
it's settled! this residential complex is going to replace 8 elevators


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this month, a fence was added to the elevator in building 31 of jiangong community. residents passing by always take a second look, and everyone is looking forward to the early opening of the new elevator. the "neighborhood committee" collects residents' opinions, the community replaces the property unit, and raises funds from multiple sources. the community will update 8 elevators at one time. since the beginning of this year, the number of complaints about elevator replacement in jiangong community has dropped significantly, and it is working towards a "no-complaint" community. the changes in jiangong community are only a microcosm of the improvement of panjiayuan street. the street was included in the "governance streets and towns" last year and was subject to municipal supervision. in the past year, the street has focused on tackling infrastructure and filling in shortcomings and weaknesses, and the number of 12345 complaints has been greatly reduced.
nearly 40 elevator complaints in one month
panjiayuan subdistrict in chaoyang district covers an area of ​​3.4 square kilometers, with a permanent population of 125,000, and its population density ranks among the highest in the city. "there are many old residential areas and multi-ownership residential areas in the area, and property management is complicated, which is reflected in the "three mores" in the immediate handling of complaints - many demands for life, many demands for property management, and many historical problems." ma xusong, deputy secretary of the party working committee of panjiayuan subdistrict, told reporters.
last year, due to the combined impact of heavy rainfall during the flood season, the old residential areas in the area were "overwhelmed", and problems such as leaking houses and elevator "disorders" became prominent. for three consecutive months, the number of complaints in a single month ranked among the top 10 in the city, and it was included in the "governance-type streets and towns" and received city-level supervision. "in-depth research, tracing the root causes, and taking multiple measures can solve the current problems." ma xusong said frankly, taking the jiangong community in songyuxilibei community as an example, through the analysis of the problems reflected by the 12345 hotline, the replacement of old elevators is an urgent task.
the jiangong community, which was built in 1989, has a total of 1,434 households and a permanent population of more than 4,300. there are 9 high-rise residential buildings in the community, and each building has two elevators, totaling 18 elevators. among them, in addition to the 5 elevators that have been overhauled and updated in recent years, there are 13 elevators with a high failure rate. the elevators are repeatedly "in a bad mood", with frequent failures such as sliding, shaking, not opening the door, and abnormal noises.
"when it's busy, we can receive nearly 40 12345 complaints a month, all of which reflect elevator problems." liu jing, secretary of the party committee of songyuxilibei community, told reporters that the elevator is the source of the conflict. although the property company and maintenance unit have repeatedly repaired and maintained the elevator, it is difficult to fundamentally solve the problem because the elevator is too old and the original model has been discontinued. many spare parts are not available. replacing the elevator has become the only solution.
neighborhood committees communicate door to door
changing the elevator is fraught with difficulties.
first, we need to contact the property owners. "there are as many as 84 original property owners in the community, including some owned by municipal units and some owned by the central government. it is a typical old community with 'multiple property rights' and 'mixed housing'." liu jing said that the street and the community coordinated with various parties to jointly find the property owners, but after verification, only 35 were still there, and most of the units had been cancelled or bankrupt.
at this time, the "panjiayuan neighborhood committee" composed of community workers, grassroots party members, building managers, and resident volunteers got busy. the members of the "neighborhood committee" went to residents' homes one by one, door by door, and had face-to-face exchanges to collect opinions and suggestions on the issue of elevator replacement.
the residents' opinions were focused on one point - changing the property management company. liu jing also had an innovative idea: "popularly elect" the property management company and let them compete for the position. after the initial screening, four property management companies were put in front of the residents. on the day of the competition meeting, more than 60 resident representatives came to the scene to vote by raising their hands. in the end, jialiang property management company, which received the highest number of votes, took over.
the issue of financing the replacement of elevators was put back on the agenda. "first, we need to ensure that at least one new elevator is installed in each building. last year, we completed the replacement of the elevators in one building. this time, we need to replace eight new elevators at once, which requires a total of 3.8 million yuan," said liu jing. the community party committee whistled at the street urban management office, and with the assistance of the street, the community applied to the chaoyang district market supervision and administration bureau for special subsidies for the maintenance, renovation and renewal of old residential elevators. subsequently, under the guidance of the district housing authority, the property unit applied for public maintenance funds according to the funding gap. with the joint efforts of many parties, the problem of renewal funds was solved.
“1 minute response, 5 minutes arrival”
in order to solve the urgent problem, jialiang property management took the initiative to advance the funds. at present, all the funds needed to replace the elevators in the community have been in place. the elevator replacement work officially started in early august, and the inspection and acceptance will be completed in mid-october and all will be put into use.
at present, eight new elevators are being replaced one after another, with one elevator in each building able to operate normally. the community and the property management company have taken a step forward and decided to assign a dedicated person to be on duty 24 hours a day to handle elevator failures in a timely manner, ensuring "1 minute response, 5 minutes on-site, 10 minutes feedback", and rapid repairs to ensure normal travel for residents.
with the joint efforts of all parties, the elevators in jiangong community are being replaced in an orderly manner, and no complaints about elevators have arisen.
solve the problem at the source. the changes in jiangong community are just a microcosm of the improvement work of panjiayuan street. since the beginning of this year, the number of 12345 complaints received by the street has dropped to less than 800 per month, a year-on-year decrease of 38%.
"being included in the governance-type streets and towns is both a pressure and a motivation." ma xusong said, "the street will continue to deepen party building to lead grassroots governance, effectively use the project funds of governance-type streets and towns, solve the urgent needs of residents, and strengthen the relationship between the party, the masses, cadres and the masses."