
how do the public understand charity? 80% of people don’t know that there are 29 internet public fundraising platforms in china


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on the afternoon of september 1st, at the 2024 "good deeds spread across the world" public welfare communication month joint roadshow,the survey results of the china charity federation communication committee and abc better society consulting agency, "china's public charity perception questionnaire survey report"(hereinafter referred to as the "report")official release

the report believes that the public’s understanding and awareness of charity have improved, but there is still a lack of awareness of charity.there are three major deficiencies: cognition, participation and trustcharity dissemination and the popularization of common knowledge need to be sustained, the innovation of public welfare and charity participation methods and scenarios needs to be continued and deepened, and charitable organizations need to strengthen credit building and interactive communication with the public, build sustainable trust relationships, and truly promote charity to be accessible to everyone.

zhang xinxin, chairman of the communication committee of the china charity federation and former president of china news servicein his speech, he said that from the analysis and conclusion of the report, it can be seen that lack of trust has become the main factor affecting the public's participation in public welfare. the key to resolving distrust is to cultivate the foundation of credit and promote the growth of credit. this is the premise and foundation for the healthy growth of china's charity. more joint actions for charity communication are needed, starting from popularizing common knowledge of charity and actively responding to the public's "unclear" and "uncomprehension". efforts should be made to integrate public welfare into "many and extensive, detailed and subtle" life scenes, so that "believing in public welfare" and "trusting public welfare" can cultivate an integrated ecology where everyone can do charity.

the roadshow held in hangzhou was hosted by the communication committee of the china charity federation and sponsored by china philanthropist magazine. the theme of this roadshow was "new scenarios, belief in public welfare", aiming to unite new public welfare forces from all parties, expand public welfare scenarios, build social trust, and encourage the public to believe in and participate in public welfare.

this questionnaire survey was conducted through a professional online sample database, covering residents aged 18-70 of different genders, ages, education levels and regions, with a valid sample of 2,030. the questionnaire survey mainly involved the public's understanding of charity, the current status and impact of charity communication, and the development of internet charity and social participation.

how does the public understand charity?

according to modern philanthropy concepts, different ways for individuals to participate in charity are summarized as "5 ts", namely, individuals can contribute time (time), wealth (treasure), talent (talent), relationships (ties) or testimonies (testimony). the report shows that about 80% of the respondents believe that "wealth contribution (donations of money and materials)" and "time contribution (volunteer service)" are charitable behaviors, and the proportion of those who believe that "talent contribution", "reputation contribution" and "connection contribution" are charitable behaviors is also more than half.compared with similar survey data in the united states, the chinese public has a higher degree of recognition of "word-of-mouth contribution" and a relatively low degree of recognition of "intellectual contribution".

the overall awareness of the respondents on the internet public fundraising information platform is relatively low. among the 29 internet public fundraising information platforms,80% of platforms have less than 20% public awarenessthe top five in terms of awareness are alipay charity, waterdrop charity, tencent charity, alibaba charity and china social assistance network.

for the multiple-choice question “what does charitable donation include?”62% of respondents believe that "donating money directly to individuals" is a charitable donationthis reflects the continued influence of the traditional concept of "helping the poor and the needy", and also echoes the regulations on personal assistance in the revised charity law.

celebrities participating in charitable activities are more likely to gain public attention than the open question "please write down the chinese philanthropist who impressed you the most"33% of the respondents wrote down han hong’s name, cao dewang and liu qiangdong, who tied for second place in terms of mention rate, were only filled out by 7% of the respondents. the respondents' subjective impression of han hong as a philanthropist included "loving", "frequent donations", and "wherever there is trouble, there is her". it can be seen that the continuity and response speed of philanthropists' participation in charity have an important impact on the public's perception.

what is the public’s attitude towards charity?

survey data shows that respondents generally have a positive and affirmative attitude towards the nature and social functions of charity.the public generally recognizes the spontaneity and extensive participation of charitynearly 90% of the respondents agreed that "charity is an act of voluntary devotion to love and donation", and more than 80% of the respondents agreed that "the development of charity requires the participation of every member of society."

respondents have a relatively balanced attitude towards whether "large donations" or "small donations" are more important, the proportion of respondents who believe that "large donations from a few wealthy people" is more important is slightly higher (51%), reflecting the coexistence of the traditional "large donations" and the emerging "universal participation" concept. in contrast, the american public's preference for small donations (59%) reflects a more mature individual donation culture. improving the public's awareness of the importance of small donations will help to create a philanthropic culture atmosphere where everyone participates.

the internet plays a positive role in helping the public understand charity information and participate in charity. respondents generally believe that the internet has played an important role in "expanding the spread of charity culture and enhancing charity awareness", "expanding the spread and influence of charity projects" and "enhancing the openness and transparency of charity organizations". although 80% of respondents believe that the development of internet charity has a certain impact on their personal participation in charity,only 30% of the respondents believed that the value of the internet to charity lies in "improving fundraising efficiency and scale"

the survey data on the two issues of "management fees" and "tax avoidance in charity" in the report show that the respondents have a vague understanding of some basic concepts of charity. although more than half of the respondents agreed that "management fees are a rigid cost for charitable organizations", more than one-third of the respondents chose "i can't tell".31% of the respondents said they were not sure whether charity was a tax avoidance behavior., respondents with higher incomes are relatively more in favor of “charitable tax avoidance”.

62% of the respondents pay attention to charity information, and the sources of charity information they trust most are official channels (35%) and the internet (33%).50% of respondents learn about charity-related content through social media and short videosit can be seen that the internet is an important channel for spreading charity information and influencing the public's attitude towards charity.

among the charity communication contents, the most concerned one is "the use of funds and transparency of charity organizations" (49%).

the survey data also showed that the respondents had a relatively positive feeling towards charity communication content. 68% of the respondents believed that charity communication content was generally positive.74% of respondents believe that the dissemination of charitable content will bring positive personal emotional evaluation.

how can the public participate in charity?

the report found that the respondents' participation in public welfare and charity activities was significantly insufficient, and there was an urgent need to integrate charity into daily life, strengthen trust in charity, stimulate enthusiasm for charity, and enhance willingness to participate.

74% of respondents have participated in behavioral charity(referring to public welfare behaviors such as donating steps, donating points, donating reading time, etc. provided through internet platforms), 61% of the respondents have made donations. although the public has a high awareness of volunteer services, the survey shows that64% of the respondents have never participated in volunteer service.

in the past six months, the overall proportion of respondents who have made donations on the internet platform is low and scattered. if the two types of donations, behavioral charity and personal relief, are excluded, the proportion of donations to charity projects and the degree of participation are even lower.

the survey data on the charitable fields that people are most willing to participate in in the future shows thatthe top three areas of interest to respondents are disaster relief (48%), education assistance (36%), and healthcare (33%)., and pays relatively little attention to emerging fields such as art and culture, and scientific research.

factors affecting public participation in charity

the two core factors that influence the public’s participation in charitable activities are “personal factors” and “trust factors”.the main “personal factors” are “limited financial income” and the main “trust factors” are “worrying that the organization will not use the donation well” and “insufficient information disclosure of charitable projects”.

there are certain regional and age differences in the factors that influence respondents’ participation in charity. compared with urban respondents, rural respondents are more influenced by social and personal factors, and a relatively high proportion of them agree that “charity work should be undertaken by the government” and “participating in charity does not bring anything”.

the trust factor has a more significant impact on young people.38% of respondents aged 18-22 believe that “charity project information disclosure is insufficient”for the elderly, the convenience factor has a greater impact.35% of respondents aged 61-70 believe that there is a lack of access to charity information

this shows that charity communication needs to pay attention to the needs of different age groups and deliver information in a targeted and effective manner.

the report believes thatto enhance the public's awareness of public welfare and charity and promote the development of charity, it is urgent for different charity communication entities to work together from three perspectives: improving transparency, strengthening public welfare in scenarios, and innovating communication addition, the report also provides specific action suggestions for mass media and charitable organizations’ communication departments on how to better carry out charitable communication.

written by | li jie

editor | enron