
he xiaopeng: m03 aims to sell over 10,000 units per month, but whether it will be extended range remains a mystery


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chedongxi (official account: chedongxi)
author: guoren eryan
editor: zhihao

after xpeng motors' 10th anniversary press conference ended last night, he xiaopeng, chairman and ceo of xpeng motors, responded to a number of hot topics in an interview with media outlets such as chedongxi.

▲three executives of xiaopeng motors who were interviewed (he xiaopeng on the right, li liyun, head of xiaopeng motors’ autonomous driving, in the middle, and yang guang, head of xiaopeng’s mona series products, on the left)

according to the news from chedongxi on august 28, he xiaopeng still seemed very excited after the press conference ended last night. when facing media interviews, he quickly responded to many issues of concern to the industry.

when the price range of xpeng mona m03 from 119,800 to 155,800 yuan was announced, it exceeded almost everyone's expectations and there was cheering at the scene, but at the same time, some people were asking, can you really make money at such a price?

▲xpeng mona m03 three models price

he xiaopeng believes that all pricing is profitable, and secondly, the customer's opinion should be considered in the current environment. this pricing is more about giving back to car owners. car manufacturing not only requires making good cars, but also ensuring that users can afford them.

this price also received good market feedback. 52 minutes after its launch, the car's orders had reached more than 10,000 units.

at present, xiaopeng motors has made comprehensive preparations for this car. except for the max version which will be delivered after the spring festival, other versions will be delivered in september.

when zhang guoren, editor-in-chief of chedongxi & special research institute, asked yang guang about the delivery target of mona m03, yang guang replied that the goal of m03 is to sell more than 10,000 vehicles per month or even higher.

at the press conference, when he xiaopeng took out the self-developed turing chip, the audience burst into cheers. it was obvious that everyone was very curious about such a product that exceeded expectations.

▲he xiaopeng officially announced the self-developed turing chip

however, he xiaopeng did not say much about this product in the interview. he only said that the chip was designed with the world in mind, its capabilities are in compliance with regulations, and it can play a very good role in end-to-end large models.

he xiaopeng also said that after xiaopeng develops its own turing chip, it will also use nvidia's chips to build xiaopeng's system.

it is worth noting that zhang guoren, editor-in-chief of chedongxi & special research institute, asked he xiaopeng why xiaopeng motors positioned itself as an "ai car company" in the next ten years?

he xiaopeng said that xiaopeng needs to implement ai planning into the specific details of the entire company and put it on the same level of importance as automobile product planning. today is just the beginning, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

with the current hot sales of extended-range systems, he xiaopeng also left a surprise, saying that he would share his thoughts on power systems on the 1024 technology day, but that they might be different from what the industry expected.

it is worth noting that zhang guoren, editor-in-chief of chedongxi & special research institute, asked he xiaopeng why xiaopeng motors positioned itself as an "ai car company" in the next ten years?

he xiaopeng said that xiaopeng needs to implement ai planning into the specific details of the entire company and put it on the same level of importance as automobile product planning. today is just the beginning, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

he xiaopeng was in high spirits throughout the interview, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied with the performance of mona m03. and through the communication, we can also find that he xiaopeng has done a lot of thinking about xiaopeng motors, the intelligent driving technology route, and even the development prospects of the industry.

all of these will play a role in the next decade of xpeng motors.

the following is the interview transcript of he xiaopeng, li liyun and yang guang. they responded to about 42 questions in 1 hour. the pace of the scene was still very fast. chedongxi edited it without changing the original meaning:

Q1:will the launch price of mona m03 put pressure on costs and profits?

he xiaopeng:first, all of xiaopeng motors’ pricing strategies must ultimately achieve reasonable profits, which is the basis of everything.

second, in the current market environment, user demands are crucial.therefore, when setting prices, our priority is how to give back to the majority of car owners.

through a lot of technological innovation, we have successfully achieved cost control. as i just said, we have done a lot of work on the energy management of the whole vehicle, which allows us to use fewer batteries to achieve longer driving range and lower costs.

i have said before,to make a car with excellent product power and affordable purchase cost, it must have positive gross profit.

the price of xiaopeng mona m03 is set after we consider and balance the overall market situation and user perspective.

▲xpeng mona m03

q2: why is there such a big difference in pricing between the xiaopeng mona m03 580 ultra-long-range max version, the xiaopeng mona m03 620 ultra-long-range version, and the xiaopeng mona m03 515 long-range version? how is the pricing of the three configurations considered?

he xiaopeng:because the research and development and costs of these models vary greatly, the reason why the 150,000-level models cannot do it is because high-level intelligent driving requires very high capabilities.

Q3:among the three models of xiaopeng mona m03, judging from the early orders, what percentage of the xiaopeng mona m03 580 ultra-long-range max version is sold? which model do you expect to sell better?

yang guang:xiaopeng mona m03 and xiaopeng mona m03 max versions are for two completely different groups of customers. customers who buy xiaopeng mona m03 pay more attention to cost-effectiveness and are satisfied with basic smart functions, accounting for about 50%-60%; customers who buy xiaopeng mona m03 max pay special attention to technological intelligence, accounting for more than 40%.

q4: what is the delivery schedule of mona m03?

he xiaopeng:the max version will be delivered after the spring festival, and other versions will be delivered in september.

Q5:given the attractive price of the xiaopeng mona m03, will xiaopeng motors face great pressure in terms of subsequent delivery and production capacity? will it be more fully prepared this time?

he xiaopeng:the delivery of xiaopeng mona m03 will undoubtedly be the most fully prepared by xiaopeng motors so far. when xiaopeng g6 was launched, our main problem was the challenge brought by the production capacity bottleneck.

with the launch of the xiaopeng mona m03, we have not only optimized our production capacity, but also made preparations for long-term "steady and far-reaching" development. in my opinion, long-term stable development is more important than the peak caused by a temporary "explosion".

yang guang:whether it is product development, market release, public opinion maintenance, including subsequent production, sales, and service, we have made full preparations. our goal is to achieve monthly sales of over 10,000 or even higher. subsequent products are also under intensive development and are fully prepared.

▲xpeng officially released mona m03, and the number of orders exceeded 10,000 in 52 minutes after its launch

q6: what measures have been taken to ensure the delivery of mona m03?

he xiaopeng:there are many things to do to ensure delivery. for example, in terms of supply chain, the quantity and quality of all partners must be ok.

second, the quality of design, the quality of r&d, the quality of manufacturing, and the quality of overall service all provide delivery guarantees.

in addition, the upstream and downstream of the entire system, including channels, delivery, and qualifications in different places, have all been done in detail. this series of things can better ensure the delivery of xiaopeng mona m03.

we have designed a total of 3 types of skus, including the xiaopeng mona m03 515 long-range version, the xiaopeng mona m03 620 ultra-long-range version, and the xiaopeng mona m03 580 ultra-long-range max version. the main difference between the first two types of skus is the battery life, one is 620 kilometers and the other is 515 kilometers. the rest are the same. all these designs are for easier delivery.

after the user places an order, the biggest difference is the color and battery life, so the production is very simple. these are all done to ensure delivery.

q7: now the price of xiaopeng mona m03 has dropped to just over 100,000 yuan. how does xiaopeng view the user demand in this price range? what are the unique advantages of xiaopeng mona m03?

yang guang:in the past, the sedans in this price range were basically the older online-hailing vehicles, as well as a-class cars and a0-class suvs for commuting.

first of all, the price of xiaopeng mona m03 has reached the best experience area for cars of this level. this car not only has the style of a coupe, which is different from previous cars, but also has a hatchback shape, achieving a balance between strong applicability and usage scenarios.

we compete with all types of cars in the price range of rmb 100,000 to rmb 150,000, and strive to establish differentiated car purchasing options among young users born after 1995.

q8: mr. xiaopeng mentioned at the press conference that the next decade will be a new beginning. this time, the xiaopeng mona m03 model was launched because of the consumption needs of young people. why did you meet the car needs of young people at the first time? how different is the price and design from the previous p series models? what adjustments will xiaopeng motors make to its future market strategy?

he xiaopeng: mona is a series of the xiaopeng brand, and all of its main products are priced below 200,000 yuan.

this series is biased towards young people. i have always felt that high-frequency data users on smartphones are often low-frequency voice users. that is, people with particularly large internet data traffic do not make many phone calls, while people with particularly large phone calls do not use the internet much, but i have not verified this.

according to the same assumption, the younger the users, the more they should like smart cars, but i am not sure.why is there such a big price difference? because the cost of intelligence is very high, the hardware cost is high, and the r&d cost is even higher.

Q9:before the press conference, we saw mr. xiaopeng and mr. lei in the same frame. during the press conference, many segments that were very familiar to mi fans were presented. what was the transformation process like?

he xiaopeng:xiaopeng motors is actively seeking change. in the past two years, we have conducted a lot of self-examination and adjustments, strengthening and supplementing some things that we originally thought were right but were not done enough. of course, mr. lei also gave us a lot of suggestions, and i especially thank mr. lei!

q10: what do you think of mona m03?xiaomi su7parameterpicture)’s youth version of the review?

he xiaopeng:we didn't consider it this way because they are two cars of different levels. we hope to make the configuration of 200,000 yuan within the price of 200,000 yuan, which is different from xiaomi su7.

q11: the intelligent driving function of the xiaopeng mona m03 max version does not have xngp. is the intelligent driving system of this car the same as xiaopeng's existing intelligent driving system? will the end-to-end system disperse our r&d efforts?

he xiaopeng: we will only make an intelligent driving system.

▲he xiaopeng at the launch of xiaopeng mona m03

q12: it is said online that mona has four models. what is the model planning of the mona series?

he xiaopeng:the model plan cannot be disclosed for the time being, but what is certain is that the mona series does not have four models, there are not that many cars.

q13: in terms of cost control, are the supply chain synergy advantages with volkswagen reflected in the xpeng mona m03?

he xiaopeng: of course there are. different cars are very different, but they all have it and are of great value. the price of xiaopeng mona m03 is ourthe price is set based on the overall market situation and after comprehensive consideration and balance from the user's perspective.

Q14:when i ordered the car just now, i found that the exterior and interior color options were free. what is the basis for this? why doesn't zhijia have a pro?

yang guang:color is mainly considered with our target audience in mind.

mr. lei also thought about this issue when he was making cars. now, if there are rare colors on the market, there will be a price increase. but our target group is young people, so they definitely want more beautiful colors. we hope to simply reach users, so all exterior and interior colors are standard and there is no price increase.

li liyun:empowered by pure vision and end-to-end large models, we hope to provide the smartest, door-to-door intelligent assisted driving experience at a price that users can most afford, so users can enjoy a high-end intelligent driving experience at an inexpensive price.

q15: what were the internal considerations for xpeng mona as it evolved from an independent brand to a product series?

he xiaopeng:we decided that mona is a series, just a series, not a brand. traditional cars may be designed as multiple brands, but ai cars are a whole. the logic of car brands is different now. xiaopeng motors hopes to innovate and be different.

q16: what changes does the emergence of the xiaopeng mona brand represent for xiaopeng?

he xiaopeng:for xiaopeng, mona means that xiaopeng pays more attention to commercialization, and great changes have taken place in marketing capabilities, organizational processes, etc.

Q17:you mentioned earlier that a business cannot have any shortcomings to be successful. what shortcomings do you think xpeng motors still has and how to make up for them?

he xiaopeng:not all companies need to have weaknesses. many companies only need strengths. the automotive industry is a tough one, so this is the case. regarding xiaopeng motors, we have done a lot recently. for example, we have built a large team in the design field and rented a building in shanghai for this team.

second, xiaopeng motors used to consider technology more, and later considered user experience, but i think not enough was given to business, so this year we started to focus on commercialization. third, vertical management is a challenge for a growing company; but for a company with a long cycle, horizontal management, horizontal expertise, and horizontal business are also very complex.

now, we are working hard on horizontal business, but that is not all. if we want to truly build a great company in the next decade, we must continue to hone our organizational capabilities. we have already started to make many adjustments to the framework, and we have made arrangements earlier than our competitors, so we see a different future.

q18: will other models of xpeng motors remove lidar? what will be the difference between models with lidar and models without lidar in the future?

li liyun: the core advantage of the end-to-end large model is that it reduces the sole reliance on lidar and instead emphasizes the overall lossless fusion of information.

so no matter whether it is a car model with laser or without laser, we have two sets of hardware and one set of software that are updated and iterated synchronously, providing users with the best experience whether it is in the city, on the highway, or in "door-to-door" intelligent assisted driving.

with the continuous advancement of technology, i think lidar still plays an indispensable role in vehicles pursuing l4 autonomous driving. its high-precision detection capability provides important guarantee for safe driving in complex scenarios.

however, in everyday urban driving scenarios, although active sensors can indeed enhance safety, they are not a necessary condition for realizing the city pilot function.

he xiaopeng:we are about to launch the new xiaopeng p7+ model, which will adopt a design strategy without laser radar or light radar. at the same time, we will gradually follow this concept in the future model replacement process.

q19: currently, car companies such as nio are getting involved in the mobile phone market. will xiaopeng also consider making mobile phone peripherals?

he xiaopeng:no, we only make car peripherals. there are many things around mobile phones, but far fewer around it well, not too much.

Q20:will xiaopeng motors launch any extended-range products in the future?

he xiaopeng: next time we plan to share our views with you on 1024. our views are not exactly the same as those in the current market.

Q21:xpeng motors' overseas sales account for more than 10%. considering what you said about the 50% share in the next ten years, what will be the path to achieve this?

he xiaopeng:right-hand drive cars are promoted not only in singapore, malaysia and thailand, but also in many european countries such as the uk.

it is very difficult to be global. the first thing is to be long-termist, and the second is to achieve win-win results with local people. we hope to take the path of high-quality development, promote intelligence, and do energy management and supercharging, and do something different in the local area.

this year, xiaopeng motors will enter nearly 30 countries, a considerable number of which are in europe, and we will move forward step by step.

this year, our internal goal is to have a 50% share of the overseas market. just now, a colleague gave me a note that made me very happy. the sales momentum of xiaopeng mona m03 is very rapid. he believes that it will far exceed expectations before the end of the interview, and the large orders before the end of the interview will exceed 10,000 units.

Q22:will smart driving hardware solutions, such as turing chips, be installed on partners' models, such as volkswagen models?

he xiaopeng:first of all, it is a huge workload to meet the internal needs of xiaopeng motors with turing chips.we need to do the internal work first.for exampleour ai robots use turing chips.

the turing chip has to run different large models, including end-to-end autonomous driving. in addition, there are multiple large models to run, so there are many challenges to face, and we must do our own work well first.

q23: why did xiaopeng consider making chips? what is the chip manufacturing process?the ppt said "one is equal to three", what does this mean specifically? in addition, xiaopeng's turing chip is aimed at the l4 level. when will it be mass-produced or commercialized? will high-end autonomous driving chips and nvidia's chips constitute a competitive relationship?

he xiaopeng:first, i think that companies that are determined to make a difference in ai in the future may have non-general chips, that is, proprietary ai chips like xiaopeng turing chip.

second, we do not plan to introduce the process to the outside world because we actually value its capabilities more.

third, regarding “one chip is worth three”, we believe that its proprietary capabilities reach or even exceed the capabilities of the three chips we are using now.

fourth, we expect that xiaopeng motors will use both nvidia and its own chips in the future to jointly build xiaopeng motors' entire system.

Q24:does it mean that it will only be used at l4?

he xiaopeng:this means that the chip can be used from l3 to l4, not just for l4. at least two chips are required for l4 for redundancy.

q25: what preparations has xiaopeng motors made for the future overseas expansion of its self-developed product chips?

he xiaopeng:regarding chip exports, the global perspective is taken into consideration from the very beginning of the design. secondly, all capabilities must comply with the regulations of each country. both aspects are done in accordance with relevant constraints.

q26: in xiaopeng's ai system, we see that the base is ai chips, ai big models, ai robots, flying cars, and ai cars. what proportion do you personally think robots and flying cars account for, and what will be the ratio of investment in the future?

he xiaopeng:ai robotics is an internal company of xiaopeng. we have invested a lot of resources in it. in addition to developing the power of cars, the power team is also developing the power of robots. for example, in terms of autonomous driving, we are not only developing autonomous driving for china, but also for the world, and also for robots.

so it actually uses a system, so in the field of ai robots, the most important investment is still in organizational capability building, which is the most important thing for the entire company.

q27: it is not impressive to achieve high-level intelligent driving on a high-computing power platform. it is a manifestation of capability to achieve end-to-end on a previous low-computing power platform. what does xiaopeng motors think of this view? do you have plans to add more functions on a platform with lower computing power in the future?

li liyun:our team recently had a very in-depth experience with tesla's fsd v12.5 in the united states, but it may be a model with slightly higher hardware configuration.

in my opinion, we should first focus on making our core self-developed technologies easier to drive like tesla, and improve them with exponential experience.

after the speed of evolution of the upper limit of capabilities is fast enough, we can definitely go back and empower slightly lower hardware. so i believe there is a sequence to this matter - first break through a high enough level to show our true capabilities, and then empower downward.

he xiaopeng:xiaopeng g9 will be launched in 2022. all of our current autonomous driving upgrade plans are planned for several years to come, and we can do the same.

q28: the threshold for smart cars mentioned earlier is more than 150,000 yuan. is there a price threshold for xiaopeng motors' end-to-end technical solutions? to what extent can the technical reserves support the realization of an end-to-end model?

he xiaopeng:that was said about three years ago. it was about a 150,000-level smart driving car, which no one could make because you had to lower the price after making the functions. so i am happy that we have achieved what we couldn't do three years ago.

li liyun:the end-to-end threshold is not a price threshold. end-to-end will change the intelligent iteration method, behavior pattern, and r&d paradigm.

in the traditional rule-based era, designing an algorithm, building a model, and a team making some changes can quickly produce results. but this is a bit like treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. that is, if perception doesn’t work, make the perception model better; if planning doesn’t work, design some algorithms for the scenario.

but in today's world where users can experience high-end intelligent driving capabilities in all aspects, and cars can be driven all over the country and are getting easier and easier to drive, the requirements are different.

end-to-end will make the entire chain longer. we invest 3.5 billion in ai every year. whether it is the construction of computing power or, more importantly, data collection, it requires a lot of accumulation and time.

he xiaopeng:let me give you an example. the previous tier 1 autonomous driving system was based on written rules. it could put one rule into different cars and use it after some modifications. in other words, the lower limit of tier 1 was relatively high and the upper limit was relatively low.

however, in an end-to-end system, the upper limit is very high, and if it is not done well, the lower limit will also be very low.

in such a system, once the end-to-end becomes more mature in the future, taking xiaopeng motors as an example, from the end of this year to next year, it will become increasingly difficult for tier 1 to provide partners with rules and methodologies for autonomous driving, which will force more and more manufacturers to develop or deeply develop this system on their own.

Q29:there is a consensus in the industry that intelligent driving will go through the stages from being usable to being easy to use to being loved. currently, xiaopeng motors has reached the level of being easy to use. when will it reach the stage of being loved, or when will the entire industry reach this stage?

li liyun:how to make something go from easy to use to something you love to use is actually very simple, it’s all about the end-to-end ai big model.

let me share a piece of data with you.after the launch of the latest xiaopeng ai dimensity 5.2.0 system, there are several core indicators, including mileage penetration rate, trip penetration rate, user penetration rate and other data, which can clearly show the end-to-end big model empowerment.

xiaopeng mona m03 software has improved its smoothness by more than 20%, and has greatly improved its handling capabilities for narrow roads, u-turns, roundabouts, and other places that were previously difficult to handle with rules.this can be clearly seen from the number of user surveys and the data feedback we received.

so everyone reached a consensus thatthe smart driving experience must go from being usable to being easy to use to loving to can continue to pay attention to our new version. with the empowerment of the end-to-end big model, we will launch our better door-to-door xngp experience to users.

q30: how should we understand xpeng motors’ financial report’s mention that the robotaxi business will not be re-operated?

he xiaopeng:we mainly make the cars and hand them over to our partners for operation, such as didi, autonavi or other partners.

q31: xiaopeng's mona series has maintained a high popularity since its launch. in order to maintain its popularity, are there any other actions? xiaopeng has made great progress in marketing. what adjustments has xiaopeng motors made?

he xiaopeng:these two questions are both marketing-related issues, which are actually the chicken and the egg. for example, looking at the actions of xiaopeng's mona series, we can feel that xiaopeng motors' marketing has changed. this means that we have made some adjustments, and we are on the way and getting better and better.

second, as i just mentioned, xiaopeng motors will pay more attention to commercialization, which includes marketing capabilities. therefore, including marketing capabilities, further changes in organization, processes, and tool series will continue, and will get better and better.

q32: what are the most impressive and glorious moments since you started your business?

he xiaopeng:i have talked about many moments today. for example, the highlight moment that impressed me the most recently was the photoelectric test of the xiaopeng g6. i couldn’t finish it no matter how hard i tried, but finally i could push the car after it was done. it was the first time i found that pushing a car was a very happy thing.

for example, the moment when xiaopeng g9 was released in september 2022 and the moment when xiaopeng motors went public on august 27, 2020 both left a deep impression on me.

q33: today bloomberg reported that xpeng will build factories overseas? thank you.

he xiaopeng:we are not building factories overseas, but we are looking for partners overseas. it would be better if we can work with partners.

Q34:in addition to the 200 million us dollars investment by mr. he, what other core decisions have led xiaopeng to become the winner among the new forces in car manufacturing today?

he xiaopeng:what kind of role is the most important: the difference between me and most new car companies or entrepreneurs is that i am a technical product manager, or in other words, i am a product manager with a focus on software and internet technology.

so when i think about topics such as autonomous driving, smart cockpit, and ai at xpeng motors, the weight of software and ai has always been relatively high.

i think ai will account for nearly 50% of car purchase decisions in the next decade.however, in the past decade, the most important factors in car purchasing decisions were the size, power, safety and other factors of the car.

q35: why doesn’t xiao p of xiaopeng mona m03 jump out when summoned like other models, and there is no image of xiao p appearing on the car?

yang guang: we have two types of car is the xiaopeng mona youth edition cockpit, and the other is dimensity. the two have similar functions, but different characteristics. little p is an icon in the dimensity system.

q36: why is xpeng motors positioned as an “ai car company” in the next ten years?

he xiaopeng:most people in the automotive or internet industry recognize the importance of ai in future development, but some people think it is just a marketing gimmick.

i think we need to implement ai planning into specific details from the perspective of the company, team management, and actual projects, and place it on the same sequence of importance as automotive product today is just the beginning, and we still have a lot of work to do.

q37: if you consider the ten years of entrepreneurship as a journey, mr. xiaopeng, do you think you have achieved your goals in the past ten years? what are your goals for the next ten years?

he xiaopeng:in the last decade, we developed smart electric vehicles and sold 10,000 or 100,000 units, each of which was a goal that was constantly broken down.

in the next decade, i want to make ai cars better.

in the future, i think that cars in cities will be driverless, cars between cities will fly at low altitudes, and short-distance transportation and service tools will be may take more than ten years to realize these three visions, but perhaps they can be achieved in the next decade.

Q38:if you could go back ten years, would you still choose to build cars? has xpeng motors grown into what you once imagined it would be?

he xiaopeng:if time goes back, i will still build cars, but the way i do it may be a little different. i think it is enough for some macro ideas to be realized, and i rarely think about micro or short-term ideals.

q39: how long will it take for us to see the models designed by juanma, the former ferrari designer, joining xiaopeng motors? in addition, will he participate in the design of subsequent products in the mona series?

he xiaopeng:we call him "lao hu" internally. lao hu now manages all of xiaopeng's car series and three design teams. whether it is the mona series or the facelift of existing cars, they are all within lao hu's control.

it takes more than two years for a car to be designed and unveiled. i expect that in 2026 you will see a car designed by lao hu from start to finish, but he will also be involved in the modification of existing models in the meantime.

Q40:in your video a few days ago, you said that you expect the auto price war to be even more intense in the first half of next year. how did you make this judgment? when do you expect this price war to end? will it continue until there are only seven mainstream auto brands left in the chinese market?

he xiaopeng:i think the bloody competition will last until at least 2026 or 2027. the decline of fuel vehicles in 2025 or 2026 may be even more severe and rapid than that in 2024. some fuel vehicles that look good and expensive are actually not expensive, and they have enough capacity to move forward.

but i can’t say for sure whether or not there will be a fight, and how it will be fought.

Q41:do you think the price of xiaopeng mona m03 is competitive? what do you think of the domestic internal competition in this price war? do you think the more competitive the better, or is it a kind of internal consumption?

he xiaopeng:i have never been a fan of volume. i think making a good product is the most important thing.

q42: the weekly sales remarks made by the leaders of new energy vehicle companies have caused many leaders of vehicle companies to take sides. how do you view the weekly sales at this stage?

he xiaopeng:let’s not talk about this topic for now, so that no one will accuse us of diss our competitors.