
liking to "squat" may be a sign of insufficient qi and blood


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do you have such people around you? they like to squat for whatever they do. when they are tired of waiting for the bus, they squat for a while. when they are walking around the street, they want to find a place to squat. they even like to squat on a chair when eating... in fact, this may be a manifestation of insufficient qi and blood.

feeling comfortable while squatting is a sign of insufficient qi and blood

zhang zheng, chief physician of the department of traditional chinese medicine at the first affiliated hospital of guangzhou university of chinese medicine, said that people with insufficient qi and blood often feel tired without doing anything every day and want to squat anytime and anywhere.squatting canlet them relieve this fatigue to some extent

when squatting, the leg and buttocks muscles are squeezed, which can make the blood in the lower limbs return to the heart faster, thereby promoting blood circulation, making people feel that squatting can relieve fatigue. not all people who like to squat necessarily have insufficient qi and blood, but people with insufficient qi and blood generally feel comfortable when squatting.this needs to be viewed dialectically.

xu jingyu, a famous doctor in heilongjiang and chief physician of the fourth department of cardiovascular diseases of the first affiliated hospital of heilongjiang university of chinese medicine, said,whether a person has sufficient qi and blood can be observed through three aspects: skin, eyes, and hair.

dry and dull skin and hair, hair loss, dull eyes, or cloudy or dry eyes are typical manifestations of insufficient qi and blood.

from a cardiovascular perspective, "the heart governs blood vessels" and is also responsible for a person's mental activities. if the heart's qi and blood are insufficient, the mind will be malnourished, often manifesting as palpitations, shortness of breath, and forgetfulness.

three habits that deplete your qi and blood the most

you zhaoling, a famous chinese medicine doctor and chief physician of the department of gynecology at the first affiliated hospital of hunan university of chinese medicine, said,in daily life, three "bad habits" are most likely to deplete qi and blood.


irregular meals

for example, often skipping breakfast or eating late-night snacks; often eating takeout, overeating, and replacing regular meals with snacks.


being sedentary

traditional chinese medicine believes that "lying down for a long time will damage the qi, and sitting for a long time will damage the flesh". on the contrary, movement will make you angry.lying on the sofa for hours after work, or lying still for a long time on the weekends, can actually damage your qi and blood.


prolonged use of electronic products

traditional chinese medicine believes that "long-term viewing will damage the blood", which will lead to liver blood deficiency, manifested as dry eyes, blurred vision, etc.

xu jingyu believes that the loss of qi and blood actually occurs inadvertently. for example, sitting for long periods of time can lead to poor circulation of qi and blood, causing them to stagnate. an unhealthy diet, a love of greasy foods such as barbecue and hot pot, can cause qi and blood deficiency when body fat accumulates to a certain level.

in addition, excessive dieting is also very undesirable, as it can easily lead to loss of qi and blood in the body. another thing is staying up late, which is "hollowing out" the qi and blood reservoir in the body.

this will replenish the lost qi and blood.

as we age, our qi and blood will inevitably be lost gradually. this is the law of human nourish qi and blood is actually to slow down the loss of qi and blood to the maximum extent. one thing needs to be remembered: if qi and blood are not blocked, they are being nourished.

scientific diet therapy

you zhaoling said,nourishing qi and bloodthe most commonly used medicinal and edible products in clinical practice are red dates, wolfberries, hawthorns, addition, chinese medicine also pays attention to the combination and eating methods of food. the cooking method will affect the efficacy and matter what food you eat, it is best to keep it light and easy to digest, and avoid excessive greasy and spicy food.

liu fengbin, a famous chinese medicine doctor in guangdong province and chief physician of the department of gastroenterology of the first affiliated hospital of guangzhou university of chinese medicine, reminds us:diet therapy to nourish qi and blood can only be used as an auxiliary conditioning method.sometimes it may be difficult to achieve satisfactory results simply by relying on "nourishment", and some people may even be "unable to be nourished due to weakness".when regulating qi and blood, it is best to ask a professional chinese medicine practitioner from a regular hospital to diagnose your physical condition before proceeding.

regular exercise

only by constant exercise can people keep their meridians unblocked, the blood vessels in the body remain elastic, and the flow of qi and blood be must leave yourself enough time for exercise every day, about half an hour, four or five times a week. it is recommended:

standing:to dredge the meridians, promote the flow of qi and blood, warm the muscles, and train the spirit, three key elements need to be remembered, namely, the lower body should be stable, the middle body should be full, and the upper body should be loose.

brisk walking:simple, convenient and easy to stick to. modern people have a prominent problem of sitting for a long time, which will have an adverse effect on vascular endothelial cells, leading to poor blood circulation, muscle relaxation and weakness, indigestion, constipation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc. brisk walking can improve or even eliminate such health risks.

keep a good mood

emotions are the best barometer of the gastrointestinal tract. a bad mood can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction. over time, the body's biochemical deficiency will lead to insufficient qi and blood.

eat less cold food

eat less cold food to nourish the spleen and stomach; get more sun exposure to strengthen the yang energy. when the yang energy is sufficient, the state of qi and blood will be improved.

moderate foot bath

soaking your feet is the best way to adjust problems such as qi deficiency, blood deficiency and body coldness. long-term persistence helps to replenish qi and blood. generally speaking, soak your feet until your whole body is hot and slightly sweaty.

some people feel hot and sweaty in the upper body but not in the lower body after soaking their feet, which is a sign of qi deficiency. for people with blood deficiency, soaking feet regularly can improve blood circulation.

balance work and rest

excessive fatigue will consume qi and blood, and typical manifestations are poor immunity, easy colds, shortness of breath, laziness, fatigue, etc.therefore, no matter how busy you are in life, work or study, you must strike a healthy balance - a combination of work and rest, otherwise the string of qi and blood will easily break.