
what factors lead to the increase in vegetable prices? why is the increase so large this year?


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△at present, the 28,000 mu of vegetables in qujing town, qingtongxia city, ningxia are in the harvest season, and the fields are busy. in recent years, qujing town, qingtongxia city has developed a large-scale vegetable planting industry in accordance with local conditions, planting kale, chinese cabbage and other vegetable varieties for the southern market, and built supporting cold storage. the products are mainly sold to the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area. the picture shows that on august 23, staff members harvested chinese cabbage at the guanghui village vegetable planting base in qujing town, qingtongxia city, ningxia. photo by xinhua news agency reporter yang zhisen

recently, vegetable prices have continued to rise in many parts of the country. according to data from the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs, from august 16 to august 22, the average price of 19 kinds of vegetables in 286 wholesale markets in production and sales areas across the country was 5.26 yuan/kg, up 5.8% from the previous week and up 38.4% year-on-year. this trend began in june, and the average price of 28 key monitored vegetables soared from 4.31 yuan/kg to 6.13 yuan/kg on august 21, an increase of 42%. what factors lead to the increase in vegetable prices? why is the increase greater this year?

tang junjie, member of the national committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference and president of the beijing capital agricultural products group intellectual association, responded that due to unfavorable conditions such as high temperature and heavy rain in summer, vegetable production and supply entered a "summer off-season", causing prices to turn seasonally upward. this year's price increase is even greater, mainly due to the increase in extreme weather and floods in some areas and major vegetable producing areas, which have affected the production, harvesting and transportation of vegetables, further pushing up market prices. "such weather conditions are a huge challenge for agriculture, especially urban food supply and service guarantees, but at present, supermarkets still have a relatively rich variety of vegetables, which has also played a positive role in the circulation of agricultural products and ensured the supply of the market." tang junjie said.

relevant data show that with global warming, my country's extreme weather and climate events have increased, posing a serious threat to agricultural production. my country loses about 60 billion catties of grain every year due to meteorological disasters and 50 billion to 60 billion catties of grain due to pests and diseases. in tang junjie's view, in addition to natural disasters, pests and diseases, epidemics of crops and livestock and poultry breeding, and major public health and safety incidents will have a huge impact on agricultural production, thereby affecting the supply of agricultural products.

tang junjie introduced that in recent years, the country has introduced many policies and measures. for example, at the beginning of this year, the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs formulated disaster prevention plans and technical plans for different regions and crops based on this year's weather situation, and required the acceleration of the construction of regional agricultural emergency relief centers that can be used in both peacetime and emergency situations. at the same time, my country has a relatively sound emergency material guarantee system.

"in terms of warehousing and cold chain, the infrastructure construction and intelligence level have been greatly improved, warehousing management is more scientific, temperature and humidity adjustment is more precise, and the in-and-out flow data can be obtained in the first time, which greatly improves the storage efficiency and capacity of agricultural products. in addition, cold chain logistics facilities have been gradually improved, from the mechanized operation mode of shelves, pallets, and forklifts to the transformation of intelligent circulation mode, with higher circulation efficiency. as a state-owned enterprise, shounong food group plays an important role in the supply of emergency materials. we have established a food emergency guarantee mechanism and undertake the emergency reserve task of important agricultural products such as rice, flour, oil, sugar, vegetables, and meat. once various emergency situations occur, the emergency response mechanism for the supply guarantee of people's lives will be immediately activated, and sufficient reserve commodities will be mobilized and put on the market to stabilize prices and reduce the panic of the people." tang junjie said.

how can we reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters and other factors on agriculture, enhance the risk resistance of primary agricultural products such as vegetables, and protect the people's "grain bags", "vegetable baskets", "fruit plates" and "meat counters"?

"the first task is to strengthen the production end." tang junjie believes that the commercial processing of agricultural products at the production site is the process of reprocessing and adding value to agricultural products after they are harvested. it has become a practical need for cross-regional, large-scale circulation and off-season agricultural products. it is also a "reservoir" and "new channel" for the circulation of agricultural products at the production site. commercial processing will help reduce post-production losses, significantly extend the storage period and circulation shelf life, increase the added value and premium ability of agricultural products, promote stable income growth for farmers, and also help improve the quality of agricultural products and meet the diversified and quality needs of agricultural product consumption.

"on this basis, improving the storage capacity of production areas will greatly enhance the ability of primary agricultural products to resist risks and ensure that the people's tables are fully supplied and guaranteed." in june this year, tang junjie went to yunnan to participate in a special survey on "promoting the integration of the three industries and strengthening plateau characteristic agriculture". he found that at present, many places have initially solved the problem of whether there is logistics and warehousing infrastructure, but because the processing enterprises are small, scattered and weak, there are often problems such as non-standard commercial processing, storage and preservation technology, resulting in large losses of primary agricultural products, poor quality and low prices. "many enterprises have irregular operations, such as directly storing vegetables with field heat, improper use of packaging materials, and dense stacking of agricultural products, which cause anaerobic respiration of fresh agricultural products. at this time, fruits and vegetables will not only consume more nutrients than aerobic respiration, but also produce alcohol and acetaldehyde accumulation, causing physiological diseases of fresh food, seriously leading to microbial invasion and food rot."

in this regard, tang junjie said that national standards such as "cold storage management specifications" and "fruit and vegetable cold chain circulation specifications" have been issued, and the standard promotion should be strengthened to improve the storage and preservation capabilities of production areas to ensure the quality of agricultural products. in addition, the construction of production area storage facilities, cold chain logistics distribution centers, and national backbone cold chain logistics bases should be strengthened to solve the problem of the "first kilometer" of agricultural products.