
Song of Beijing Workers | Du Feng: Be a good "gatekeeper" of subway train safety


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Train doors are key facilities to protect passengers' safe travel. Their working status is related to the safety of subway operations, and the status and maintenance efficiency of door controllers are particularly critical to the operation of doors. Du Feng, the leader of the door controller maintenance team of Beijing Metro Line 7, the maintenance chief of Line 7 Maintenance Center of Beijing Subway Operation Branch 1, leads his team members to stick to the front line every day and serve as the "gatekeeper" of the stable operation of subway trains.

Du Feng (right)

When he first entered the workplace, Du Feng, as a student majoring in vehicle maintenance, was assigned to work at the then Line 1 Maintenance Center. Later, he came to Line 5 and Yizhuang Line for vehicle maintenance, such as maintenance, quality control, and commissioning. In 2020, Line 7 started independent maintenance, and this "all-rounder" in vehicle maintenance entered a new field.

The door controller is one of the key equipment of subway vehicles, with complex technology and high precision. A door controller circuit board that is reported for repair is often equipped with hundreds or thousands of electronic components. The intricate logic and procedures in the circuit need to be sorted out layer by layer, which requires maintenance personnel to have solid practical skills and theoretical knowledge.

At the beginning of the project, although the project team members were all elites selected from young maintenance backbones, they were still in the stage of exploring the principles of the gate controller. Du Feng led the team to map every point on the board and conduct in-depth analysis of each chip. When they encountered knowledge blind spots, they searched for journals online. "Sometimes, some content is in English literature, so we translate it word by word first, and then understand and apply it." Du Feng said with a smile, holding a thick stack of learning materials on the table.

In addition to gradually improving in practice, Du Feng also pays great attention to the daily accumulation and iterative updating of business knowledge. He opened a "daily lesson" in the team, and passed on his professional knowledge to the team members little by little. At the same time, he also bought related basic courses such as single-chip microcomputers and electronic circuits online, and opened online classes for the team members, so that the maintenance capabilities of this young team have undergone a qualitative change in a subtle way. Today, a circuit board that once took three or four days to repair can now be repaired in just one hour.

If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools. In addition to doing a good job in subway door controller maintenance, building a test platform is particularly critical. The test platform can play a positive role in improving maintenance efficiency, testing maintenance quality, and innovating maintenance methods. "On the one hand, the test platform can simulate various working conditions of the door controller in actual operation, helping maintenance personnel to quickly and accurately locate the fault point and reduce troubleshooting time; on the other hand, the test platform can realize batch testing capabilities and can test multiple door controllers at the same time, greatly improving testing efficiency." Du Feng introduced.

In order to give full play to the role of the test platform, Du Feng organized technical personnel to continuously enrich the test functions. "Communication equipment, encoders, measuring motors, etc. can all be tested on this platform." Du Feng said, "In order to build this platform well, we have carried out exchanges and learning with innovative studios such as Yang Caisheng, Ren Zhenyu, and Tan Tieren. With the support of multiple professions, we have not only built a comprehensive platform, but also greatly improved work efficiency." According to Du Feng, as of now, with the help of the test platform, more than 15,000 gate controllers on only four lines, namely Line 5, Line 6, Line 7, and Yizhuang Line, have been repaired.

As the skills of the team members continue to improve and the test platform becomes more complete, Du Feng's team continues to expand the field of maintenance and testing. "At present, the LCD screens of the on-board TVs on Line 7 are also being repaired here." Through several rounds of testing, we have optimized the parameters of the LCD screens of on-board TVs such as anti-signal interference, data transmission, and display clarity, to achieve a more stable visual experience during train operation. This year, the first phase of the LCD screen project for on-board TVs on Line 7 has repaired more than 2,000 devices, and the images of the devices that have been put back online are more stable and clearer.

At present, the business of Du Feng's team is still expanding, and maintenance projects such as train broadcasting systems and train passenger information systems have also been added. "Our goal is to make passengers feel safe and comfortable when traveling," said Du Feng.

Source: Labor Noon News
reporter:Zhou Meiyu
Correspondent: Yang Zhi/Wen Yanyu/Photo
Editor: Liu Yajing
Proofreading: Su Changping

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