
The "hot summer" is coming again, unlocking new ways for brands to market in summer


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On Douyin, users have N kinds of wonderful summer lives: holiday travel, night market economy, appearance consumption, home leisure, and various ways to release dopamine...
Summer is the peak season for user consumption. Changes in temperature are closely related to public sentiment and also affect consumption trends. In Germany, a beer country, beer starts to sell well when the temperature reaches 22°C, and more than 2 million bottles of beer can be sold on the market for every 1°C increase. In Japan, when the temperature exceeds 30°C, more than 300,000 air conditioners can be sold for every 1°C increase. The "Air Conditioning Index" and "Beer Index" are the most typical examples of the "Summer Economy".
Based on the deep insight into the summer economic trend, ByteDance launched the first summer emotional node planning "Blast Summer" in the summer of 2023, achieving a win-win situation for the platform, brands and consumers. From June to August 2024, ByteDance joined hands with many leading brands on Douyin to once again launch the "Blast Summer" node marketing IP project, embracing the summer hot craze with brands. From August 26 to September 8, the "Blast Summer" market promotion activity was fully launched. Users can enter the search show event page by searching "Blast Summer" on Douyin, linking brands to create a summer node atmosphere and detonate summer marketing volume.
Focus on users' summer life scenes
Accumulate hot topics to create high-quality content IP
In the current era of mobile Internet, the summer economy is more diversified and shows distinct emotional attributes. When weather changes coincide with the public's spiritual demands, it is expected to arouse heated discussions across the Internet, create new consumption trends, and create natural opportunities for platforms and brands to launch explosive products.
On the TikTok platform, where young people gather, the huge user base and accumulated high-quality UGC content have the ability to create hot topics and arouse emotional needs. 2024 coincides with the Olympic season. From June to August, popular nodes such as the college entrance examination season, the Olympics, summer vacation, and Chinese Valentine's Day are coming one after another, which also sprouts the natural heat of summer topics.
On Douyin, users' topics about summer-related content continue to ferment and become popular. The topic #夏日炎炎有你真甜, which expresses summer emotions, has attracted many young people to spontaneously create interesting short videos. So far, 1.573 million people have participated, and the total number of views has reached 5.57 billion. The topic #少女感夏日ootd, which focuses on summer outfits, also brings together hot topics in the fashion circle such as dopamine outfits, oxygen outfits, and sunscreen cool suits, setting off waves of discussions on outfit styles. Based on the food category, #这些美食是来了夏归恩的吧 has attracted experts and amateurs in various fields to create, showing the delicious summer-relief delicacies from all over the world in a rich and creative form. The topic has been played 650 million times, triggering a boom in popular food.
Based on its insights into Douyin's hot topics and content consumption, ByteDance has created the "Hot Summer" summer node marketing IP, which brings together 20+ summer node topics and 60+ key summer marketing IPs, covering multiple dimensions such as festivals, events, and hot spots, and encompassing all types of content such as variety shows, performances, music, and short plays. It covers all the hot topics related to summer on the entire network, aggregates and precipitates high-quality content, and at the same time focuses on the marketing demands of industry scenarios and segmented scenarios to build a full-link solution for brand-planting-conversion.
In order to follow the summer trend of users "eating, drinking and having fun on Douyin", Douyin called on more than 100 artists to launch a Vlog of stars' summer life on Douyin. "My Collection of Summer" aggregates fashion, beauty, food, photography, travel, fitness and other content to create a Douyin summer lifestyle. The current cumulative number of views has reached 7.95 billion. Brands can carry "online main topic positions, star summer high-quality content, and offline exhibitions" to achieve dual endorsement of stars and platforms, helping to break through node marketing and enhance influence.
At the same time, Douyin has locked on to the summer emotional explosion scene, and has made efforts both online and offline. "Douyin Summer Beautiful Scene" integrates S-level performance content, summer screening halls, city check-in activities, summer hit songs, summer scene theme gift packs and other diversified content gameplay, and invites high-influence celebrities and vertical head experts who have settled in Douyin to join, showing the Douyin summer node content atmosphere in all directions.
The summer project "Capture the Beauty Plan" takes the two major theme content tracks of "Summer Dryness Reduction Plan" and "Meet the Fireworks Market" as entry points, integrates media and cultural tourism resources in both directions, and invites top industry experts to participate in flash stalls, covering all dimensions such as cultural tourism, food and summer nodes, integrating online traffic into offline, and fully linking high-quality content.
From high-quality content to live service scenarios and then to Douyin e-commerce, the "Summer Explosion" node IP meets the summer marketing demands of brands in multiple industries through multi-scenario + good content + full-link integration, triggering summer out-of-circle marketing.
Flexible brand content implantation into IP activities
Helping brands become hot-selling items in summer
So far, many brands have joined forces with the "Hot Summer" node IP, accumulating many excellent case gameplays and effects, realizing segmented scenario marketing with diversified gameplay, and providing more business growth opportunities for brands across the industry.
Winona teamed up with the "Nice to Meet You" program and co-created the "Nice to Meet You" with the main creators Zhou Xun and Aya, creating a summer live music party for music-loving Douyin users. In July, a single concert was watched by more than 29.04 million people, with a maximum of 260,000 people watching at the same time, and was well received by users in the circle. Winona's ace single product, the whitening bottle, also hit the pain point of summer whitening. During the event, the daily search volume exceeded 90,000, achieving the dual effect of single product sales and high brand exposure.
Travel is also one of the hot topics in summer. FAW-Volkswagen-Lanxun and "Set Out, Travel the Mountains and Rivers" arrived at Litang Station and worked with Litang boy Ding Zhen to dig out the fireworks, market flavor and storytelling in urban culture, creating performance content with Douyin characteristics. The topic #Being controlled by Ding Zhen riding a horse for 20 seconds rushed to the entertainment list and the same city list of Douyin's hot list. The program strongly combines the car brand with the attributes of outdoor travel, greatly improving the brand's recognition and reputation.
Classic Snowflake teamed up with another IP focusing on local summer scenes, "Beautiful Capture Plan", and joined hands with influencers @我是晴天 and @这是一个泡泡, to appear at the Shenyang Beer Festival in a flash mob format, setting up stalls to sell barbecue at the night market, achieving a simultaneous explosion of online and offline voices. The topic #谁不要去沈阳啤酒节 quickly reached the top 25 of the Douyin popularity list, and continued to dominate the Shenyang local topic list. The related activities also received strong support from the local cultural and tourism departments, and the continuous coverage of local media further radiated the brand influence to more user circles.
Bytedance accurately grasps the natural heat of the summer economy and creates a marketing IP matrix. In addition to the above examples, the "Amazing Whitening Technology Season 2" in the beauty category, the "2024 Auto Carnival" in the automotive category, and the "TikTok Summer Beautiful Scene" and "Beauty Capture Plan" covering culture, tourism, activities and food are all included. The brand content is cleverly implanted into the IP, and with the support of platform vertical resources, users are encouraged to actively participate in the output of creative content, and brand blockbusters are created with scenario-based online and offline grass-planting models.
Create a summer-exclusive marketing campaign
It has attracted the attention of C-end users and has gained a lot of industry attention.
In June, "Hot Summer" started with hot topics such as the college entrance examination season, Dragon Boat Festival, and summer solstice, and stimulated the interest of the circle through activities such as summer vlogs of celebrities, offline celebrity exhibitions, and live concerts of S-level celebrities. In July, during the summer vacation and the opening of the Olympics, summer planning-related activities were used to fully stimulate the popularity of IP. In August, the Chinese Valentine's Day eye contact challenge and the summer schedule of high-quality short dramas brought the entire marketing cycle to a climax.
From early summer to midsummer, the "Hot Summer" node marketing IP has successfully created a series of summer topics and IP content, which not only increased users' enthusiasm for summer node consumption, but also greatly increased the exposure and industry attention of topics related to summer node IP. At the end of August, the "Hot Summer" node marketing IP series market promotion activities created by ByteDance will also be fully launched to create an exclusive summer online carnival for Douyin C-end users and B-end brand customers.
The "Hot Summer" search show event page was officially launched on August 26. Users can enter the event page by searching the keyword #Hot Summer on Douyin.
ByteDance has teamed up with a number of summer IPs to release the "Hot Summer" creative TVC for the first time. Through an interesting interpretation of the summer atmosphere, it connects the three major industry scenarios of summer marketing (mass, local, and automotive) from the perspective of Douyin users' lives, and naturally integrates summer nodes to recommend IPs, interactive and innovative product gameplay, and summer Douyin hot topics, in order to show the rich content of young people spending a wonderful summer on Douyin, as well as the diverse IP activities in which brands can deeply participate.
At the same time, ByteDance teamed up with 14+ brand clients including Chando, Head & Shoulders, Olay, Amul, Suntory, Snow Beer, and more than a dozen experts in the fields of beauty/lifestyle/food/automotive, such as @周星伦, @茜子在旅途, @北姑娘 (Tangtang), and @roro姐姐, to jointly support "Summer of Hot Selling Products", further increasing the volume and heat of the topic and igniting discussions across the entire network.
The "Hot-selling summer" search show event page will run from August 26 to September 8. By searching the keyword #Hot-selling summer on Douyin, you can obtain summer consumption trends and participate in lucky draw interactions to win nearly a thousand summer gifts. The prizes cover multiple categories such as midnight snacks, whitening and repairing, and outdoor travel. You can also draw hot-selling gifts such as coffee machines, sweeping robots, electric toothbrushes, Douyin cultural and creative coffee cups, and bucket bags. All Douyin users can participate.
In addition, ByteDance will also release a Douyin summer marketing trend manual, including hot summer topics, innovative interactive products for brand advertising, and industry-specific summer key IP recommendations, to help brands accurately grasp summer fashion trends. Starting from industry business opportunities, it will join forces with the "Hot Summer" high-quality IP project to create holiday marketing events. Through summer emotional marketing, it will leverage user consumption enthusiasm, complete the conversion of hot products into grass-roots products, leverage hot spots to complete summer marketing, and achieve long-term business growth.
The new generation of young consumers pay more attention to the satisfaction of emotional demands. Media platforms such as Douyin are gradually amplifying the purchasing power of the new middle class and Generation Z, and creating diversified consumer behavior trends. Bytedance has keenly captured the heat and emotional explosion points of the summer economy, and has worked with brands and influencers to actively leverage the trend to create hot topic trends, innovate marketing methods, fully stimulate the vitality of the summer economy, and help brands across the industry gain opportunities for hits. (Yang Yan)