
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is recruiting 80 staff members


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The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' affiliated institutions will publicly recruit the second batch of 80 professional and technical personnel in 2024. The registration period is from the date of publication of this recruitment announcement to September 15, 2024.
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is a public institution directly under the State Council. It is a theoretical stronghold of Marxism, a think tank serving the Party Central Committee and state decision-making, the highest academic institution for research in philosophy and social sciences in China, and a national comprehensive research center for philosophy and social sciences. It is at the ministerial level.
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences currently has 7 functional departments, 42 research institutes (divided into six major departments, namely the Department of Marxist Studies, the Department of Literature and Philosophy, the Department of History, the Department of Economics, the Department of Social Sciences and Politics, and the Department of International Studies), 5 other directly affiliated institutions, 2 directly affiliated enterprises, and 1 trusteeship unit; in addition, it has more than 90 important academic journals such as "Chinese Social Sciences", "Marxist Studies", "Literary Review", "Philosophical Studies", "Historical Studies", "Economic Studies", "Law Studies", "World Economics and Politics", more than 180 non-entity research centers, and is in charge of more than 110 national academic societies.
1. Recruitment Positions
II. Basic Qualifications of Applicants
(1) Having the nationality of the People's Republic of China;
(2) Abide by the Constitution and laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good conduct, and abide by disciplines and laws;
(3) Have a firm political stance, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and maintain a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and actions;
(4) Be passionate about philosophy and social science work, adhere to the correct academic orientation and value orientation, have a good style of study, moral cultivation, professional ethics, strong teamwork, dedication and self-discipline;
(V) Possess the professional capabilities and skills required for the position; applicants for scientific research, teaching, and academic journal editing positions should generally have a doctoral degree and have published academic papers, monographs, and think tank results of certain influence;
(6) Have the physical conditions and psychological qualities to perform their duties normally, adapt to the job requirements, and ensure that they work full-time in the hospital during the term of employment;
(VII) The applicant shall be generally not older than 40 years old (born after January 1, 1984); if the position has special age requirements, the requirements of the position shall prevail;
(8) Satisfy other conditions stipulated by the State and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Persons who have been criminally punished for crimes, persons who have been expelled from the Communist Party of China and the Communist Youth League of China, persons who have been dismissed from public office, persons who have been found to have committed fraud or other serious violations of examination and recruitment discipline in public office recruitment at all levels and are still in the ban period, persons who have been included in the list of joint punishment targets for breach of trust in accordance with the law, persons who have committed academic misconduct and other bad behaviors, persons who have been given a disciplinary punishment of probation or above during their higher education, and persons in other circumstances where laws and regulations stipulate that they may not be employed as staff members of public institutions, are not allowed to apply.
Applicants are not allowed to apply for positions that will constitute an avoidance relationship after they are hired.
III. Recruitment scope and professional requirements
1. Recruitment Scope
1. Postdoctoral fellows leaving the station: Postdoctoral researchers who have been in the station for 18 months or more should generally leave the station before the end of November 2024 and comply with the relevant national policies on settling in Beijing.
2. Employees with Beijing household registration: Employees who have a permanent residence in Beijing should generally report for work before the end of November 2024.
3. Overseas students: Generally, they should have obtained or will obtain a master's degree or above overseas postgraduate degree certification from the Ministry of Education's Overseas Study Service Center before the end of November 2024, and comply with the relevant national policies for settling in Beijing.
(II) Description of recruitment majors
The professional requirements for recruitment positions are the majors corresponding to the applicants' highest academic degree. The reference directory for professional names and codes is the "Catalogue of Disciplines and Majors for Postgraduate Education (2022)" and "Catalogue of Disciplines and Majors for Awarding Doctoral and Master's Degrees and Training Postgraduates (2008 Updated Version)" published by the Ministry of Education (which can be downloaded from the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China:
If your major is close to the above but not in the above catalog, or if you need to consult about academic qualifications, degrees, eligibility requirements, etc., please contact the relevant employer to confirm your registration qualifications.
IV. Recruitment Procedure
(I) Online registration. From the date of publication of this recruitment announcement to September 15, 2024, applicants shall register in accordance with the following requirements:
1. Applicants can apply for multiple units, but each unit is limited to one position. Please fill in the "Application Form for Open Recruitment of Professional and Technical Personnel of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" (which can be downloaded from the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China:, together with your ID card (front and back), scanned copies of major academic achievements and other relevant materials, and send them to the designated email address of the applicant unit for registration.
2. Applicants must choose one of the above-mentioned applicants as their first choice, register through the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Open Recruitment Service Platform (, register a personal account and log in, and fill in relevant information as required. The technical support contact number of the recruitment platform is: 18522986887.
3. Applicants who have close relatives or major social relations in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences must actively fill in the relevant information when registering.
(II) Qualification review. Employers shall conduct qualification review on applicants in accordance with relevant national and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences policies and regulations and recruitment conditions and requirements specified in the recruitment announcement. Qualification review runs through the entire recruitment process. If applicants are found to be unqualified or provide false information at any stage of the recruitment, their application will be cancelled and the recruitment process will be terminated immediately.
The employer shall notify the candidates who have passed the qualification review to take the examination in a timely manner according to the relevant arrangements. Those who have not passed the qualification review will not be notified separately. The examination can only be held when the ratio of the number of candidates who have passed the qualification review to the number of candidates to be recruited for the same position reaches 3:1 or more. If the ratio is not reached, the number of candidates to be recruited for the position shall be appropriately reduced or the recruitment plan for the position shall be cancelled. If there are special requirements for the recruitment position, the position requirements shall prevail.
(III) Examinations. Various methods may be adopted, such as written examinations, interviews, and special ability tests. Interviews may be combined with the business appraisal during the business inspection, and shall be determined independently by the employer in light of the actual work situation.
Those who fail to reach the passing score are not allowed to enter the business inspection. For those who reach the passing score, the candidates for business inspection will be determined in descending order according to the prescribed ratio; if there is a tie in the last test scores, they will all enter the business inspection together. If there are those who give up the business inspection, they will be replaced in turn. If the ratio requirement is not met, the business inspection will be conducted according to the actual number of people.
(IV) Business assessment. The employer's hiring committee and academic committee will jointly conduct a business assessment of the applicant's professional ability, development potential, and job matching. The business assessment is conducted in accordance with the procedures of personal statement, question and answer, expert evaluation, and anonymous voting. The employer may add trial lectures and other procedures based on job requirements and actual work. Before the business assessment, the employer will conduct a qualification review of the applicants and verify the registration information with the applicants themselves and their original identity documents and other materials.
For those who obtain more than 2/3 of the votes of the actual number of attendees in the business appraisal, the candidates for the job suitability assessment will be determined according to the comprehensive ranking order of the examination and business appraisal and the prescribed ratio. If there are those who give up the job suitability assessment, they will be replaced in turn. If the proportion requirement is not met, the job suitability assessment will be conducted according to the actual number of people. The job suitability assessment time is 1 to 2 weeks to further confirm whether the applicants are suitable for the job requirements.
For details on the examination method, score calculation method, passing score and the ratio requirements for entering the business inspection, please see the "Job Information Table for the Second Batch of Professional and Technical Personnel Open Recruitment in 2024 of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences".
(V) Physical Examination. The employer shall organize the applicants to go to the designated hospital for a physical examination. The physical examination standards shall refer to the current general standards for physical examinations for civil servant recruitment. The physical examination expenses shall be borne by the employer. The applicants shall also go to the designated institution for a mental health test as required.
Anyone who commits fraud or conceals the truth during the physical examination, resulting in distorted results, will be disqualified from employment once verified.
(VI) Political investigation. Employers conduct a re-examination of the qualifications of candidates and conduct a political investigation, focusing on whether the candidates meet the political requirements of strengthening the "four consciousnesses", strengthening the "four self-confidences", and achieving the "two safeguards", and loving the Communist Party of China, the motherland, and the people. The investigation is conducted through individual interviews, field visits, review of personnel files and personal reports on relevant matters, inquiry of social credit records, and interviews with the candidates, and extended investigations are conducted as needed.
If a vacancy occurs due to the applicant's withdrawal or failure in the job suitability assessment, physical examination, or political assessment, after research, the vacancy can be filled in order of the comprehensive ranking of the examination and business assessment from the applicants who have obtained more than 2/3 of the votes of approval from the actual number of attendees of the business assessment, or no vacancy can be filled, the number of recruits for the position can be reduced, or the recruitment for the position can be cancelled.
(VII) Study and decide on the candidates for employment. Based on the examination, professional investigation, physical examination, political investigation, etc., the Party Committee (leadership team) of the employing unit collectively studies and determines the candidates for employment.
(VIII) Public announcement. The candidates to be hired will be announced on the open recruitment service platform of the public institutions affiliated to the central and state organs. The announcement period is 5 working days.
(IX) Report to the Institute for Record. After the public notice period expires, if there are no problems or the problems reported do not affect the employment, report to the relevant departments of the Institute for record.
(10) Handle the employment procedures. After the application is approved, the employer signs an employment contract with the candidate, agrees on the probation period and employment period, clarifies the objectives and tasks of the employment period, and handles the employment registration procedures. If the candidate passes the assessment at the end of the probation period, he/she will be formally employed; if he/she fails, his/her employment will be cancelled.
V. Employment Benefits
In accordance with relevant regulations of the state and our institute, they will be included in the public institution establishment management system and enjoy corresponding salary and welfare benefits.
VI. Other matters
(I) The application materials and information submitted by applicants shall be true, accurate and complete. Applicants who forge or alter application materials such as certificates or proofs, or obtain application qualifications by other improper means, cheat during the examination and physical examination, or commit other violations of the open recruitment discipline will be dealt with in accordance with the "Regulations on the Handling of Disciplinary and Illegal Behaviors in Open Recruitment of Public Institutions".
(II) Applicants are requested to fill in their mobile phone numbers and other valid contact information as required and keep the communication open. If your mobile phone is equipped with security software to block unknown numbers, please cancel the setting.