
No painting, no story | 50,000 yuan to create a hot search, the Internet is not a place outside the law


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With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has become an important platform for people to obtain information and express their opinions. However, some lawless persons artificially create hot searches, claiming that "it costs 50,000 yuan to be on the hot search list, and 20,000 yuan to be on the non-hot search list. If you want to stay on the list for a longer time, the price will be higher..." They mislead the public through fake traffic and seriously disrupt the network ecology.
As a hub for the public to receive and discuss information, the trending search list has a public nature. If it is left to be controlled by algorithms, manipulated by money, and manipulated by "trolls", it is not only a waste of public resources, but also means that the public's attention is hijacked and the public opinion position is disturbed.
The existence of online water armies not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of netizens, but also undermines the market order of fair competition. They provide false traffic for online information through false clicks, comments, likes and other means, so that truly valuable content is drowned in false information. At the same time, online water armies are also involved in paid deletion of posts, extortion, cyber violence and other fields, becoming a major cancer in cyberspace.
In the face of the rampant online trolls, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission has launched a series of special operations across the country to combat illegal and criminal activities at the source. Public security organs in various places have also continued to increase their efforts to combat online rumors and illegal and criminal activities such as online trolls, and have achieved remarkable results. In the face of the arrogance of online trolls, only when relevant departments implement mechanisms and take real action can the Internet cancer be eradicated and the public can have a clear and clean cyberspace. (Intern Zhang Haoying/Text, Zonglan News, Zhao Yanjie/Photo)