
This province ranks first in the country in terms of seafood consumption, and per capita per capita "seafood freedom" is achieved!


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Source: Authentic Scenery

Opening the sea is the password to activate the flow of Fujian fishing ports.Fujian SeafoodThe price has been lowered for ten years, showing its luxurious temperament.

Fishing boats returning to the harbor, loaded with the first seafood of autumn. Photo by City Traveler

Although Fujian is not the province with the largest seafood production, and its total seafood production ranks second in the country,Fujianese are the Chinese who eat the most seafoodFujian ranks first in seafood production per capita and consumption per capita, making Fujianese the first to achieve “per capita seafood freedom”, and Fujian has therefore firmly established itself as one of China’s major seafood provinces.

at the same time,Fujian seafood also maintains the record of "ranking first in the country in exports for ten consecutive years"For example, more than half of the country's grilled eel exportsFujian's "National Eel", has absolute say on the Japanese dining table.

Fujianese always return with a full load when they go out to sea. Photo by City Traveler

Fujianese can go without meat for three days, but they cannot go without seafood for two meals.

Every Spring Festival, fat, big and creamyMantis ShrimpFirst launched in Fujian, boiled in a large pot, it is so delicious that it will make your eyebrows fall off without any dip; in April,Anchovies, musselsThen, fried with eggs, it is delicious and nutritious.ShellsSoothing. AutumnSwimming crab, prawn, and soy sauce water is the best match; the weather is getting colder, a bowl ofFirst water seaweedThe soup is warm and healing.OystersWhether grilled or fried, Fujianese people never get tired of eating it.

Treasure seafood from all over Fujian. Map by Sun Lu

Invented by FujianeseBuddha Jumps Over the Wall, becoming the ceiling-level seafood feast in the eyes of Chinese people; more than a dozen seasonings are served for the shrimp soldiersShacha Sauce, with the blessing of Fujian's food customs, it swept across southern Fujian, Chaoshan and Southeast Asia in my country.From dinner to snacks, from home cooking to banquets, seafood is the protagonistAs a province rich in seafood, Fujianese are well versed in seafood.

Fujianese people eat seafood in many different ways. Photo by Yang Tianxin


Rather than calling it "Hai Fujian"

It is better to call it "Fujian on the Sea"

You think Fujian is "eight mountains, one river, and one piece of land";In reality, Fujian is "six rivers, three mountains and one field"

The Fujianese built another Fujian on the sea.As the province with the least arable land per capita, Fujian activelyExpanding living space to the ocean, achieving a counterattack in agriculture.

The sea reaches deep into Fujian, creating a close relationship between the sea and people. Photo by Ouyang Honglue

Fujian, which was born by the sea, gradually formed a completely different agricultural civilization more than a thousand years ago.Mazu CultureFujianese people believe that "only hard work can lead to success" and have injected marine culture into their genes. To this day, fishing boats still worship Mazu before going out to sea and merchants still worship Mazu before crossing the ocean; fishermen still keep the habit of not turning the fish over when eating it.

The superior coastline is the basis for Fujian people to build "Maritime Fujian"Fujian is only 500 kilometers from north to south, but it hasMore than 3,000 kilometers, second in Chinalength of coastline.

Eight mountains, one river, and one piece of farmland are the true portrayal of Fujian on land. Map by Sun Lu

As the national coastlineThe most tortuousFujian is a province with 125 natural harbors. With 11 central fishing ports and 17 first-class fishing ports, Fujian hasThe quality of fishing ports ranks first in the country.

Fishing boats docked in the fishing port, ready to set off at any time. Photo by City Traveler

Fujian's water network is more dense than that of the Jiangnan water towns, but is often overlooked due to its mountainous terrain. In line with the spirit of "keeping the rich water within the family", Fujian's rivers rarely flow into the sea in other provinces, butCarry nutritious bait, injected into the waters of Fujian, nurturing more than 700 species of marine fish, making Fujian theThe leader in marine aquaculture and fishing

Fujian’s “marine farmland” extends from the shallow sea to the deep sea, and there are fishing grounds everywhere in the sea.

The fishing grounds at Lianjiang in Fuzhou are endless. Photo by Ouyang Honglue

The rivers flowing into the sea have created vast tidal flats in Fujian. The total area of ​​tidal flats in Fujian is 2.8 million mu, which is the highest per capita area in China.21 timesThis "sea land" naturally reclaimed by the river isThe perfect place for marine farming

Large offshore aquaculture countyXiapu CountyXiapu has about 690 square kilometers of tidal flats, making it the county with the largest tidal flat area in China.The most beautiful beach in ChinaThe floating cages along the 400-kilometer coastline make Xiapu a“Hometown of Chinese Kelp”, unique in the countryShatang Sword ClamIt is a unique feature of Xiapu.

Fujianese people's marine aquaculture is both a technology and an aesthetic. Photo by Chen Yanuo

How suitable are Fujian’s waters for raising seafood?Abalone from the north and southThis proves that Fujian has a suitable environment for seafood growth all year round.Water temperatureEvery November, abalone seedlings from Shandong are shipped toNingde, FuzhouWinter in the sea area.Shandong and FujianThe collaboration in abalone farming makes these two provinces the strongest combination to help Chinese people achieve abalone freedom.

Meiling Town, Zhao'an County, the largest oyster breeding base in Fujian. Photo by City Traveler

In contrast, the transformation and investment in fishing boats reflects the long-term vision of Fujian people in conquering the ocean. In 2020, Lianjiang County added more than 60 steel ships, helping Lianjiang become a county (city) in the country.Ranked No. 2A major aquatic county.

How great is Fujian’s seafood?Abalone, eel, laver, whiteleg shrimp, with an output value of over 10 billion yuan, they are known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Fujian seafood. Fujian seafood also holds many firsts in the country. Shellfish from Zhangpu County and oysters from Luoyuan County dominate the national market.

Fujian’s seafood kingdom has the largest aquaculture volume in the country. Map by Wu Jiuyang


Fujian seafood is not for the weak

The only way is to combine the strong

Along the 3,000-kilometer coastline, Fujian's six administrative cities are lined up in a row - Ningde, Fuzhou, Putian, Quanzhou, Xiamen, and Zhangzhou.A big seafood market

ChinaThe largest seafood countyDongshan,The second largest county in terms of aquatic productsLianjiang is in Fujian. An inconspicuous and quaint fishing village in the southern part of FujianAojiao Village, and has a national first-class fishing port that can accommodate thousands of fishing boats.

In the Fujian seafood world where there are so many experts,The "Super" of Southern FujianandThe “multi-strength” of East FujianIt laid the basic pattern.

A map of my country's wild seafood is hidden in southern Fujian.When people mention Fujian, they first think ofSouthern FujianQuanzhou, Xiamen, and Zhangzhou representThe simplicity of Fujian's maritime cultureThe tranquility of the ancient cities and villages in southern Fujian coexists harmoniously with the hustle and bustle of the ocean.Hui'an Fisherwoman, soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

The hardworking and brave Hui'an women have attracted worldwide attention. Photo by Chen Yingjie

Minnan, which is adjacent to Guangdong and across the sea from Taiwan and Southeast Asia, was once a popular place for business due to its large population and limited land. Today, the Minnan people have integrated the ocean spirit of daring to fight and take risks into theiroutSea fishingin the career.

There is our countryThe largest seafood countyknown asDongshan County, Zhangzhou, butThe smallest county in Fujian ProvinceThis small county in southern Fujian, consisting of more than 60 islands, lives only for "seafood".

Dongshan, surrounded by the sea, isNatural HarborDongshan is located at the intersection of ocean currents, with reefs and muddy seabeds, attracting countless wild fish to live and multiply. The main island, Dongshan Island, is currently the largest in China.The only one without a large industrial portThe Dongshan seafood on the island, far away from industrial pollution, has a rustic feeling of paradise.

The superior marine environment makes Dongshan aFujian's largest wholesale market for live seafood, dried goods and seafood productsAs a result, all the Fujian seafood purchased online is labeled as "authentic Dongshan seafood".

Fishermen from Dongshan return home with a full load. Photo by City Traveler

Dongshan seafood represents the seafood of southern FujianwildDongshan Island is also known as "the largest island of wild seafood in Fujian". Wild and natural, Dongshan seafood is irreplaceable.

Dongshanabalone, is the famous seafood of Dongshan;Small tube, is the "business card" of Dongshan Island; and the best shrimp in the shrimp worldWild tiger shrimp, which instantly raised the level of Dongshan seafood. In the eyes of Dongshan people, seafood is divided into two types:Dongshan seafood and other seafood."Once you have eaten Dongshan seafood, you are a Dongshan person." Dongshan people are very confident that after being baptized by Dongshan seafood, their tongues will become as picky as theirs.

In the eyes of Dongshan people, there are only two kinds of seafood: Dongshan seafood and other seafood. Photo by City Traveler

Compared with Zhangzhou Dongshan, the Internet celebrity cityQuanzhou, XiamenThe performance on seafood is slightly inferior, but it still has its own characteristics.

The third largest river in FujianJinjiang River flows into the sea in Quanzhou, on the mudflats where fresh and salt water meet,Wild star wormIt can be freely reproduced and processed, and it is everywhere in the streets and alleys of Quanzhou.Groundnut Jelly. Respected as a "living fossil"Wild lancelet, which is most adapted to the environment of Xiamen Liuwudian Sea Area. The fishing of lancelets in Xiamen has lasted for more than 300 years. (Today, wild lancelets are listed as national protected animals due to the sharp decline in their numbers)

Loads of seafood will be transported to the city as quickly as possible.

Cheapness is the most attractive feature.In the market in southern Fujian, the atmosphere of seafood is transformed into a strong atmosphere of the market. Mixed with the smell of various dried seafood, filled with the sounds of hawking and bargaining, here, you can always buy various seafood ingredients at the cheapest price.

How many of the best “seafood towns” are hidden in eastern Fujian?Located in northeast FujianEast FujianThe region has the world's bestTidal flatsThe abundant resources make all the coastal counties and cities in eastern Fujian big players in seafood farming.

Xiapu is known as the most beautiful beach in China

Good water quality is the biggest advantage of Fujian’s rivers. The high mountains in western Fujian isolate the Fujian water system from the Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River. Fujian's water, because it is a self-contained system, remains rare and clean.

The rich water system and winding coastline of East Fujian have created a large area of ​​tidal flats. Map by Sun Lu

As the oldest county in eastern Fujian, it has been known as the "Eight Fujian Seafood Exports" since ancient times.Kasumigaura"Xiapu has the longest coastline in Fujian and hasThe most beautiful ocean beachCompared with Xiapu's seafood, Xiapu's beautiful sunrise and sunset views are more famous in the eyes of outsiders.

However, KasumigauraNori, kelpDecades of intensive cultivation have not only not destroyed the natural environment of Xiapu, but have made this sea area more humanistic.

Drying kelp is hard work. Photo by Yang Tianxin

When it comes to "growing seafood", people from eastern Fujian are not satisfied with this, but have created many seafood towns and the best in the world.

Lianjiang County, FuzhouThe Minjiang River, the largest river in Fujian, flows into the sea here. The superior natural conditions make Lianjiang a“Home of Abalone”Lianjiang successfully cultivated the first abalone in Fuzhou, and the country's largest deep-sea abalone breeding platform "Fubao No. 1" was also put into use in Lianjiang.

Abalone farming in Lianjiang has earned Lianjiang the reputation of being the "hometown of abalone"

Fuqing City, FuzhouWelcome the Dazhang River into the sea,eelIt provides a suitable growth space. Over 40 years of eel farming has made Nanwan Village in Fuqing a"Home of Eels"China's Eel Company takes Fuzhou as its starting point and leads the "Chinese Eel" to the world.

Fishermen are drying eels. It is the harvest season for eels.

The northernmostNingde, nurtured our country80% large yellow croaker, becoming a veritable“Hometown of Yellow Croaker”Fuding TongjiangIt is known as the"The Home of Bass"

Between the two major rivals of Fuzhou and Ningde,PutianIt has its own characteristics. In the rare pure black mudflats, Putian people raiseRazor ClamThe history of Nanri Island has lasted for more than 600 years.South Japan AbaloneIt is famous for its seafood, seaweed and kelp.

Putian Beach, where wealth surges in silence. Photo by Cai Hao

From high-end abalone and eel to the most common seaweed and kelp, the breeding strategy of the people in eastern Fujian is quite pragmatic.It is the hard work and dedication of the people of eastern Fujian that have advanced the process of seafood freedom for the Chinese people.


Eat seafood

No one can compare to Fujianese

Thousands of years ago, Fujianese lived on fish and rice.CarvedInto the lives of Southeast Asians, and even influenced the world's eating habits.In Fujian, seafood presents the most diverse and complex eating customs. Eating seafood has become the most authentic lifestyle for Fujianese.

How luxurious is Fujian seafood? Photo by Zhang Xiaoyue

How do Fujianese people take over the world?The most homely and street food in southern FujianOyster Omelette, first traveling all over Fujian, then to Taiwan, and then to Southeast Asia.Oyster omelette, oyster omelette, oyster omelette, oyster omelette, fried oyster cake, oyster cake, oyster omelette, oyster omelette...The countless nicknames reveal the love that people from all over the world have for this Fujian snack.

The Minnan people have "unified" the taste of the entire Southeast Asia by cooking fried oysters. Photo by Ni Kailin

Fujian seafood cuisine has influenced the world, and it is inseparable from the fact that everything in Fujian can be paired withShacha SauceShacha sauce was not invented by Fujianese, but it was developed and popularized by Fujianese.Seafood with shacha sauceUse shacha sauce to make soup for noodles(Xiamen Shacha Noodles), Shacha sauce was rewritten by Fujianese into a taste memory, and reversely penetrated into the eating habits of Guangdong and Southeast Asia, so that these regions were "poisoned" by Shacha sauce.

Fujian people bringShrimp pasteThe practice came and inspired the Sichuan people.Bean pasteOne of the souls of Sichuan cuisine originated in Fujian, which is an inadvertent contribution of Fujianese to world cuisine.

Buddha jumps over the wall, seafood feast ceiling. Photo by Yang Tianxin

Fujianese people can eat seafood in a refined or vulgar way. For Fujianese people who have achieved seafood freedom, they can eat seafood however they want. They can go to an elegant restaurant and order a ceiling-level seafood feast.Buddha Jumps Over the WallYou can also cook a bowl at homeOyster and seaweed casserole

Various seafood delicacies in Fujian. Photo by Liu Yanhui

Don't think that Fujianese only like fresh seafood. Fujianese are not so hypocritical. Lianjiang, as the "hometown of fish balls", first brought Fuzhou people to loveFish BallHow important are fish balls to Fujianese? Fujianese have even created a festival for fish balls - the Fish Ball Cultural Festival.

Fujian's fish balls are dazzling. Photo by Chen Yanuo

Don't do it just because Fujianese likeSauceOilwaterLight, I thought that Fujianese people would not acceptSpicyIn Xiapu area, the seafood stew with three fresh ingredients must be spicy. Not to mention that the shacha sauce that the Minnan people would not trade for anything else is mostly filled with spicy ingredients.

Seafood is the way of life for Fujianese.While other places treat seafood as a feast, Fujianese people treat seafood as their staple food.

Whether it is the mostHome-style eating, it is still difficult for outsiders to acceptUnique way of eatingThe seafood delicacies eaten by Fujianese people reflect their most authentic life.

A chef is preparing food at a fish stall in Xiamen's Eight Markets. Photo by Lu Yuxiang

Clam juice soupPot edge paste, with oyster cakes, shrimp cakes, taro cakes, fried dough sticks, and pan-fried buns, it is the breakfast delicacy that can evoke the nostalgia of Fujianese. Fujianese, who also love noodles, are not satisfied with the way of eating seafood with noodles. They simply beat fish meat into noodles.Huangqi Fish Noodles, it becomes the hometown flavor of Fujian noodles.Dried seafoodHere, Fujianese people are full of love for seafood.

Fujian is known as the largest province for dried seafood. Photo by Wu Yuchen

It is usually difficult for outsiders to acceptEarthworm Jelly, Blood Clams, but it is the favorite of Fujianese. People who don't like it usually can't stand it visually, but people who like it think it is sour, sweet, chewy and melts in the mouth. This alternative way of eating is a food custom reserved by Fujianese for themselves. Unlike those delicacies that make outsiders salivate, they are authentic customs reserved by Fujianese for themselves.

Wild croaker is considered one of the cheapest marine fish. Photo by Yang Tianxin

FujianeseSeafood Freedom, is accumulated little by little in daily life.This kind of freedom is also a deep bond.Seafood has become an indispensable part of Fujian people's life, just like people who love to eat meat find it a torment to be a vegetarian. This intimate relationship that is developed through eating bite by bite is the most appropriate portrayal of "Sea Fujian".

Fujianese who struggled on the sea achieved the freedom they wanted most. Photo by Wen Jialin