
chongqing: housing that has been rented out when purchasing a house can be excluded from the calculation of the number of housing units


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notice of chongqing municipal housing and urban-rural development committee on adjusting and optimizing real estate transaction policies

the people's governments of all districts and counties (autonomous counties), relevant municipal departments, and relevant units:

in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee and the spirit of the central political bureau meeting, implement the relevant arrangements of the municipal party committee and municipal government on the city's real estate work, promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and adjust and optimize the city's real estate transaction policies in light of actual conditions, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. adjust the re-trading management of newly purchased housing. from september 1, 2024, all newly purchased commercial housing and second-hand housing in the central urban area of ​​chongqing (based on the time of online signing and filing) can be listed for trading after obtaining the "real estate certificate".

2. optimize the standards for identifying the number of housing units. when a resident family (including the borrower, spouse and minor children) applies for a commercial personal housing loan to purchase commercial housing in chongqing, only the housing situation of the family members in the district or county (autonomous county, hereinafter referred to as the district or county) where the intended housing is located will be verified. if the family members do not have a house in the district or county where the intended housing is located, it will be identified as the first house. if residents use their own existing housing in chongqing as rental housing and obtain a rental contract filing certificate, the housing that has been rented out when purchasing a house in chongqing may not be included in the calculation of the number of family housing units. support commercial banks to issue commercial personal housing loans according to the recognized number of housing units and increase profit concessions.

3. supporting the "old for new" housing program. for those who have sold their own houses in chongqing since september 1, 2023, and purchased new commercial housing in the central urban area from september 1 to december 31, 2024 (based on the online signing and filing time) and have paid the deed tax, the governments (management committees) of the districts in the central urban area will provide a subsidy of no less than 0.5% of the total housing price for each newly purchased house based on their actual conditions. district governments (management committees) are encouraged to increase subsidies.

4. accelerate the disposal of existing commercial housing. carry out the work of purchasing completed existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing, adhere to the principle of "ordering according to demand", organize district and county governments and qualified state-owned enterprises to increase the purchase efforts, actively strive for policy support for affordable housing refinancing, promote the implementation of projects with mature conditions as soon as possible, and do a good job in the allocation and sale of affordable housing.

district and county governments are encouraged to include existing housing on state-owned land that is to be expropriated in the scope of acquisition, organize acquisitions on the principle of not exceeding the expropriation assessment price and on a voluntary basis, and support the relevant residents' demand for improved housing such as "small for big" and "old for new". district and county governments are encouraged to organize the purchase of commercial housing for the exchange or resettlement of class d dangerous houses in cities.

5. increase efforts to develop the housing rental market. further improve the support policy system for cultivating and developing the housing rental market, and gradually enable both renters and buyers to enjoy equal public service rights. support flexible employment personnel to withdraw housing provident funds to pay for rental housing.

encourage housing rental companies to manage scattered idle housing for individuals as rental housing, and support large-scale and professional development. implement the "opinions of the people's bank of china and the state administration of financial supervision and administration on financial support for the development of the housing rental market" (yinfa [2024] no. 2), increase credit support for the development and construction of rental housing, meet the reasonable financing needs of groups purchasing rental housing in batches, support the issuance of housing rental operating loans, etc. guide housing rental companies to enjoy tax incentives in accordance with the law.

this notice shall come into effect on september 1, 2024. if the original regulations are inconsistent with this notice, they shall be implemented in accordance with this notice.

chongqing municipal housing and urban-rural development committee

august 30, 2024