
encourage sale of existing homes, explore sales based on floor changes in the property market!


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recently, many places have introduced new policies to stabilize the real estate market.
a securities times reporter found that in addition to policy support such as financial credit, housing provident funds, and housing purchase subsidies, many places also encourage the sale of existing homes and explore sales based on the floor area of ​​the unit.

industry insiders believe that the implementation of the sale of commercial housing will completely eliminate the risk of unfinished commercial housing and loan defaults, reduce the contradiction of pre-sold housing delivery, and protect the interests of home buyers. pricing based on the floor area will help home buyers understand the actual price more intuitively, help reduce disputes caused by information asymmetry, and promote further standardization of commercial housing sales behavior.

many places encourage the sale of existing homes

on september 4, the wuning county government of jiujiang city, jiangxi province issued the "several measures on further promoting the virtuous cycle and stable and healthy development of the real estate market in wuning county", which contains 24 measures. among them, it is proposed to implement the "housing ticket" resettlement policy, support the "old for new" of urban housing, implement preferential transaction tax and fee policies, strengthen housing credit support, further optimize the housing provident fund policy, and optimize the housing unit identification standards in personal housing loans.

at the same time, the new policy also proposes to support the sale of commercial housing on the spot. actively explore the pilot of selling commercial housing on the spot. within the urban planning area of ​​wuning county, individuals who sign a contract for the sale of commercial housing on the spot and complete the payment of deed tax from the date of issuance of this document to december 31, 2024 can enjoy a 100% housing deed tax subsidy. the housing deed tax is collected first and then subsidized, and the subsidy funds are guaranteed by the beneficiary finance, and all townships follow suit.

in addition, recently, the hengyang municipal government of hunan province issued the "several measures (trial) on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market". in addition to reducing the down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate, increasing the provident fund loan amount, and allowing the withdrawal of parents' or children's provident funds for purchasing new houses, the new policy also proposed to guide real estate developers to adopt the ready-to-move-in sales model. commercial banks are encouraged to increase the development loan amount for ready-to-move-in sales projects, extend the development loan period, and reduce the development loan interest rate in accordance with market-oriented and rule-of-law principles, and give priority to the acceptance and approval of the first mortgage of home buyers in ready-to-move-in sales projects.

liu lin, a researcher at the national development and reform commission's macroeconomic research institute, believes that implementing the sale of ready-made commercial housing will completely eliminate the risk of unfinished commercial housing projects and loan defaults, reduce conflicts in the delivery of pre-sold housing, protect the interests of home buyers, and will also be conducive to the continuous improvement of the quality of real estate projects and restrain the impulse of real estate companies to blindly expand their scale.

many places are exploring selling products based on the floor area

on september 4, the xiangtan municipal government of hunan province issued the "several measures for xiangtan to promote high-quality development of the real estate market", which proposed to adjust housing credit policies, optimize provident fund loan policies, provide housing purchase subsidies for talents, and support housing "old for new" and "old for insurance".

at the same time, the new policy also proposes to optimize the housing sales method. for the purchase of newly built commercial housing, real estate developers can moderately float the price promotion according to market conditions based on the original regulations after review and filing. for group purchases of 10 or more newly built commercial housing at one time, the group purchase price will not be included in the urban commercial housing price monitoring range. real estate developers can implement promotion and sales based on the housing unit area (excluding the shared area).

it is worth noting that the "several measures (trial) on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market" issued by the hengyang municipal government of hunan province also proposed to optimize the calculation method of commercial housing capacity and sales area. optimize the calculation method of real estate commercial housing capacity, and explore the pricing and sales of commercial residential buildings based on the built-up area (proprietary built-up area).

in fact, the "several measures for promoting high-quality development of the real estate industry in zhaoqing city" issued by zhaoqing city, guangdong province on april 30 proposed to promote real estate developers to standardize, optimize and publicize the calculation method of housing public area in accordance with the law, and reasonably and moderately increase the housing rate. from may 1, 2024, the price will be calculated and promoted according to the housing area. at that time, "zhaoqing city's cancellation of public area" attracted market attention.

xu yuejin, deputy director of research at china index academy, pointed out that whether to cancel the public area is a long-standing issue, and everyone is generally discussing its impact on the cost of buying a house and the cost of using a house. in fact, trading based on the building area or the floor area does not have much impact on the cost of buying a house. in essence, this is just a difference in calculation methods. the total price of the house under the two algorithms should be similar, but the unit price will be different. moreover, home buyers are now relatively rational and pay more attention to the floor area ratio when buying a house. houses with low floor area ratios are relatively less competitive, so developers basically will not deliberately increase the public area and reduce the floor area ratio.

xu yuejin is not sure about the impact of eliminating the common area on housing costs. "at present, property fees and heating fees are mostly calculated based on the building area. if they are calculated based on the floor area, the unit price may increase accordingly, and the final housing cost may not necessarily decrease," he said.

"overall, the change in pricing method has little impact on housing prices, but pricing based on floor area helps buyers understand the actual price more intuitively, reduces disputes caused by information asymmetry, and promotes further standardization of commercial housing sales. it is expected that more cities will follow up and introduce relevant regulations." xu yuejin said.

editor: wan jianyi

proofreading:peng qihua

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