on the comprehensive and healthy development of people, and have an important impact on the achievements of the educated in different professional fields in the future; science and technology education can achieve the unity of moral emotions and rational power, promote people to develop a rigorous and truth-seeking cognitive attitude and careful and clear logical thinking, and form new concepts, new ideas, and new methods to understand and transform the world. therefore, strengthening the synergy of the two types of education is of great significance.
highly condense and strengthen the contemporary connotation of the synergy between science and technology education and humanities education
the development level of a country depends not only on the level of development of natural sciences, but also on the level of development of philosophy and social sciences. for chinese higher education, we should focus on promoting the coordinated development of natural sciences and humanities, and support each other to achieve "flying together". first, take moral education as the fundamental task. whether it is to cultivate talents in science and engineering or humanities and social sciences, we should fully implement the party's education policy, adhere to educating people for the party and the country, integrate moral education into all aspects, fields and links of higher education, and cultivate new people of the era who are responsible for the great task of national rejuvenation with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor. this is the eternal theme of my country's higher education. secondly, establish a scientific coordination mechanism. strengthening the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education does not mean mechanically severing the connection between the two. both education models should follow the laws of students' physical and mental development, build a forward-looking, innovative and leading discipline professional knowledge system and education and teaching methods, improve the quality of education by classification and stratification, and work together to cultivate patriotic feelings, innovative spirit, healthy personality and practical ability of students at all levels. thirdly, enhance the synergy effect. in recent years, the country has taken the opportunity of promoting educational modernization to open up new tracks for the construction of "four new disciplines" and "double first-class", vigorously implement comprehensive education reforms, promote the cultivation of outstanding talents, and provide a strong new impetus for the high-quality development of higher education in the new era. in the field of natural sciences, we must aim at the forefront of world science and technology, build on the advantages of universities themselves, form interdisciplinary groups and strong scientific and technological research teams, cultivate and train a large number of strategic scientific and technological talents, scientific and technological leaders, young scientific and technological talents and high-level innovation teams with international standards, and strive to achieve major breakthroughs in forward-looking basic research and leading original achievements. in the field of humanities and social sciences, we must build our own philosophical and social science ideological and theoretical system, break disciplinary boundaries around major issues facing china and the world's development, and put forward concepts, propositions, and plans that can reflect china's position, chinese wisdom, and chinese values.
plan and promote effective measures to strengthen the coordination between science and technology education and humanities education
promoting chinese-style modernization through the construction of an education power has become the "time" and "trend" faced by colleges and universities. it is necessary to promote the implementation of measures to strengthen the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education with the goal of achieving high-quality education development. do a good job in the top-level design of the coordination mechanism. colleges and universities should adjust the talent training program in a timely and effective manner, so that science and engineering students can strengthen the humanistic spirit and liberal arts students can strengthen scientific method training. optimize the curriculum setting. in terms of professional construction and curriculum setting, realize the cross-integration of liberal arts and science. colleges and universities should strengthen the construction of "big ideological and political courses". in addition to teaching ideological and political courses well, they should also focus on integrating ideological and political elements into various courses and the entire process of talent cultivation, so that curriculum ideological and political education can become an important carrier for strengthening the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education. continuously enrich educational resources. colleges and universities should set up various science and technology and humanities courses according to student needs, guide students to break professional barriers, expand their knowledge, exercise their thinking ability, and explore new teaching models and teaching methods to cultivate compound talents that meet the needs of economic and social development. strengthen the construction of the teaching staff. colleges and universities should improve the professional development mechanism of teachers and strengthen the classification and stratification of all teachers for precise training. teachers should be encouraged to participate in interdisciplinary research and project cooperation, improve their academic level and innovation ability, and provide better human and intellectual support for strengthening the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education. create a good campus cultural atmosphere. colleges and universities should fully understand the actual situation of students' ideological trends, academic interests, knowledge needs, etc., use club activities as a carrier, strive to build a good campus cultural platform for students, provide venues, funds, policies and other guarantees for campus cultural activities, and encourage students to enhance their scientific and technological literacy and humanistic background.
(the authors are respectively a member of the party committee and vice president of hunan university of technology; a master's student of hunan university of technology)
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