
The latest study found that honey + yogurt, only 2 weeks, is good for intestinal health


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Title image | Pixabay

Written by | Song Wenfa

It is well known that diet shapesIntestinal floraThe intestinal flora is an integral part of the human body. The trillions of bacteria living in our intestines play an important role in health. They affect a person's weight, digestive ability, and resistance.Infectand selfimmunityThe risk of disease and even the body’s response to drugs can be controlled.

Given the increasingly apparent role of intestinal flora in human health, many people are looking for reliable and effective ways to improve their own intestinal flora.

Recently, the United StatesUniversity of IllinoisResearchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison published two research papers in the Journal of Nutrition.

The first study is titled:Honey Varietals Differentially Impact Bifidobacterium animalis ssp.lactis Survivability in Yogurt through Simulated In Vitro Digestion.

The second study is titled:Honey Added to Yogurt with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.lactis DN-173 010/CNCM I-2494 Supports Probiotic Enrichment but Does Not Reduce Intestinal Transit Time in Healthy Adults:A Randomized,Controlled,Crossover Trial.

In vitro experiments show that adding 10-20% honey to yogurt can increase the survival rate of animal Bifidobacterium

Human clinical studies have shown that honey combined with yogurt increases the abundance of Bifidobacterium animalis in the human intestine

In the first study, the researchers conducted an in vitro experiment that simulated the human digestive environment, including the mouth, stomach and intestines, to analyze the effects of four different honey varieties on Bifidobacterium animalis.(B.animalis)Effects of four types of honey on survival in yogurt: alfalfa, buckwheat, clover, and orange blossom.

turn out,Survival of Bifidobacterium animalis was significantly higher in yogurts supplemented with clover honey compared to yogurts without honey or with other types of honey

In addition, the researchers found the optimal dosage of honey.When honey is 10-20% of the weight of yogurt, the survival rate of animal Bifidobacterium is the highest

In the second study, the researchers conducted a human clinical trial analyzing 66 healthy adults and asked them to consume two different yogurts for 2 weeks: yogurt with clover honey and pasteurized heat-treated yogurt. The survival of animal Bifidobacterium was analyzed through fecal samples.

The study found thatThe combination of honey and yogurt is beneficial to the survival of animal bifidobacteria in the yogurt in the intestine, so the in vitro research results can be translated into practical applications in humans

However, participants' intestinal transit time, bowel movement frequency, mood and other indicators did not change.

The researchers said this may be because the participants were already healthy adults with regular bowel movements, so there was not much room for improvement.

The researchers stressed that adding a little honey to yogurt can help probiotics survive, but it should be noted that honey is an added sugar and we should also pay attention to the sugar content in our diet to maintain a healthy weight.

In summary, the results show that adding honey to yogurt is beneficial to the survival of animal Bifidobacterium and helps improve intestinal health.
