
"vasari" is popular! "bianshui past" is the first chinese drama to create its own language丨revealing the secret


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with the popularity of the youku white night theater "bianshui past", "vasali" has become popular. "vasali" comes from the new language systematically created by "bianshui past" for the fictional world "sanbianpo" - bomo language, which means "good luck and good fortune" and is the language used by the locals of "sanbianpo" when they meet and say goodbye. systematically creating a new language is a huge and complex task. previously, domestic audiences had only seen it in "hollywood blockbusters" such as "avatar", "dune" and "the lord of the rings". "bomo language" is also the first new language created in china for a tv series.
"waterside stories" is starred by guo qilin and wu zhenyu.
creating a sense of reality and a language for a fictional world
"the past of the border water" creates a fictional country, but many details are close to reality, giving the audience a sense of reality. in particular, the "bomo language" specially created in the play helps the play build a complete country and the country's unique worldview. the mokuangshan, ma niu town, lumberyard, lanqin casino, jincui cabaret... the regional outline and customs of sanbianpo are all visible in the play, making the audience feel as if they are on the scene and experience the hidden crises and turning points in this land. only enough sense of reality can resonate with the audience. the bomo language in "the past of the border water" is a new language system created based on linguistic principles, and bomo text is also specially created. yan wenkan, the creator of bomo language, is proficient in 7 languages ​​and has been engaged in language teaching and translation for 10 years.
creating a language for a fictional world is a challenging task. yanwenkan not only needs to design a completely new language system, including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and other aspects, but also needs to learn and master the language himself. it is not difficult to create a few sentences, but as more and more sentences are created, it becomes more and more difficult to remember and distinguish these sentences, and it is easy to get confused. in order to overcome this problem, yanwenkan invested a lot of time and energy to learn and consolidate the language, ensuring that its internal logic and external expressiveness are in an ideal state.
the creation of "bomoyu" is a systematic and meticulous work
the creation process of "bomo language" is very cumbersome. it is necessary to determine a grammar first, fill in words according to this grammatical structure, and also consider authenticity and the difficulty of learning for actors. it is a systematic and meticulous work. yan wenkan had in-depth communication with the main creative team of "bianshui past", discussing the language style, usage scenarios and how to better integrate this language into the plot. in the design of initials and finals, yan wenkan selected sounds that are easy to make in the chinese mother tongue, including 17 initials and 7 finals. bomo language has designed 4 tones, which are similar to mandarin. actors only need to master one tone to speak bomo language with a regional accent.
the actors learned the "bomo language" through special courses, not only learning the pronunciation and grammar of the language, but also deeply understanding the cultural connotations behind the language. after mastering the "bomo language", some actors will use this language to communicate on the set. their efforts have also made the "bomo language" more vivid and real in the play.
"bomo language" makes the fictional sanbianpo more realistic.
a new language reflects a new attitude towards high-quality online dramas
before this, self-created languages ​​could only be seen in top-notch foreign film and television productions. for example, in the movie avatar, the na'vi language spoken by the natives of pandora was a language sample created by linguists specially invited by cameron. in addition, the chakobotha language in dune, the klingon language in star trek, and the valyrian and dothraki languages ​​in game of thrones were also created by specialized linguists. it is these languages ​​created specifically for the film and television world that enrich one virtual time and space after another. in the "dream-making" world built by artists, a natural environment, lifestyle, and worldview that are completely different from real life are constructed. for example, the klingon language in star trek has become a relatively complete and popular artificial language. in the 1980s, the united states had already published klingon textbooks and dictionaries. some literary works, such as shakespeare's collection, have klingon translations. some international websites also support klingon as their language. in addition to movies, klingon also carries an increasingly strong cultural and artistic atmosphere.
if you want to make the fictional world you see on the screen more complete, an independently created system language is the essence of it. "bianshui past" pioneered the creation of a language in domestic dramas. the new language "bomo language" in the play not only conforms to the principles of linguistics, but also has a unique charm, adding a unique cultural atmosphere to "bianshui past". while enjoying the plot, the audience can also feel the charm of language and the reality of the fictional world. the ingenuity and artistic attitude behind the creation of a new language reflect the new attitude of boutique web dramas, and also further witness the title of "bianshui past" as the most textured suspense drama of the year.
beijing news reporter liu wei
editor tong na
proofread by zhai yongjun