
is it easy to buy fake goods on e-commerce platforms but difficult to compensate? platforms cannot just sit back and do nothing


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original title: is it easy to buy fake goods on e-commerce platforms but difficult to compensate? platforms cannot be hands-off shopkeepers
yu minghui
recently, mr. zhang from qingdao, shandong, bought a batch of brand downlights from a store on an e-commerce platform, but found that they were all fake. he asked the store to "refund one and compensate three" but was rejected. reporters found that many people bought fakes online, and the product names and store names of these fakes are usually marked with "×× direct sales" and "×× brand genuine products", and some stores are even officially certified flagship stores. (see "legal daily" on august 27)
a media survey of 2,005 respondents found that 46.5% had encountered counterfeit goods during online shopping, with skin care products, clothing, shoes and hats, and electronic products being the hardest hit. data released by the china consumers association showed that during the "618" e-commerce promotion this year, there were more than 214,000 pieces of negative information about "counterfeit and shoddy products". behind these figures is the reality that countless consumers' rights have been infringed and the trust crisis in the e-commerce industry has deepened.
regarding the phenomenon of counterfeit goods being sold online, e-commerce platforms cannot just sit back and do nothing. they must take effective measures to protect the rights and interests of consumers and maintain the operating order of e-commerce platforms.
as a bridge between consumers and merchants, e-commerce platforms bear the important responsibilities of qualification review, supervision and management. if the platform can strictly control, conduct strict qualification review of merchants, and strengthen daily supervision, then the problem of online sales of counterfeit goods will undoubtedly be effectively curbed. but unfortunately, some e-commerce platforms ignore their own responsibilities in the pursuit of commercial interests. this also leads to the dilemma of consumers often facing difficulties in claiming compensation when encountering counterfeit goods. for example, in order to attract merchants to settle in and increase daily activity, some e-commerce platforms turn a blind eye to some common business practices that skirt the law.
in recent years, some leading e-commerce platforms have launched service models such as "refund only" and advance payment, which have improved consumers' shopping experience and played a positive role in curbing counterfeit goods and deterring "clever" stores. in addition to exploring rules, e-commerce platforms should also strengthen cooperation with government departments to jointly combat online counterfeiting. for example, the platform should form a joint force with functional departments to combat counterfeit and shoddy goods through information sharing and clue transfer. relevant departments should increase supervision and guidance services for e-commerce platforms.
in the face of the problem of counterfeit goods, e-commerce platforms cannot just stay at the surface to deal with it. only by taking practical and effective measures to rectify and prevent it can we enhance consumer trust and promote the healthy development of the industry. in short, as a key link in correcting the problem of online counterfeit goods being easy to buy but difficult to compensate, e-commerce platforms must take positive actions and assume due responsibilities.
source: china workers network-workers daily