
people who often eat "ultra-processed foods" are more likely to be infected with helicobacter pylori


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helicobacter pylori is transmitted through oral-oral or fecal-oral routes and can be transmitted between people through saliva, tableware, and food.

recently, published ina study in the international journal food science and nutrition stated that eating ultra-processed foods frequently will also increase the probability of helicobacter pylori infection.

eating a lot of ultra-processed foods

increased risk of helicobacter pylori infection

this study found that the more ultra-processed foods you eat, the higher the probability of helicobacter pylori infection, which can increase by up to 2.17 times.

the controlled study analyzed dietary data from 150 patients with helicobacter pylori infection and 302 healthy subjects.participants in the case group (helicobacter pylori positive) had not received treatment before participating in the study

after comparative analysis, the researchers found that the intake of ultra-processed foods was positively correlated with the risk of helicobacter pylori infection, which was related to the ingredients and processing of ultra-processed foods:

high salt content

long-term intake of large amounts of salt will damage the gastric mucosal barrier and help increase the colonization of helicobacter pylori. in the long run, it may lead to gastritis caused by helicobacter pylori infection.

high in carbohydrates

high in carbohydrates (such as soft drinksmaterialmay play a role in the pathogenesis of helicobacter pylori infection.

high in fructose and saturated fatty acids

inflammation is a favorable condition for the growth of h. pylori, and ultra-processed foods play a role in many chronic inflammatory diseases, which can be attributed to their high saturated fatty acids and the presence of fructose.


improper food handling, poor hygiene habits, and person-to-person transmission are all associated with the risk of h. pylori infection.

4 characteristics to identify ultra-processed foods

according to the international food classification standard "nova" recognized by the food and agriculture organization of the united nations, food can be divided into four categories according to the degree of processing:

1. foods with little or no processingsuch as fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, fungi, algae, drinking water, etc.;

2. cooking ingredients processed by grinding, refining, etc.such as salt, sugar, oil, etc.

3. processed foods:often made of 1+2, such as canned vegetables, fruits, fish, sugared dried fruits, meat cured only with salt, freshly baked bread, etc.

4. ultra-processed foods:compared with processed foods, in addition to salt, sugar, and oil, hydrogenated vegetable oils, modified starch, pigments, artificial flavors, emulsifiers, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, etc. are added, and processes such as hydrogenation, hydrolysis, extrusion, and shaping are used.such as sugary drinks,meat products, instant noodles, biscuits, packaged bread, etc. with added preservatives.

wang xingguo, director of the nutrition department of dalian central hospitalsummarize the four characteristics of ultra-processed foods:

  • high levels of seasonings such as sugar, salt and fat;

  • contains added ingredients such as preservatives, which give it a longer shelf life;

  • adequate packaging;

  • you can't tell what the food originally looked like.

ultra-processed foods are harmful to your health in all aspects

one fromresearch from the deakin university school of medicine in australia shows thatthere is a direct link between long-term consumption of ultra-processed foods and 32 health parameters in areas such as mortality, cancer, mental, respiratory, and cardiovascular.

wang xingguo said that ultra-processed foods can cause a variety of health problems, which are related to their high sugar, salt, saturated fatty acids and calories. in addition, many nutrients are lost during the processing, and there are very few dietary fiber and vitamins. people who often eat ultra-processed foods are prone to obesity, and their risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and irritable bowel syndrome is significantly increased.

not only that, the taste, color or smell of ultra-processed foods can induce people to eat faster, and the gastrointestinal tract lacks enough time to send a "fullness signal" to the brain, so people eat a lot unconsciously.

you may not notice the impact of ultra-processed food on your health if you eat it occasionally, and a single ingredient may not be very unhealthy, but as time goes by and the amount of intake accumulates, the negative effects will gradually appear. it is recommended that you pay attention to the following points in your daily life.


use seasonings sparingly

when cooking for yourself, try to add less oil, sugar and salt, and try to replace high-fat or high-sodium artificial seasonings with vinegar, lemon juice, garlic and natural spices.


balanced dining out

when dining at a restaurant, order more steamed, boiled, or stir-fried vegetables instead of fried foods.


learn to read ingredient lists and nutrition facts

try to choose "sugar-free foods". sugar-free foods on the market usually refer to sucrose.if the ingredient list contains maltose, high fructose corn syrup, dextrin, etc., it is not recommended to buy it.

the order of ingredients in the ingredient list is related to the amount added. the more ingredients there are, the higher they are ranked.


don’t be fooled by food packaging

even if a product claims to be "sugar-free," "low in sugar," "organic," or "healthy," it is still an ultra-processed food.


choose fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks

if you are used to eating ultra-processed foods for a long time, you can eat less every day and try to replace them with fresh and natural foods, and gradually reduce the intake of processed foods.

it should be noted that certain processing technologies and necessary additives are tools to ensure food safety and should not be rejected blindly.focus on the extent of food processing, such as pure milk, sugar-free yogurt, plain nuts, etc. are very good. ▲