
the head teacher was fired for "accepting" a box of chocolates worth 6 yuan from a student. how can the policy enforcement be so rigid?


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jimu news commentator wen qingman

recently, an old case of a principal being fired for "accepting" a box of 6 yuan chocolates from a student on the eve of teacher's day has been settled, but it has once again attracted people's attention. the kindergarten originally classified it as "accepting gifts and money from students and parents" and expelled the principal. the court believed that it was not appropriate to classify it as accepting gifts and money from students and parents, and determined that the kindergarten's termination was illegal and that compensation should be paid.

china education news (chart by li jianzhen)

the sudden dismissal of the former headmaster has also caused widespread discussion. some people think that the kindergarten's practice is tantamount to "finding bones in eggs"; others think that the construction of teachers' ethics and style must be strictly enforced and there is no room for negotiation. the regulations of the ministry of education have become the key focus. the regulations are aimed at a small number of teachers who use their positions to accept gifts and cash in violation of regulations. the six "red lines" set include a strict prohibition on teachers asking for or accepting gifts, cash, securities, payment vouchers and other property from students and parents in any way. the introduction of this regulation is aimed at maintaining fairness and justice in education and reshaping the good image of teachers.

the restricted area has been clearly marked, and the kindergarten's considerations are also based on rules. it is understood that in the first instance, wang mouxian showed a video of the parent meeting, in which the parents asked the kindergarten to explain the dismissal of wang mouxian and stated that she had distributed chocolates to the children. the kindergarten recognized the authenticity of the video of the parent meeting, but believed that wang mouxian, as the principal, violated the regulations by accepting gifts regardless of their value and brought negative impacts to the kindergarten and distrust from parents. it can be seen that the kindergarten is strictly implementing the regulations. no matter how big or small the gift is, once a loophole is opened, it may lead to unfairness.

but the problem is that the policy implemented by the kindergarten is contrary to the simple perception of ordinary people, and it feels like making a mountain out of a molehill. teachers and students often have deep feelings and get along well with each other. on teacher's day, students give small gifts to their beloved teachers, and many teachers are embarrassed to refuse. the gifts are of small value and are completely out of the children's pure feelings. how can they be compared with accepting gifts? i believe many people have questions in their hearts. if even such simple exchanges between teachers and students are slandered and defamed, and even the teachers involved are directly punished with the maximum penalty of expulsion, how can we maintain a harmonious teacher-student relationship in compliance with the law? how can we protect the dignity of teachers?

it is necessary to ensure the fairness and integrity of education, but the implementation of policies must be reasonable and not "one size fits all". the extent to which the regulations are followed directly affects the effectiveness of the policy. mechanical interpretation, one-sided implementation, and extreme implementation will ultimately fail to reflect the original intention of the policy. the policy is not adapted to the local conditions if it is applied mechanically. the reason behind this is that the policy is not clearly understood, interpreted accurately, communicated properly, and lacks care. it not only wastes manpower and material resources, but also damages the image of the unit.

with the regulations, what is important is the ways and methods of implementation. it seems to be a policy implementation problem, but in fact it is a political problem. the solution to a problem is never at the cost of creating new problems. how to analyze specific problems and find the optimal solution to solve the problem so that people are convinced can be implemented in this way. only then can it be both "acceptable" and "hard". this case is not the first case of "minor offenses and heavy penalties" between teachers and students. the parties in this case are lucky, but not all parties will be so lucky. it is necessary to strictly enforce the construction of teachers' ethics and style, and we must also take into account the diversity of real life. more often, the implementation of policies requires strategy. no matter what the circumstances, we should not deviate from the statutory principle of "proportionate punishment".