
a bank manager in shanghai insulted an employee and was sued by the employee for calling him "shit".


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source: daxing test-taker

i believe everyone has heard about the classic deeds of the post-00s in rectifying the workplace in all walks of life.

the post-00s are the youngest generation in the current workplace. young people are fearless and cannot stand the chaos in the workplace. they are ready to take action to rectify the workplace.

of course, the post-2000s in the bank are not vegetarians either.

recently, a lawyer's letter circulated on the internet vividly and in detail described"an employee of a bank in shanghai complained about workplace bullying by his supervisor."

in response to the bank leaders' workplace bullying, including suppression, harassment, verbal abuse, personal insults and personal attacks, the employee took up legal weapons without hesitation and actively defended his legal rights and interests.

judging from the attitude of the lawyer's letter, the employee's lawyer is likely to sue the client's leader.

from this lawyer's letter we can learn:

1. employees accused "the leader of maliciously increasing the burden on grassroots employees."

2. repeatedly using "attitude issues" as an excuse to "emotionally output" to employees in emails during communication, requiring them to repeatedly revise various documents.

3. in a work group with multiple colleagues, posting big-character posters to accuse and question the employee’s professional ability, causing adverse effects such as other irrelevant colleagues to watch.

4. repeatedly used insulting words such as "shitlike" and "giant baby" to personally attack and humiliate the employee and his colleagues.

in addition, bank employees said that leaders have variousbullying in the workplace has caused them psychological burden and greatly affected the normal work of him and his colleagues.

the lawyer's letter sets out the client's statement:

the chat records, call recordings and related evidence will be preserved, and the matter will be actively reported to the superior authorities, leaders, personnel departments, and disciplinary inspection departments.

as grassroots bank employees, when we see what happened to the colleague mentioned above, it seems that everyone has experienced it and no longer takes it seriously.

on the other hand, the bank leaders around us seem to be used to scolding their employees. the smaller the bank leader, the more arrogant he is. he has a little power and money, and when he scolds people, he seems to be particularly arrogant and powerful.

therefore, some netizens commented:oh, heaven and earth, thank you children for speaking up for all the seniors and middle-aged women who are working in the bank and have suffered so much, thank you for your courage, and cheer for you! i give you a thumbs up!

yes, leaders are leaders, and work is work. why do you insult your subordinates? if you are not worthy of your position and have low quality, are you qualified to be a leading cadre? do you remember the last "social death" of governor peng?

as an employee, it doesn’t matter if you work a little harder. it doesn’t matter if you earn more and i earn less, but you cannot curse others, and you cannot insult others’ personality.

reflecting on the several vicious cases that have occurred in banks recently, weren’t they all serious consequences caused by conflicts between employees and leaders?

as a bank leader, you should set an example and take the lead in complying with the civil code of the people's republic of china and the code of professional ethics and conduct for banking practitioners, and be a law-abiding bank leader.

we should treat employees with a people-oriented attitude, respect each other, understand each other, and communicate more. it is not easy for everyone, so we should know when to stop and forgive others when we can. don't be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

finally, let us give a thumbs up to the post-00s bankers who are brave and responsible and dare to be the first! we support everyone to take up the weapon of law and use "formal channels" to safeguard their own rights and interests, and resist and crack down on malicious bullying behaviors that disrupt workplace order and affect normal work.