
Next stop for veteran drivers: autonomous driving safety officer


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Recently, "Lobo Kuaipao recruits self-driving safety officers, giving priority to experienced drivers" has become a hot search. The recruitment requirements for self-driving safety officers state that "job seekers with experience in passenger/freight transportation such as online ride-hailing, taxis, and buses will be given priority." The recruitment manager of a human resources company said that the position receives an average of 600 to 700 resumes per day, "We will also give priority to job seekers with experience in online ride-hailing."

This news is gratifying. After all, not long ago, with the launch of the autonomous driving service platform, autonomous driving has gone from imagination to reality, and people have a real sense of crisis of being "replaced by AI". The emergence of artificial intelligence will indeed replace some occupations. The "2023 Future Employment Report" mentioned that between 2023 and 2027, the demand for artificial intelligence and machine learning professionals, business intelligence analysts, robotics engineers and other positions will increase by 30%-35%, while the number of bank tellers, postal service staff, cashiers and other positions will gradually decrease.

Looking back, all new technologies are accompanied by concerns that cannot be ignored. Just as machines have replaced a large amount of manual labor, artificial intelligence is changing human life while penetrating into all areas of society, creating unprecedented changes. Different from the industrial revolution, artificial intelligence can not only threaten manual laborers, but also intellectual laborers. Most of us may be in the same situation as today's "drivers".

However, from the positions and requirements of Luobo Kuaipao, we can find that new technologies and employment structures have complementary effects, which will generate new labor demand. For example, Internet technology has shifted people's lives online, and new employment forms brought about by the virtual economy have also emerged. A large number of physical store owners who have been hit by e-commerce have begun to try to transform into e-commerce and live broadcast sales.

According to the above report, global companies are expected to create about 69 million new jobs in the next five years, and the fastest-growing types of jobs are mostly driven by artificial intelligence and digitalization. At least from the current development of autonomous driving technology, its practical application still requires human intervention to properly handle various unexpected road conditions in real driving scenarios.

The structural pressure caused by artificial intelligence is mainly reflected in the mismatch between the existing labor supply and job demand. Rather than saying that artificial intelligence has replaced part of the labor force, it is better to say that it has replaced people who cannot adapt to the needs of the times, so the transformation of the labor force is imminent. The government and enterprises should provide guidance and support to the groups whose jobs are affected by artificial intelligence, provide vocational development education, and provide relevant technical training for each group according to their characteristics and needs, improve their digital literacy, and match the needs of relevant positions.

We can look at the impact of artificial intelligence on employment with a more optimistic perspective. The learning transfer theory holds that a person's learning in one context will affect his learning in other contexts. Although autonomous driving safety officers are a brand-new profession, they prefer experienced drivers with long driving experience in recruitment. They also require that "operation/test drivers should have no record of full points deduction within three scoring periods, no record of one-time deduction of 6 points for violations of traffic lights, speeding, etc. within one year, and no major traffic violations and accidents." This shows that people with strong driving skills and emergency handling capabilities can often rely on their existing driving experience and technology to adapt to the core requirements of this emerging profession faster and easier. Therefore, workers need to respond to changes with an open attitude and prepare for the arrival of digitalization while doing their job well.