
crossing three mountains and stepping into the era of universal intelligent driving


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in july this year, jiazi guangnian think tank revealed at the beginning of its "2024 autonomous driving industry research report": automobile intelligence is becoming popular. 54% of car consumers list the level of intelligence as a key consideration when buying a car. they pursue more advanced autonomous driving experience, smarter cockpit environment and more personalized driving pleasure, and are increasingly interested in high-end intelligent functions.
image source: jiazi light year think tank "2024 autonomous driving industry research report"
however, interest does not equal purchasing power. when it comes to smart driving, most car consumers are faced with three major challenges: experience, safety, and price. only when these three major problems are solved can the era of full popularization of smart driving truly come.
popularization of intelligent drivingaccelerate,three major problems are expected to be solved
china is one of the world's largest consumer markets, and automobiles are one of the core areas of my country's manufacturing industry. my country's automobile industry started late, but with the advent of the information and intelligent era, china's automobile industry has also ushered in an opportunity to overtake others.
my country has been developing intelligent driving for nearly a decade, and various entities from the government to the industry have been actively planning and investing heavily. according to data from the ministry of industry and information technology, by the end of 2023, my country has built 17 national-level intelligent connected vehicle test areas, issued more than 7,700 test licenses, and tested more than 120 million kilometers. more than 8,700 intelligent roadside units (rsus) have been deployed in various places, and cloud control infrastructure platform construction has been carried out in many places.
image source: dongchedi official website
as the core of intelligent connected vehicles, my country's intelligent driving technology is developing rapidly most of the time, but it has also encountered bottlenecks. in 2020, as investment in the autonomous driving track cooled, the industry's growth rate slowed down. at present, the penetration rate of commonly used intelligent driving functions in my country's passenger cars is between 30% and 45%, and the overall transition stage from l2 to l3 is in progress. it faces three major problems: experience, safety, and price. most consumers are still some distance away from intelligent driving, and have not yet formed high-frequency use, satisfactory experience, and user stickiness.
image source: eo intelligence
in terms of experience, according to the 2023 data from iresearch, 62.5% of users need to take over the high-speed noa function 1-2 times/100 kilometers, and 48.6% of users need to take over the urban noa function 0-2 times/30 kilometers. the overall takeover rate is not satisfactory, which also reveals problems in the maturity of intelligent driving technology and long-tail scenarios. in terms of security, intelligent driving has brought many new challenges to current automobile consumption scenarios, safety and compliance, and related services, laws and regulations need to be improved. in terms of price, due to the high costs of various related costs of intelligent driving, it was only available in mid- to high-end models in the past.
however, the intensive introduction of major policies in recent years has brought the entire industry an opportunity for accelerated development. at the beginning of 2024, the ministry of industry and information technology, the ministry of public security, and other five departments jointly issued the "notice on the pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent connected vehicles", pointing out that the development path of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent connected vehicles has become an industry consensus, and my country's intelligent connected vehicles have shifted from small-scale testing and verification to a critical period of rapid technological evolution and large-scale application development. since then, 20 cities including beijing, shanghai, chongqing, and shenzhen have taken the lead in introducing relevant policies to promote the research and development and implementation of autonomous driving technology.
according to the "2024-2029 global and china autonomous driving industry in-depth research report" released by china business industry research institute, my country's autonomous driving market size will increase from 89.3 billion yuan in 2018 to 330.1 billion yuan in 2023, and is expected to reach 383.2 billion yuan in 2024.
image source: china business industry research institute
under this consensus, major industry players have also increased their layout in the field of intelligent driving. byd, xiaopeng, ideal and many other car companies have announced a substantial expansion of their intelligent driving r&d teams. huawei invests more than 10 billion yuan and a 7,000-person r&d team in the intelligent vehicle solutions bu every year, and launched the hongmeng intelligent driving intelligent vehicle technology ecological alliance at the end of last year to innovate business models and deeply empower partners.
the above-mentioned "chinese solutions" for the development of autonomous driving have been implemented one after another. technological breakthroughs, the improvement and upgrading of industrial supporting facilities, and the vigorous development of collaborative innovation in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain have created favorable conditions for solving the three major problems of universal intelligent driving.
national-level intelligent drivingthe birth of suv opens the era of intelligent driving for all
among the three major problems hindering the arrival of the era of universal intelligent driving, the price issue is obviously the top priority.
image source: official wechat account of shaanxi provincial consumers association
in march this year, the "new energy vehicle consumption survey" jointly conducted by china consumers magazine and the consumers' associations of shanxi, heilongjiang, hebei, shandong, yunnan and qinghai provinces showed that 43% of respondents believed that the price of new energy vehicles was relatively high, and 3% believed that the price was obviously high. in addition, after an in-depth study of changes in consumer behavior and preferences in the chinese auto market, the "2024 mckinsey china automotive consumer insights" report pointed out that consumers' interest in autonomous driving technology has increased, but their willingness to pay and the amount of money are declining.
high-level autonomous driving is expensive, which is a major obstacle to its current popularity. taking noa as an example, according to maxieye data, the terminal price difference between high-speed noa/urban noa models and models without intelligent driving functions is 20,000 yuan and more than 30,000 yuan respectively. taking a 300,000 yuan vehicle as an example, the current high-speed noa system accounts for about 10% of the vehicle cost, and the urban noa system accounts for 15% of the vehicle cost. in the past, the entire system of wenjie adopted the optional huawei ads high-level intelligent driving paid service package to provide users with a price between 30,000 yuan and 36,000 yuan.
in the current economic context, only by lowering the price threshold for intelligent driving can it be possible to accelerate penetration into more mass consumers, increase training data, accelerate technological breakthroughs, and quickly improve the intelligent driving experience. when most car companies just realized this, wenjie had already taken the lead.
the new m7 pro launched this time is equipped with the huawei ads basic version, which is a pure visual intelligent driving solution without lidar. it has nca intelligent driving navigation assistance function, supports national highway and urban expressway navigation, supports automatic parking in more than 160 parking scenarios, etc. it has more comprehensive protection for high-frequency and easy-to-collision scenarios, and its overall active safety capability is better than the visual intelligent driving solution of the same level.
it is worth noting that the huawei ads basic version and the advanced version share huawei's cloud training computing power of up to 5e flops, and use the same algorithm and training model. at the same time, the pre-sale price of the new m7 pro is 249,800-289,800 yuan, compared with the current price of the new m7 ultra of 289,800-329,800 yuan, the threshold has dropped by 40,000 yuan, giving more consumers the opportunity to "get on board" with high-quality, cost-effective smart driving life.
this is of great significance to the entire industry. as an entry-level product, the new m7 pro series comes standard with huawei intelligent driving, achieving "intelligent driving for entry-level models, and even more powerful for high-end models". with its excellent product strength and superb price-to-intelligence ratio, it accurately positions itself as a national suv, meets the needs of consumers for high-quality smart suvs, and further expands the audience. so far, the two models of the new m7 series have formed a new combination, with a wide product matrix covering a wide range to meet the needs of different consumer audiences, allowing more families to enjoy the convenience and fun of huawei intelligent driving, and helping hongmeng intelligent driving to further improve its market performance.
at the same time, entry-level intelligent driving officially marks the arrival of the era of intelligent driving for all and will lead the industry into a new stage of development.
intelligent driving ratiopeople are safer in hongmengsmart behaviorpeople's wisdom escort
consumers' yearning for smart travel is the core driving force behind the development of smart driving for all, but safety issues often have a veto effect. how to achieve the best solution between price, safety and experience is the ultimate test for creating a national-level smart driving car.
data disclosed by the world health organization show that road traffic accidents cause about 1.3 million deaths and 50 million injuries worldwide each year. in december 2021, the "autonomous driving vehicle traffic safety white paper" compiled by the china automotive technology research center, tongji university and baidu pointed out that intelligent driving is not "zero" accident, but it is indeed safer than human driving. according to data released by the u.s. department of motor vehicles from 2019 to 2020, the proportion of deaths and injuries in traffic accidents has dropped significantly after the intervention of autonomous driving.
image source:
yu chengdong has repeatedly emphasized on many occasions that "safety is the greatest luxury". the new m7 pro has all-directional collision avoidance capabilities to ensure the safety of users. among them, the forward collision avoidance is effective in the range of 4-130km/h, and the braking speed is increased to 110km/h; the side collision avoidance is effective in the range of 40-130km/h; the rear collision avoidance is effective in the range of 4-15km/h, and reversing is also safe. to borrow the words of the car owner, it is "giving you invisible safety protection."
from september 2023 to august 2024, the new m7 series avoided more than 260,000 possible collisions, effectively reducing the risk of accidents and setting a new safety standard in the era of smart cars. as its owner said, "people are 100% unable to stop, but fortunately the aeb of the new m7 helped me stop."
the birth of the new m7 series has rewritten the competitive landscape of china's extended-range suv market. in mid-september last year, the new m7 was first equipped with ads 2.0 intelligent driving, and it was launched with an extreme price-performance ratio. the new m7 is also the well-deserved sales leader of hongmeng intelligent driving. in the first seven months of 2024, the cumulative delivery volume of hongmeng intelligent driving reached 238,287 vehicles, of which about half came from the new m7 series.
all this is inseparable from the technical support and full-stack escort of huawei's hongmeng intelligent driving solution, which is constantly accelerating the optimization and upgrading. according to reports, huawei's aeb verification mileage exceeded 800 million kilometers in 2023, with 400,000 parking uses per month; as of august this year, huawei's ads intelligent driving mileage reached 460 million kilometers, doubling the 220 million kilometers in may; huawei ads is expected to be upgraded to version 3.0 in september, and there will be a major version upgrade in november.
with the support of hongmeng intelligent driving brand and technology, the new m7 pro has reached the pinnacle of price-performance ratio, achieving a double improvement in comfort experience and technology accessibility, showing a very high price-performance ratio and quality reputation. it is also worth looking forward to the market performance of the new m7 pro, whose success will also be the key to hongmeng intelligent driving's victory in the second half of intelligentization.