
developers can now advertise the floor area of ​​a house, and buyers will no longer be subject to "public sharing"? experts believe that "the floor area of ​​a house may become the pricing standard for levying real estate taxes"


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reporter of china business network: chen ronghao editor of china business network: chen mengyu

the topic of "canceling common areas" has become hot again.

on september 5, xiangtan city, hunan province, issued a new policy allowing real estate developers to conduct sales promotion based on housing area.

this is not the first city in my country to implement such a policy. zhaoqing, hefei and other cities have already begun to implement it.

on the afternoon of september 6, zhang hongwei, founder of jingjian consulting, told the reporter of daily economic news that trading based on building area or floor area does not have much impact on the cost of buying a house, it is just a difference in the calculation method. however, this change in calculation method will make developers pay more attention to the actual floor space ratio of the house.

"from a long-term perspective, it is very likely that the floor area of ​​the unit will become the pricing standard for levying real estate taxes in the future, because the levy of real estate taxes abroad is based on the floor area of ​​the unit, not the building area. this may be a technical preparation for the collection of real estate taxes in the future," zhang hongwei believes.

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on september 5, xiangtan city, hunan province issued "several measures of xiangtan city to promote high-quality development of the real estate market", which mentioned that real estate developers are allowed to conduct sales promotion based on housing area.

xiangtan is not the first city to propose that housing prices can be calculated and sold based on the floor area of ​​the housing unit.

in may this year, according to the "notice of the housing and urban-rural development bureau of zhaoqing city on the implementation of pricing and sales based on floor area for commercial housing in the city", all real estate development companies and real estate brokerage agencies should clearly mark the prices of each commercial housing unit, and place price tags, price lists or price manuals in conspicuous locations at the sales venues. the price content should be consistent with the unit price of the floor area.

the zhaoqing municipal housing and urban-rural development bureau said that this measure will help increase the housing ratio and will not affect the total price of the house, only the unit price will be different.

in july last year, hefei city held a special meeting on real estate work, proposing that it should actively explore ways to sell commercial housing based on the floor area of ​​the unit, in order to avoid an excessively large proportion of common area.

according to public market information, as early as 2002, chongqing passed relevant regulations requiring that commercial housing be priced based on the built-up area of ​​the unit.

however, pricing based on the floor area does not mean eliminating the common area, which includes public facilities such as elevator shafts and stairwells. the new pricing method improves the transparency of the house area while ensuring the buyer's right to know.

for example, according to southern daily, staff at zhaoqing city investment xingyue four seasons real estate project said that after the new regulations were introduced, the project adopted two methods of pricing: pricing based on unit area and pricing based on building area.

cancel the common area?

according to some industry insiders, this pricing adjustment method has attracted much attention, mainly because the floor area of ​​the unit is easily linked to the common area. in fact, adjusting the pricing method of the floor area of ​​the unit and canceling the common area are two completely different things.

on the afternoon of september 6, li yujia, chief researcher of the housing policy research center of guangdong provincial urban planning institute, said in an interview with the reporter of "daily economic news" that pricing based on floor area is completely different from the cancellation of common area as everyone knows. pricing based on building area or floor area is just two different calculation methods. the cost of buying a house will not change much, and the actual money spent is the same.

yan yuejin, deputy director of the shanghai e-house real estate research institute, also expressed a similar view. the reason why pricing based on floor area in various places has attracted widespread attention from the market is that it is easy to associate floor area with common area, which has led to speculation about whether to cancel the common area.

however, from the perspective of home buyers, pricing based on floor area can provide a more intuitive understanding of the actual price paid and better compare the cost-effectiveness of different properties.

in addition, this pricing reform is not only in line with international practice, but also helps to align my country's engineering construction standards with international standards and improve the internationalization level of relevant standards.

the reporter from the china business network noticed that many countries take into account the usable area of ​​the house when calculating house prices, that is, the area of ​​the actual living space, excluding public areas such as corridors, stairs, etc.

at the same time, it solves problems such as the opacity of the common area caused by the current pricing based on the building area, and is conducive to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

chen wenjing, director of market research at china index academy, said that the change in pricing method has little impact on housing prices, but pricing based on floor area will help buyers understand the actual price more intuitively, reduce disputes caused by information asymmetry, and promote further standardization of commercial housing sales behavior. it is expected that more cities will follow up and introduce relevant regulations.

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