
times interview | wang qing: can “oil-electric equal rights” be achieved after new energy vehicles account for more than half of the market share?


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——interview with wang qing, deputy director of the institute of market economy, development research center of the state council
china economic times reporterlv hongxing
china's new energy vehicle market has reached a historic milestone. data released recently by the passenger vehicle market information joint committee of the china automobile dealers association showed that in july, the monthly penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeded 50% for the first time, reaching 51.1%, an increase of 15 percentage points from 36.1% in the same period last year. this means that one out of every two passenger cars (mainly private cars) sold in china is a new energy vehicle.
the penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeded 50% for the first time in a single month. what are the reasons behind this? for the new energy vehicle market in the second half of the year, in order to continue to maintain a certain growth rate, at what levels should we continue to exert our strength? can "equal rights for oil and electricity" be achieved? in response to these questions, china economic times interviewed wang qing, deputy director of the institute of market economy of the development research center of the state council.
the monthly penetration rate of more than 50% is the inevitable result of years of development.
china economic times: how do you view the phenomenon that the domestic new energy vehicle retail penetration rate exceeded 50% for the first time in a single month? in your opinion, what are the reasons behind the penetration rate exceeding 50% for the first time?
wang qing:the first time that new energy vehicles achieved a monthly penetration rate of more than 50% is a landmark event and an important milestone. but there is another more important milestone, which is the annual penetration rate exceeding 50%. although it may not be achieved in the short term, it may be achieved within two years. overall, the monthly penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeding 50% is an inevitable result of years of development, and there are three main reasons behind it.
first, there is technological progress, especially the rapid breakthrough in battery technology. the launch of new models and the entry of new entities have greatly enriched the supply of new energy vehicles, which has further increased its penetration rate. secondly, the current market and consumers are increasingly accepting new energy vehicles. on the one hand, the advantages of new energy vehicles are gradually becoming more prominent, such as green environmental protection, cost advantages, and rich application scenarios. on the other hand, new energy vehicles have a stronger ability to enter and expand the market segments, so that more diversified consumer needs can be met. thirdly, there is policy support. including exemption of vehicle purchase tax, new energy vehicles going to the countryside, and old for new policy support, which has played a very important role in the development of new energy vehicles.
we will continue to make efforts at three levels in the second half of the year
china economic times: for the new energy vehicle market in the second half of the year, in order to continue to maintain a certain growth rate, at which levels do we need to continue to exert efforts?
wang qing:first, the old-for-new march this year, the state council issued the "action plan for promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in", which officially launched the work of equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in. in order to further play a leading role and better release the potential of domestic demand, on july 24, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance issued the "several measures on strengthening support for large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in", which increased the amount of automobile scrapping and renewal subsidies to 20,000 yuan for the purchase of new energy passenger cars and 15,000 yuan for the purchase of fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less. substantially increasing the subsidy standard and further shortening the subsidy issuance time will promote the trade-in policy to better play a role in stimulating automobile consumption. therefore, the effect of the trade-in policy will be evident in the second half of the year, which will support the market in the second half of the year.
second, the government, industry associations, etc. play a role in stabilizing the competitive order in the new energy vehicle should be noted that since the price war in the domestic new energy vehicle market last year, except for a few car companies that have made profits, most car companies have been losing money. the price war will have a certain impact on the overall market confidence, business innovation capabilities and motivation. in the second half of the year, it is hoped that the government, industry associations, etc. will play a greater role in stabilizing the competition order in the new energy vehicle market.
third, actively stabilize the foreign trade market.on august 20, the european commission disclosed to relevant parties the draft decision to impose final anti-subsidy duties on pure electric vehicles imported from china. although the proposed tax rate was slightly adjusted, it has a greater impact on my country's new energy vehicle exports. under this circumstance, we must, on the one hand, express our attitude through bilateral and multilateral negotiations, and on the other hand, strengthen cooperation with other multinational manufacturers in the field of new energy vehicles to make the market more open, thereby offsetting or increasing the cost of eu market protection.
“equal rights for oil and electricity” needs to be analyzed in light of actual conditions
china economic times: when the monthly penetration rate of new energy vehicles reaches 51.1%, do we still need various policy support? in your opinion, can "equal rights for oil and electricity" be achieved?
wang qing:at present, new energy vehicles have formed basic competitiveness compared with fuel vehicles. at this time, the government's preferential policies, including subsidies and tax incentives, should be gradually withdrawn, which is in line with the basic principle of fair competition. however, it should also be noted that since many policies have been formulated and issued, they cannot be changed or abolished before the deadline just because new energy vehicles have begun to become competitive, and policies cannot be changed overnight.
in recent years, with the substantial increase in the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, the industry has gradually called for "equal rights for oil and electricity". the so-called "equal rights for oil and electricity" means that fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles can enjoy the same preferential policies or be subject to the same restrictions.
whether and when "equal rights for oil and electricity" can be realized depends on two key points. the first is the actual situation of the market. once the decline of the fuel vehicle market accelerates and causes a great impact, and this impact is directly related to the "extra" support for new energy vehicles after evaluation, policy adjustments can be considered in this case. the second is based on the competition pattern of both parties. once the annual penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeds 50%, it means that fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are already evenly matched. under this premise, "equal rights for oil and electricity" can be considered. therefore, whether to implement "equal rights for oil and electricity" and when to implement it requires in-depth discussion and judgment based on actual conditions, and a balance between development and fair competition.
image source: xinhua news agency
executive producerwang hui che haigang
producerli piguang wang yu liu weimin
editor-in-chief: mao jinghui editor: cao yang