
this ministerial-level corrupt official had a "latent period" of 21 years


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two days before the fall,

he also made public appearances.

author: yin jie

on august 28, the intermediate people's court of hefei city, anhui province, delivered its first-instance verdict: dong yunhu was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of accepting bribes, deprived of his political rights for life, and all his personal property was confiscated; the property obtained from the crime of accepting bribes and its interest were recovered according to law and turned over to the state treasury.

at this time, one year and one month had passed since dong yunhu was removed from his ministerial-level post as secretary of the party leadership group and director of the shanghai municipal people's congress standing committee.

shocking numbers

during dong yunhu's 37-year official career, he spent more than 20 years in propaganda work.

he has served successively as deputy director of the central foreign propaganda office (hereinafter referred to as the central foreign propaganda office), deputy director of the state council information office, member of the standing committee of the tibet autonomous region party committee and minister of the propaganda department, and member of the standing committee of the shanghai municipal party committee and minister of the propaganda department.

before his fall, dong yunhu made several public appearances, the last of which was two days before his fall. at that time, he went to the shanghai academy of social sciences for research, held discussions with experts and scholars, and encouraged them to "provide theoretical and intellectual support for shanghai to build a best practice site for full-process people's democracy."

dong yunhu, who always mentioned "the people", was actually a corrupt official. the hefei intermediate people's court announced his criminal facts when sentencing him.

after trial, it was found that from 2002 to 2023, dong yunhu used the convenience of his positions as director of the seventh bureau of the central foreign propaganda office, member of the standing committee of the tibet autonomous region party committee and minister of the propaganda department, member of the standing committee of the shanghai municipal party committee and minister of the propaganda department, secretary and chairman of the party leadership group of the shanghai municipal committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference, secretary and director of the party leadership group of the shanghai municipal people's congress standing committee, and other convenient conditions formed by his power and status to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in matters such as financing and loans, land transfer, business operations and personnel arrangements, and illegally accepted property from the above-mentioned units and individuals, totaling more than 148 million yuan.

·dong yunhu was tried in court.

how did dong yunhu make nearly 150 million yuan in 21 years?

ren jianming, professor at the school of public administration of the beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics and director of the integrity research and education center, told global people reporters that dong yunhu has long served in a leadership position in the propaganda department and has certain approval and personnel appointment and removal powers. in the process of approving projects and promoting cadres, he can directly engage in power-for-money transactions.

"in areas such as financing and loans, land transfer, and business operations that seem not directly related to propaganda work, as a member of the party committee leadership team, he can exert personal influence in the decision-making process or exchange 'resources' with stakeholders," said ren jianming.

in addition to amassing wealth, dong yunhu also did many other shady things.

in december last year, the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission released a news release, reporting dong yunhu's serious violations of discipline and laws, including "privately granting and accepting cppcc member qualifications, etc.", "resisting organizational review and engaging in superstitious activities", "long-term occupation of public property, having others pay for expenses that should be paid by him personally, and engaging in power-for-sex transactions", "interfering and meddling in judicial activities", "extremely greedy, using public power as a tool to seek personal gain, and engaging in power-for-money transactions", etc.

in accordance with the "regulations on disciplinary punishment of the communist party of china", the "supervision law of the people's republic of china", the "administrative punishment law of public officials of the people's republic of china" and other relevant regulations, after research and approval by the standing committee of the central commission for discipline inspection and reported to the central committee of the communist party of china, it was decided to expel dong yunhu from the party; the national supervisory commission will expel him from public office; terminate his qualifications as a delegate to the 20th national congress of the party and the 12th party congress of shanghai; confiscate his illegal gains; and transfer his suspected criminal cases to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and the relevant property will be transferred together.

was an expert official

public information shows that dong yunhu was born in december 1962 in xianyu, zhejiang province. in 1979, he was admitted to the department of philosophy of hangzhou university to study for his undergraduate degree in philosophy. in 1983, he was admitted to the department of philosophy of nankai university to study for his master's degree in the history of western philosophy.

after graduating in 1986, dong yunhu started working and became an organizer in the continuing education department of the central party school. a year later, he was promoted to deputy secretary of the branch of the first office of the institute of marxism-leninism of the central party school, and was promoted many times afterwards.

during this period, his work focused on the academic field. relying on his professional background and position resources, he translated many human rights works and published many academic papers.

in 1994, dong yunhu became an expert enjoying special government subsidies, and an important opportunity also came into his official career - he was appointed director of the human rights research center of the central party school (human rights research office of the institute of marxism-leninism), responsible for promoting human rights research in china.

two years later, he was promoted to deputy director of the marxism-leninism institute of the central party school and director of the human rights research center. he had just turned 34 at that time.

in 1999, dong yunhu was transferred to the central external propaganda office (state council information office) as director of the seventh bureau. in the eyes of the outside world, this was a sign that he had officially entered politics.

dong yunhu worked as the director of the seventh bureau for a full 10 years. at the same time, he also served as the office director, vice president and secretary general of the chinese society for human rights studies, and compiled the "china human rights yearbook (2000-2005)", introducing the development of china's human rights cause to the international community.

·dong yunhu before his fall.

in 2009, dong yunhu was promoted to deputy director of the central foreign propaganda office and deputy director of the state council information office.

two years later, he took up his first local post as member of the standing committee of the tibet autonomous region party committee and minister of the propaganda department.

in july 2015, dong yunhu was transferred to shanghai municipal party committee standing committee and minister of propaganda department; in january 2018, he became chairman and party secretary of shanghai cppcc, reaching the ministerial level; in january 2023, he was elected party secretary and director of shanghai municipal people's congress standing committee. however, he was dismissed only half a year after taking office.

on the evening of july 12, 2023, the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission announced that dong yunhu was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was under disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission. this is the first ministerial-level official to be investigated after the 20th national congress of the communist party of china.

after the news was released, the standing committee of the shanghai municipal party committee held a meeting overnight to convey the central government's decision to conduct disciplinary review and supervisory investigation into dong yunhu for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.

"i do your work, you do mine"

many people have noticed that the central commission for discipline inspection has taken down three ministerial-level "tigers" in 2023. in addition to dong yunhu, there are also the retired former secretary of the guizhou provincial party committee sun zhigang and the former secretary of the party leadership group and chairman of the shaanxi provincial committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference han yong.

sun zhigang was investigated in august last year and expelled from the party in february this year. according to the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission, his violations of discipline and law include nepotism, illegally occupying more houses, obtaining large returns through private lending, and collecting money on a large scale.

han yong was investigated in october last year and expelled from the party and public office in april this year. according to the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission, his violations of discipline and law include nepotism and profiteering, selling official positions and titles, illegally purchasing houses at low prices, illegally intervening and meddling in disciplinary and law enforcement activities, having a bad family tradition, using public power as a tool to gain personal gain, and engaging in power-for-money transactions, etc.

comparing the violations of discipline and law by dong yunhu, sun zhigang and han yong, we can find many commonalities. ren jianming believes that in order to promote the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt and not wanting to be corrupt, we must deepen the treatment of both symptoms and root causes and systematic governance.

"official corruption is not only a problem that china needs to solve, but also a problem that countries around the world generally face. generally speaking, the traditional way for chinese officials to engage in corruption is to trade power for money, that is, to 'get things done for money'. however, as the central government continues to increase its crackdown and punishment efforts, some officials have begun to use new methods of power exchange to engage in corruption."

ren jianming explained that this form of corruption will try to avoid monetary transactions to avoid leaving evidence. "i have my power, you have your power, i do your thing, you do mine, and there is no money involved."

this form of corruption is relatively concealed, and is more difficult to investigate and collect evidence than trading power for money.

"dong yunhu's corruption spanned 21 years, and the 'incubation period' was so long that it is worth reflecting on. how can we detect and punish corrupt elements early? i think we still have a lot of room for improvement in improving laws and regulations and strengthening public supervision. in addition, we should further strengthen the punishment of corrupt officials and not let them get away with it. the fight against corruption should form sufficient deterrent force like the fight against drugs," said ren jianming.