
many places are competing to become the "first city for autonomous driving", how does wuhan "run"? | wuhan new quality view ⑥·video


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who is vying for the top spot in autonomous driving? which city is most likely to take the top spot?
across the country, first-tier cities such as beijing, shanghai, guangzhou and shenzhen, second-tier cities such as wuhan, chongqing, changsha and nanjing, and even a large number of second- and third-tier cities are all "players" in this game. according to data from the ministry of industry and information technology, by the end of 2023, there will be 17 national test demonstration zones, 7 internet of vehicles pilot zones, and 16 smart city and intelligent connected vehicle collaborative development pilot cities built across the country, with more than 22,000 kilometers of test demonstration roads opened, more than 5,200 test demonstration licenses issued, and a total road test mileage of 88 million kilometers.
the track is hot, with many players and fierce competition. wuhan, a long-established automobile industrial city, is the sixth national intelligent networked vehicle testing demonstration zone in china. it started early in the field of "autonomous driving" but not the earliest. however, the number of open mileage and open areas of intelligent networked vehicles remains the first in the country. in junshan new town, which was only started in 2021, "smart cars" are now on "smart roads", and self-driving cars cross the han river, drive to the central city, get on the highway, and drive to tianhe airport.
at a time when the traditional automobile industry is facing transformation and upgrading, the transformation to the intelligent connected automobile industry can be said to be unstoppable. how did wuhan stand out in the competition for the "first city of autonomous driving"? what opportunities will building the "first city of autonomous driving" bring to the city's future? recently, yangcheng evening news and jimu news have jointly gone deep into the front line of scientific innovation and industry to explore the "cultivation secrets" behind wuhan's competition for the "first city of autonomous driving".
where are you running?
the rapid development of autonomous driving technology is inseparable from the opening up of test roads.
in an exclusive interview, wu haiping, director of the dual intelligence department of junshan new city in wuhan economic and technological development zone, introduced that the ministry of industry and information technology and the hubei provincial government signed a cooperation framework agreement in 2016, which clearly stated the construction of the wuhan national intelligent connected vehicle testing demonstration zone in wuhan economic and technological development zone. during the military games held in 2019, the demonstration zone was constructed on a large scale, and a large amount of funds were invested in the construction of roadside intelligent infrastructure, data centers, etc.
"in the process of building the 'first city for autonomous driving', the demonstration zone played the role of an explorer who took the lead in trial and error. we actively responded to the country's major strategic layout, paid special attention to the exploration of autonomous driving applications, and applied for the construction of multiple national pilot projects. in this process, we built and explored at the same time." wu haiping gave a set of data. the demonstration zone opened 3,379 kilometers of test roads in 11 batches. the test roads involved 12 administrative districts and covered an area of ​​about 3,000 square kilometers.
how effective is the commercialization of "autonomous driving"? "in terms of the population served by the number of orders for intelligent connected vehicles, it has become the world's leading autonomous driving operation service area," said wu haiping. in february this year, two fully unmanned autonomous driving cars drove across the yangsigang yangtze river bridge and the wuhan baishazhou bridge, completing the innovation of autonomous driving's "first crossing of the yangtze river".
why can wuhan take the lead in achieving innovative breakthroughs in commercial application scenarios, such as cross-district traffic, cross-river traffic, and airport highway traffic? "only by opening up enough scenarios and realizing city-level large-scale applications can enterprises achieve a virtuous cycle from investment to operation. therefore, we took wuhan economic and technological development zone as the core and starting point, and opened urban roads in 11 batches, expanding from 1 district in wuhan economic and technological development zone to 12 districts. the test roads are networked into pieces, which greatly facilitates car companies to carry out tests." wu haiping said.
"in the next step, we will continue to open up more testing scenarios and open smart connected test roads to famous scenic spots, as well as some transportation hubs or densely populated commercial areas," said wu haiping.
how to run?
the breakthrough and promotion of a new technology will inevitably encounter many obstacles, such as the impact on the traditional automobile industry or individual industries, but people are first concerned about whether smart connected cars are safe on the road. the biggest threat to self-driving cars on the road may not be the technology itself, but the threat from humans. "in order to solve this problem, our economic development zone has set up a special safety team for smart connected cars and formulated corresponding management methods and a series of safety measures." wu haiping said.
"the intelligent connected vehicle industry involves a lot of fields, and it is necessary to ensure 100% safety on the road. in order to achieve this goal, starting from the application for road access for intelligent connected vehicles, it is required to report the relevant data of the vehicle to our platform, such as real-time positioning information, vehicle speed, and the situation inside the vehicle." in wu haiping's view, strict access requirements are the first link in the development of the intelligent connected vehicle industry.
as the first city in china to issue pilot licenses for the commercialization of intelligent networked vehicles, wuhan has also issued a growing number of various types of autonomous driving road test and operation licenses to companies. "from testing to commercialization, intelligent networked vehicles must go through five types of licenses, from road testing to demonstration applications, testing to demonstration applications to commercial pilots. we have issued nearly 2,400 licenses in this category," said wu haiping.
"these measures have been implemented for almost two years, and the response from citizens has been very good. they have received a lot of praise from citizens, and many people take driverless taxis to and from get off work." wu haiping said that for most people, autonomous driving and driverless driving are emerging things, and many people actually accept them with a very tolerant attitude.
text by reporters xu zhangchao, hang ying, and sun jing
photo: reporter li zhiwen