
economic daily: accelerate and improve the management of special residential maintenance funds


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housing pensions have recently attracted much attention. the houses we live in are getting older, and to ensure their safety, they need to be repaired and maintained. establishing a housing pension system is one of the important means to strengthen the safety management of existing houses. housing pensions consist of two parts: personal accounts and public accounts. at present, it is necessary to further standardize the collection, use and management of the personal account part of housing pensions, that is, the special housing maintenance funds paid by the owners.

when promoting the commercialization of housing, my country established a system in which homebuyers pay 5% to 8% of the construction cost into special housing maintenance funds. the personal account funds in housing pensions should be used for the maintenance, renewal and renovation of common parts and common facilities and equipment after the warranty period expires in accordance with the regulations on the management of special housing maintenance funds. as early as 2007, my country issued the "management measures for special housing maintenance funds". over the years, various regions have continued to implement relevant measures to strengthen the management of special housing maintenance funds, or to guide the use of this special maintenance fund. on august 29 this year, the shanghai housing administration bureau issued the "several provisions on standardizing the management of housing maintenance funds in the city".

special residential maintenance funds play an important role in ensuring the daily maintenance of public areas in residential communities and the renewal of facilities such as elevators. however, after years of operation, the surplus of special residential maintenance funds is unevenly distributed, and in some cities, the proportion of used funds to the collected funds is not high. in some communities in some cities, the surplus of special residential maintenance funds is relatively large; while in many old communities in towns, the surplus is relatively small. some communities established before 2000 did not set up special residential maintenance funds. data from the shanghai real estate science research institute show that the current surplus of special residential maintenance funds nationwide exceeds 1 trillion yuan, and the surplus in cities such as shanghai, beijing, and hangzhou exceeds 10 billion yuan, but the accumulated funds used only account for about 10% of the accumulated collected funds. therefore, the effective use of the surplus funds of special residential maintenance funds is an important issue, and efforts should be made to promote the "full repair of houses" with the special residential maintenance fund system.

the lack of funds for the maintenance of old urban communities is quite serious, but there are more places in old communities that need maintenance. a survey shows that in the capital city of a developed eastern province, about 30% of the houses that have been built and put into use for more than 15 years have not collected maintenance funds, and 28% of the old communities that have collected maintenance funds and currently have surpluses have balances of less than 100,000 yuan.

rebuilding and continuing to pay can help solve the problem of insufficient special housing maintenance funds, and can actively help old communities to raise funds. for example, tianjin recently required that the owners' committee of communities that have completed the renovation of old communities but have not established special housing maintenance funds should organize fundraising. other old communities that have not been renovated can establish special housing maintenance funds under the guidance of the residents' committee and refer to the above content. in addition, the first installment of the special housing maintenance fund is paid by the owner before the house move-in procedures are completed. the "regulations on the management of special housing maintenance funds" clearly state that if the balance of the special housing maintenance fund on the owner's household account is less than 30% of the first installment, it should be paid in time. to this end, it is necessary to promote the renewal of special housing maintenance funds.

in order to solve the problem of insufficient funds, we can also explore the use of the rental operation income of the community's public areas as a source of special housing maintenance funds. for example, the "nanjing residential property management regulations" clearly states that the income from the operation of common property parts and common facilities and equipment should be mainly used to supplement the special housing maintenance funds. before the establishment of the owners' meeting, 70% of the income should be included in the special housing maintenance funds. in addition, we can also try to extract a part of the property fees as special housing maintenance funds.

it is also worth paying attention to improve the value preservation and appreciation of special residential maintenance funds. for some large communities, the special residential maintenance funds accumulated are not a small amount. under the premise of ensuring the safety of funds, how to realize the appreciation of special maintenance funds, make the account funds more abundant, and better meet the needs of residents in repairing and renovating houses also needs further exploration.

in addition to better solving the problem of insufficient funds, special residential maintenance funds also face the problem of how to use them more smoothly. special residential maintenance funds are shared by all owners, so the use of this fund requires the consent of a certain number of owners. our civil code and relevant management measures have special provisions for this. in reality, some communities have not established an owner's committee. when there are a large number of owners, it takes a long time to solicit opinions, resulting in a bumpy application process for maintenance funds. even if an owner's committee is established, the house may not be repaired in a timely manner due to complicated fund use procedures. in other communities, owners have difficulty reaching a mutually recognized maintenance or renewal plan with the property management company that is actually responsible for maintenance, which hinders the use of funds.

in this regard, it is necessary to improve the services related to special residential maintenance funds, and further standardize the use of funds, information disclosure, process supervision and other links. for example, the electronic voting system for owner decision-making can effectively solve the problem of difficulty in voting on public affairs for community owners. by establishing a directory of third-party service agencies such as project cost review and project supervision for the use of maintenance funds, the efficiency of the use of special maintenance funds can be effectively improved and the operation of maintenance projects can be standardized. it is also possible to establish an information disclosure and fund supervision mechanism, and through the disclosure of information such as the use of maintenance funds, value-added income and the total amount of community maintenance funds, inform owners of the details of the owners' household accounts, fully protect the rights of the majority of owners to know and supervise, and ensure the collection, use and account operation of maintenance funds. (source: economic daily author: kang shu)