
Among the top three provinces with the highest incidence of food poisoning in China, Yunnan is not number one?


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Source: Authentic Scenery

Summer and autumn are the peak seasons for food poisoning.

When it comes to provinces with the highest number of food poisoning cases, you will definitely think of Yunnan, which is the province most likely to be the "villainous province".But the actual result may be beyond your expectation.According to the National Food Safety Risk Assessment CenterAnalysis of foodborne disease outbreak surveillance data in mainland China in 2021The top three causes of food poisoning in China are:Shandong, Yunnan, Zhejiang.

Provinces prone to food poisoning are all provinces with abundant food production.

There is actually no need to "dispute" about this ranking, but when the matter fermented again this year, the people of the three provinces not only did not question it, but they also produced sufficient evidence to "support" this conclusion.

Shandong: "You really don't eat sprouted potatoes?"

Yunnan: “As long as the mushrooms are cooked, they are fine.”

Zhejiang: "I am already an expert at eating puffer fish. I must buy this one to try!"

Potatoes will produce solanine after sprouting, so it is not recommended to eat them.

Obviously, the causes of these "top three" food poisonings are different.Regional characteristics and product factorsExistence of:Shandong people in the hometown of Confucius and MenciusLove thrift, easyExpired food poisoning(Undercooked bean sticks are also a major factor);Yunnan, the Kingdom of MushroomsThe confident pursuit of fresh mushrooms makes them aThe province with the largest number of mushroom poisoning casesZhejiangThe terrain is diverse, and there are all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and the sea.Too many ways to eat, love to try new thingsThis is also why they are prone to food poisoning...

What looks good may not necessarily taste good, and what tastes good may not necessarily make you feel good.


Shandong: There is no such thing as food waste!

The most frugal province, and also a major province for grain, vegetables and fruits

Shandong children should have heard this kind of "soul voice" since childhood - "It doesn't matter if it has a smell, you can eat it after frying it", "It won't go bad if you put it in the refrigerator", "The potatoes have sprouted? Just cut them off"...

We can always feel the pragmatic character of Shandong people in their food.

In Shandong, there may not be such a thing as wasting food. In the eyes of Shandong mothers, the refrigerator is a "time freezer". Shrimp frozen in two years ago can still be eaten; mold/sprouting is just a "minor problem", just cut it off; flower rolls/porridge are sour, just heat it up...This excessive frugality,This makes Shandong "far ahead" in the number of people poisoned by eating expired food.

The young people's "tears of blood" here may illustrate this problem:Never question the freshness of food in front of your elders, otherwise it will change from one person's taste to a family tasting.

Shandong people love noodles and "avoid all waste."

Shandong Provincial Health Department Health Supervision InstituteThis conclusion was confirmed in an analysis of food poisoning incidents many years ago:There are frequent cases of consuming expired food in the province, resulting in a large number of Salmonella food poisoning incidents.

In fact, for the belief“Expired means it’s past its best-before date.”For the Shandong elders, their ideal life is to have endless white flour, meat and vegetables.The country ranks third in cultivated land area and third in grain outputA major agricultural province,Shandong people are not "unable to afford" to eat, but "reluctant to throw it away".

Shandong's vegetable industry ranks among the best in the country, and Zhangqiu scallions can be taller than a person.

As big as a peachYantai Cherry, which cannot be held in one handYantai Apple, can be placed in the hand plateZhanhua Dadongzao, taller than my boyfriendZhangqiu Scallion, twice as big as the headShouguang Chinese Cabbage...with soulSingle cake, basin-sizedSteamed bun, this pieceQilu LandIt is itself a magical province of grain, vegetables and fruits.Agricultural civilization has continued here for thousands of years, and the impact it has brought to this land is deep-rooted.

at the same time,In this famous hometown of Confucius and Mencius, thrift is a virtue ingrained in people's bones.In their kitchen, the habit of frugality is always present.

Scallions and pancakes are a Shandong specialty.

Apart fromExpired food salmonella poisoningAnother "source of poison" that cannot be ignored is probably the endless amount of food that Shandong people can eat."Bean stick"- Although the incidence rate is not high, there are many people who eat it.

The "doujuezi", whose real name is beans, has inherited the characteristics of the Shandong region being "suitable for growing vegetables" and is growing wildly everywhere.Although the price of beans has increased in recent days due to natural reasons, Shandong people still cannot do without them.: Stuffed in steamed buns"Bean burgers", stir-fried beans, stir-fried beans, stir-fried beans with meat, cold noodles with beans and minced meat…“Bean sticks” are the nostalgia of Shandong people, but if they are not ripe or cooked, they can still cause some symptoms such as abdominal pain and palpitations:It can only be killed at high temperaturesSaponins and lectinsIt’s better to consume less.

Green beans are the star of the Shandong people's table, but they must be cooked.

Although they know the reason, Shandong people still save money as they please.Shandong people attach great importance to tradition and etiquette, just like the hospitable Shandong people at a dinner party, their wine glasses are always lower than yours.

"The hometown of saints and the country of etiquette" is the impression that the whole of Shandong creates for outsiders. Simplicity and pragmatism are also the characteristics of Shandong people.If you don't believe me, look at them eating from their children's birthdays to their ancestors' death anniversaries.dumpling——Wrapping seafood and meat in white dumpling skin may not look so attractive, but you will know it after taking a bite.Behind the simplicity of Shandong people is their pursuit of a better life for people across the country.

Shandong people like to put all the goodness into dumplings, so inviting you to their home to eat dumplings is a high-standard courtesy.

Saving is a virtue, but health comes first.As Central South UniversityFood Nutrition and Food SafetyMentioned in:Fish really can't be kept from New Year's Eve to Lantern Festival, otherwise it will cause histamine poisoning;If the ground egg sprouts too much, you can't just cut it and eat itOtherwise you will get solanine poisoning... Shandong elders, let’s not eat things that you can’t eat!


Yunnan: First the mushrooms, then the little people

In the paradise of wild mushrooms, you can be brave but not "mushroom brave"

At this time of year, the number of "official text messages" received by Yunnan people on their mobile phones may reach double digits:Wild mushrooms are on the market, be careful not to pick or eat them by mistake...

When picking mushrooms in the wild in Yunnan, you must be careful to distinguish them.

existAnalysis of foodborne disease outbreak surveillance data in mainland China in 2021There is such a data in the national food poisoning incidents: mushroom poisoning has the largest number of people, andNearly 5 out of every 10 people poisoned by mushrooms are from Yunnan.Judging from the incidence of food poisoning alone, Yunnan, the “Mushroom Kingdom”, ranks first by a huge margin.

From June to September every year is Yunnan’s famous mushroom season, and it is also the season when Yunnan people are “poisoned in droves”. The beds in the emergency department of the hospital are full of various "performances": catching non-existent villains, pulling non-existent ropes... However, just eatingSee Hand Green(Some pink, red, yellow, black, and purple boletus) It is a blessing to have hallucinations and see little people. More poisonous mushrooms such asAmanita, Russula subsparselyEtc., will have more dangerous consequences.

according toEpidemic characteristics and trend forecast of wild mushroom poisoning in Yunnan Province from 2015 to 2020According to published data, there are more than1100Many kinds of mushrooms, and this number is1660 species. Edible such asDry mushrooms, morels, chicken mushrooms, matsutake, blue-headed mushrooms, bamboo fungus and some porciniYunnan people flock to it. For example, in the peak season now, theYunnan Mushuihua Wild Mushroom Trading CenterThe daily trading volume of wild mushrooms can reach500 tons

In Yunnan, there are endless possibilities for growing and cooking mushrooms, and of course the number of highly toxic wild mushrooms is among the highest in the country.

At the Yunnan Mushuihua Wild Mushroom Trading Market, a wide variety of wild mushrooms have become the most popular Yunnan delicacies on the market.

thereforeWhen it comes to rescuing people from mushroom poisoning, Yunnan is undoubtedly the best.For doctors in related departments, it seems to be a necessary skill to recognize all kinds of fungi and understand the characteristics of their toxins. Even in most emergency departments, there will be"Mushroom Atlas" and "Mushroom Display Cabinet", so that the poisoned person can "identify the murderer" as soon as possible.

The last step to eating mushrooms: you must be familiar with the way to the hospital. In Yunnan, this is not a joke, but the truth.

The delicious Yunnan mushroom hotpot attracts many people. Photo by Where to Eat in Shanghai (meishi388)

Why are people from Yunnan all “mushroom warriors”?This is from the Yunnan people.“Never Lukewarm”In Yunnan, a land isolated by the "semi-enclosed" terrain, new ethnic groups have been constantly nurtured in the course of history, and it still nourishes26 indigenous ethnic groups, becoming todayChina's province with the largest number of ethnic minorities. With the coexistence of diverse nationalities and cultures,Yunnan people are optimistic, cheerful, open-minded and generous, and they all have a courageous side to their characters.

Although no one knows more about eating mushrooms than the people of Yunnan, they are somewhat delayed by their lack of courage.Most of them who believed they would choose non-toxic mushrooms had experienced the fantasy journey of poisoning after accidentally picking or eating them...

The Yunnan people are full of open-mindedness and bravery.

They may not be convinced: "How can it be called poisoning just because of mushrooms...", but the "courage" in their character still plays a role in other aspects of the "residual heat" of food poisoning.

for example,PreferencesRaw fish gallbladder, snake gallbladder, raw pork, raw pig blood, and even developed into a local "food series", but that's not all.Yunnan Provincial Government Food Safety OfficeThere was a series of propaganda on poisoning prevention and control, in which we can see: "Three No's"Bulk liquorSoak everything;Aconitum kusnezoffii, AconitePoisonous Chinese medicinal materials are directly consumed;Countryside banquetThey don’t pay attention to the separation of raw and cooked food.Apart from mushroom poisoning, these are the important causes of food poisoning among Yunnan people.

Yunnan people not only love to eat mushrooms, but also love all kinds of strong "raw food".

“Mushrooms are fresh, but don’t eat them too much”Now is still the Yunnan mushroom season. Whether you are from Yunnan or a foreigner who comes here for the famous mushroom, please follow the "four ripeness principles" of eating wild mushrooms mentioned by Fengwu Mushroom two years ago:Eat only familiar mushrooms, the more species the better;Only eat cooked mushrooms;Choose mushrooms that are mature enough to be marketed;Be familiar with the route to the hospital before eating mushrooms.


Zhejiang: seafood, pickled vegetables, wild vegetables...

The province with the most complex food types and poisoning ingredients

Many people may ask:The frugality of Shandong people and the confidence of Yunnan people in eating mushroomsI understand why they are in the top two for food poisoning.Why Zhejiang?

Pickled vegetables for the winter are an indelible source of homesickness for the people of Songyang. Photo by Xu Zhiwei

After checking countless materials, we can only come to this conclusion:Compared with Shandong and Yunnan, the causes of food poisoning here are more numerous and diverse.

Zhejiang is rich in food. Zhejiang, known as the land of fish and rice, has a very good geographical advantage. From coastal seafood, river fish by the water network, to mountain delicacies,Zhejiang people can eat food from mountains, seas, rivers and lakes, but foods with toxins are also hidden in them.; Miscellaneous refers to Zhejiang people’s pursuit of diverse food.From Hangzhou, Ningbo toLishui, Quzhou, from raw pickled to smoked vegetables, from fresh to salty,Their tastes are different, but they are not very taboo.

In Shaoxing, pickled white fish is an indispensable delicacy on the table. Photo by Xu Zhiwei

fromZhejiang Provincial Health CommissionFrom the relevant reports on the official website, we can extract the following information:Poisoning from aquatic products such as pufferfish and conch, nitrite poisoning from pickled vegetables and smoked meat, and wild vegetable poisoning from consuming a lot of Chinese toon, bracken, and fungiThese are the most common types of food poisoning reported.

But this still cannot stop Zhejiang people from being obsessed with their favorite food.PufferfishI must buy this puffer fish to try it!", andDrunken Crab and Drunken ShrimpIn the eyes of Zhejiang people, trying new things is sometimes more important than anything else....especially as we are about to enter autumn and winter,Bacon, soy sauce meat, pickled snow vegetables, pickled amaranth stemsHomemade fermented and pickled foods will soon be on the tables of Zhejiang people.Botulinum toxin?WhatNitrite? In the eyes of some Zhejiang gourmets, deliciousness is king.

Jinhua people love to pickle meat, and even make ham all over the world. Photo/Where to eat in Shanghai (meishi388)

ZhejiangIt has the longest coastline in the country, is one of the provinces with the most dense water network, and has a vast mountainous area. This makes the food options here numerous.In order to prove that "we are not a food desert", Zhejiang people "personally" created this top three position in food poisoning.

In response to this "Zhejiang temperament",Zhejiang Health CommissionIn the article "Beware of Foodborne Diseases", it is specifically mentioned:PickledProcessed food is easily contaminated and should be stored safely; prepare raw and cooked food separately; cook food thoroughly and be cautious when eating raw food (including seafood); do not pick mushrooms and wild vegetables randomly, but buy them at regular markets.

China is the largest crab-eating province, so how can we miss the drunken crab? Photo/Where to eat in Shanghai (meishi388)

Zhejiang people have always been good at making use of their geographical traditions.He values ​​money and literature, and never tires of doing business.Especially tolerant and creativeJust as Zhejiang people got the "noodle-eating gene" from the north and soon evolved their own "Pian'erchuan", Zhejiang is also good at creation and experimentation in other foods.Behind this "Zhejiang temperament" is the cultural heritage accumulated over thousands of years - just be more careful about what you eat.

In fact, whether in Shandong, Yunnan, Zhejiang, or other regions,Loving your own products and sticking to the "dietary principles"Of course, it is good that food materials are becoming more and more abundant, but food safety is something we need to pay attention to all the time. We should be careful before eating.After all, only when you are healthy can you enjoy everything you eat!

Adhering to "dietary principles" does not conflict with adhering to "healthy diet". I hope everyone is healthy.