
Pakistani media workers visit Yili, Xinjiang


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China News Service, Yili, August 23, Title: Pakistani media personnel visit Yili, Xinjiang
Author: Chen Xinyi
Amid the scent of ink from the printing press, Murtaza Solangi, editor-in-chief of Pakistani online media Stratheia, solemnly put a piece of paper into an envelope. His name had just been printed on the paper: Chinese on the left and Xibe, a Chinese minority language, on the right.
On the 22nd, the 2024 "Pakistan Media and Think Tank Personnel China Tour" event came to Yili, Xinjiang, and came to Chabuchaer Newspaper. It was here that the 5874th "Chabuchaer Newspaper", which is also the only Xibe newspaper in China and the world, was printed and published a day ago. Data shows that there are currently about 190,000 Xibe people in China, of which about 82.5% can speak Xibe.
The Chabuchar newspaper was founded in 1946 and has a history of 78 years. Pakistani media people are very curious about the newspaper in front of them: how many editions are there? What is the circulation? How many people are there in the editorial department?
Wu Xinhong, editor of the third edition of the literary supplement of the Chabuchar Daily, answered the questions one by one. She said that the newspaper has four editions, 100 issues are published throughout the year, and the annual circulation is about 240,000 copies. There are currently 16 employees, most of whom are Xibe people, who are responsible for the entire process from editing to printing and publishing.
"I am surprised. It is just a small team, but it has protected and passed down a national newspaper," said Imran Khalid, a columnist for Pakistan's The News, The National and Pakistan Today.
The Chabuchar Newspaper Office houses the lead pots, lead type templates and other printing equipment that the newspaper had used. The picture shows Pakistani media and think tank personnel visiting a single-word automatic typesetting machine purchased in 1967. Photo by Chen Xinyi
"In the new media era, how should we deal with the impact of digitization on paper newspapers?" asked Taseer Ali, a news reporter for Pakistan's The National.
Guo Xingang, president of Chabuchaer Newspaper, pointed to the QR code on the newspaper and said: "Since last year, we have established a WeChat public account and published content in multiple languages ​​simultaneously to expand our influence." Guo Xingang said, "However, no matter how new media develops, we will still insist on publishing paper newspapers. The government is very supportive. Now more and more people are studying ethnic languages ​​and scripts. Yili Normal University has also opened a Xibe language major, so there is no need to worry about successors."
Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture is a multi-ethnic area with 47 different ethnic groups. In the Kazanqi National Customs Street in Yining City alone, there are people from 13 different ethnic groups, including Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Huis. On that day, Pakistani media and think tank personnel came to Kazanqi Street, where they watched ethnic dance performances and encountered a Uyghur wedding.
On the 22nd, Pakistani media workers performed Uighur dances with local Uighur residents on the ethnic customs street. Photo by Chen Xinyi
"I was completely moved by the atmosphere here. It was completely different from what was described by the Western media. Everyone was dancing and having a lot of fun. And that wedding, I thought it was just part of a performance, but I was so lucky to encounter a real wedding. There are rich cultural landscapes here that are beyond my imagination," said Abdullah Gauhar Malik, digital editor of Pakistan's The Observer.
While building a street with local customs, Kazanqi Street has also preserved traditional houses. At a Uyghur family's home in the street, Pakistani media personnel were invited to taste local specialties and experience the process of making naan.
"Coming here feels like coming home. The carpets, vases and curtains of this family are very similar to ours. I feel that the cultural heritage of China and Pakistan has many similarities," said Marij Farooq, deputy editor-in-chief and chief digital editor of Pakistan's Daily Unity newspaper.
Mao Lidan Kurbanjan, a local resident, greeted the guests from afar in fluent English. She graduated from the University of International Business and Economics with a major in English and now does foreign trade business in Guangzhou. She came home to visit her family during the summer vacation. Mao Lidan Kurbanjan said that the Uyghurs are a warm and hospitable people and they want to make every guest feel at home.
On the 22nd, Pakistani media members rode the electric-driven horse-drawn carriages that are characteristic of the neighborhood to visit the ethnic customs street. Photo by Chen Xinyi
Riding in the neighborhood's characteristic electric horse-drawn carriage, the Pakistani media crew passed through the streets of Kazanchi, passed by the bright blue houses on the street, and waved to residents of all ethnic groups basking in the sun and tourists from all over the world.
"In my opinion, diversity is the background and strength of the Chinese nation. People are diverse, cultures are diverse, but there are some common things that connect them together. There is unity in diversity, which is the most attractive part. It's like a bouquet of flowers, with different varieties and colors, but when combined, they create a beautiful picture together." Murtaza Solangi said. (End)