
Tesla was complained that sales staff cheated and induced orders. The store manager responded: There was no excessive promise, and adults should make their own judgments


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Recently, some consumers saidTeslaThe car purchase subsidies promised by the salesperson were not fulfilled, and complaints were made that they were involved in fraud and inducing orders.

On August 21, Yang Qin, a consumer in Shaanxi, told Jiupai News that when buying a car, a salesperson at the Longtan Temple Tesla Experience Center in Chenghua District, Chengdu, clearly told her that there would be a 10,000 yuan national subsidy and a 4,000 yuan Yinchuan subsidy. The next day, the Yinchuan Tesla after-sales staff called to tell her that the subsidy had ended a week ago. Feeling cheated, Ms. Yang asked Tesla to refund the 1,000 yuan deposit, but was told that it could not be refunded.

(Screenshot of chat records between consumers and Tesla sales staff, source: provided by the interviewee)

Many consumers have also filed such complaints on platforms such as Heimao Complaints.

In response to this, the manager of the Chengdu Longtan Temple Tesla Experience Center responded to a reporter from Jiupai Finance that the sales staff in their store never said that 100% of the subsidies were given. Tesla did not give government subsidies, and consumers themselves should pay more attention to subsidies. "We are all adults, and we should not make judgments based on what the salesperson says."

Jiupai News reporter asked Tesla’s public relations department about this matter, but no response was received as of press time.

Yang Qin, who insisted on canceling the order, complained to 12315 and relevant departments of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau about the above situation, and posted on the Xiaohongshu platform that Tesla was committing sales fraud and demanded the return of the deposit.

(Screenshot of chat records between consumers and Tesla sales staff, source: provided by the interviewee)

The store manager denied that there was any over-promise, saying that the salesperson only informed the customer of the relevant subsidy policy and did not promise that the customer would receive the subsidy in the end. "Government subsidies are outside of car purchases, and the government's money has nothing to do with sales."

Tesla Chengdu Customer Service Center staff responded to Jiupai reporters, saying, "In the past, there was indeed a risk that the government subsidy amount would be exhausted after placing an order, so we have to make it clear to customers. The waiting period for each Tesla model is also different. The fastest is 3-7 days, and the slowest is 3-5 weeks. It is uncertain how much subsidy will be left by the time you pick up the car."

After Yang Qin published the above post, several netizens in the comment section said they had similar experiences. Many consumers said that the salesperson only introduced the subsidy when they purchased the product, and never mentioned that there might be no subsidy.

In this regard, a salesperson told Jiupai reporters, "In August, the subsidies for scrapping and replacing old cars in different places are different. For example, Xining and Chongqing have 20,000 cash, but the details have not yet been announced. Wuhan has 7,000 cash and 1,500 yuan consumer vouchers. However, in some areas, the subsidy amount is consumed very quickly, and you need to queue up to apply. You can check the remaining amount of some subsidy funds on platforms such as Cloud QuickPass."

(At the request of the interviewee, Yang Qin is a pseudonym in this article)

Jiupai Financial Reporter Xia Wenqi

Intern Wang Ruolan

[Source: Jiupai News]