
tencent opened a wechat moments for mihoyo?


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“can i log in to genshin impact with wechat?”

yesterday, some group members shared the news that the "genshin impact" account was bound to the wechat gaming circle, and speculated in the group about the progress of the cooperation between tencent and mihoyo.

this also piqued grape jun’s interest, because our article yesterday just talked about how other tencent communities connected data with “genshin impact”… so,what has wechat games done by connecting data? and what value has it brought to players, manufacturers, and tencent itself?

many people have already linked their genshin impact and wechat gaming circle accounts.

after a brief experience in the genshin impact gaming circle, i can clearly feel the different strategies of wechat games and other communities: the latter focus on finding segments and interest groups, while wechat games, on the contrary, is downplaying the concept of the gaming circle and constantly opening up to the outside world, trying to make non-tencent games such as "genshin impact" a part of users' daily and social interactions with acquaintances.


the missing experience of genshin impact

coincidentally, a few days before this feature was launched, some readers debated under grape jun's article about the significance of "genshin impact" and whether social interaction is needed. there are many different opinions on this issue. after all, no matter what game it is, everyone may want to experience it with good friends and hope that the game they like will also be liked by others.

however, the underlying logic of "opening a room" in "genshin impact" means that many people cannot engage in deep social interaction through this game.

for example, most people can only use it to fight bosses together, participate in activities, and commissions... even though "genshin impact" has launched cooperative competitive online gameplay such as "wind walker", it is difficult to satisfy players' pursuit of social interaction - on major platforms, you can always see players sharing their own multiplayer social gameplay, many of which have received tens of millions of views.

outside of the game, the social experience of "genshin impact" mostly comes from the content and users of platforms such as wechat, weibo, bilibili, and xiaohongshu.

for example, the social ecosystem formed by creators providing guides, players "copying homework", sharing and discussing; the secondary creation ecosystem where officials and creators create high-quality content, and players have extended discussions around it; and even the social scenes triggered by online and offline content such as benefits, activities, and peripherals. these are all important strategies for content-oriented games like "genshin impact" to build a social ecosystem.

the most watched video types on bilibili also show the pattern of the social ecology of genshin impact.

the "genshin impact" fes held two days ago can also be considered a social scene.

from this we can see that "genshin impact" and similar content-oriented games and stand-alone games may find it difficult to form their own social system within the game due to their underlying logic, user attributes, content tone, etc., and build a large and deep social ecosystem like "honor of kings" and "meta dream star". they are more likely to gather a group of game enthusiasts through community/community operations and content release on different external platforms.

excellent content provided by creators in the genshin impact game community

there are many challenges, such as the difficulty in providing players with a low threshold and quick social scene: some players complained that "genshin impact" does not have voice-to-text conversion; they cannot apply to join the world; they cannot see the online status and dynamic messages of other players, and do not know what others are doing, whether they are free, and whether they can play together... when players cannot form acquaintance social relationships through in-game social interaction,then "genshin impact" will always lack a unique gaming experience, making it difficult to fully realize its social value.


from building communities to socializing with acquaintances

although the above demands do not quite fit the positioning of "genshin impact", it is difficult for us to stop players from further pursuing in-game social interaction. moreover, when the game develops to a certain stage, it also needs new experiences such as acquaintance social interaction that are close to the daily life of players to expand the group and strengthen relationships. acquaintance social interaction may be a threshold that most games need to cross.

wechat is precisely the representative of social interaction among acquaintances. it is not only a symbol of children's entry into society, but also an important channel for games to break the circle and reach the masses. therefore, it is not difficult to understand that "genshin impact" will continue to deepen its cooperation with wechat games.

in my opinion, the process of cooperation between "genshin impact" and wechat games can be divided into three stages: seizing traffic, building communities, and promoting social interaction among acquaintances. this demonstrates the strategy of "genshin impact" to strengthen social interaction among acquaintances and complete the gaming experience through wechat games.

in the first phase, "genshin impact" will cover the game content in various scenarios of wechat as much as possible, mainly to create volume.

for example, establishing wechat public accounts, video accounts and other social media to disseminate information; strengthening relationships with players by creating wechat emoticons and wechat red envelope covers; occupying the wechat search section to expand exposure... to date, "genshin impact" has become one of the most popular games on wechat. xinbang estimates that the number of fans of the genshin impact public account exceeds 10 million, and the official emoticon package of "genshin impact" has also become a must-have tool for many wechat users to chat in groups.

wechat emoticons have become a fixed promotional strategy for "genshin impact"

the second stage is how to transform the voice into an ecosystem and form a stable group of core players.

in response to this, "genshin impact" set its sights on the newly established wechat gaming circle, and through its entry, incentives for creation and community operations, it has built it into one of the largest wechat gaming communities - as of today, the number of users in the genshin impact gaming circle has reached 5.4 million, with more than 200,000 online users.

in the third stage that has just begun, "genshin impact" begins to challenge truly intimate social relationships: by connecting data, it allows social interactions among acquaintances to be implemented from the content level to "daily habits."

for example, the "genshin impact" collaboration with wechat games on the "return to the star journey" function can partially meet the additional sharing and topic demands of "genshin impact" players.

this function can summarize the player's character, weapons, clothing, exploration, resources, adventure challenges and other content reports within up to 90 days, and guide players to participate in topics and share with friends. after seeing group friends showing off when they draw cards and get gold, it seems like it would be nice to have a competition to see how hard they work.

for example, the friend news function launched by "genshin impact" based on the characteristics of wechat allows players to clearly see which areas their friends have explored, which activities they have completed, and which challenges they have completed in "genshin impact" recently... these may all become reasons for your friends to chat with you and play "genshin impact" with you.

after all, many players don’t want to play games with others, but they are unable to judge other people’s intentions, time and interests, and are afraid that they will be ignored if they try their best. friends’ news is like the wechat moments opened in "genshin impact", which just alleviates the difficulty of information exchange between players.

overall, the essence of wechat games should be a comprehensive tool to promote "games + social networking among acquaintances". traffic is only a small part of its dividends. things involving "player experience habits" and "social networking among acquaintances" are its more distinctive value.

for example, shaking wishes, wechat red envelope covers, wechat emoticons, search matrix, moments, friends' news... whether these functions that permeate user experience habits have been added or changed may be more meaningful to manufacturers and worthy of attention.

in other words, the greatest value of wechat games lies in the future: for example, as the service system improves, will wechat games become an "external social tool" for "genshin impact"? will "genshin impact" break through the category and underlying restrictions and become a social online game?


the dividends that have not yet been fully tapped

not only in "genshin impact", we will find that players have a natural demand for social interaction in games.

the release of "black myth: wukong" a few days ago not only set off public platforms such as weibo and bilibili, but also set off grape jun's circle of friends and wechat groups. until there were only a few hot searches left for "black myth: wukong", there were still group members discussing how to beat a certain boss, which spider spirit was more beautiful, etc.

this means that social media support for game popularity comes and goes quickly. to make games more easily penetrate users' daily lives and achieve long-term success, it depends on social networking among acquaintances based on group chats. in china, the best and closest to users' daily lives are wechat and group chats. you can always see players using "add wechat, add a friend" to promote closer social networking among acquaintances in games, self-built communities, or other social media.

today, the open attitude and service system of wechat games have made social networking among acquaintances, which was once extremely difficult for external manufacturers, a new bonus that every product has the opportunity to reach.

this bonus not only allows games to regain the experience of socializing with acquaintances and integrate into players' daily lives, but also means breaking the past competition deadlock and company barriers, giving more games the opportunity to develop equally, and even an opportunity for wechat games and manufacturers to expand the boundaries of game categories and entertainment functions - why can't "black myth: wukong" and "genshin impact" be fun for the whole family? can't you help your friend directly through cloud gaming when he is stuck and asks for help? or even derive a single-player live broadcast proxy business from this?

for tencent, the goal they have always pursued is "3a quality + gaas (game-as-a-service)".can we also achieve this by finding high-quality aaa games and then providing diversified external social and paid services? for example, building creative workshops and trading platforms through data integration...

you will find that this wave of data integration of wechat games is like planting a seed called "imagination" in the gaming industry. we may not know what kind of flowers it will bloom or how tall a tree it will grow into in the future, but the establishment of the gaming circle in the past, the rise of wechat mini-games, and the growth of video accounts all prove that this seed has grown in sufficiently fertile soil. continuous attention and following up as soon as possible may be the best way for us to deal with it.