
Is heart failure related to naps? Doctors repeatedly emphasize: Elderly people should pay more attention to these points when taking naps!


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There is a saying among the people: "If you don't sleep at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon." For many elderly people, naps are not only a good way to relieve fatigue and restore energy, but also an indispensable part of daily life.

However, did you know that although naps are good, if you don’t pay attention, they may also be quietly linked to health problems such as heart failure?

Napping and heart failure: Not groundless

In recent years, with the deepening of medical research, more and more evidence has shown that bad napping habits may become an "invisible driving force" that induces or aggravates the risk of heart failure.According to a new study released by the American Heart Association, long (more than 1 hour) or irregular nap patterns are significantly associated with an increased risk of heart failure in the elderly.This discovery undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us - although naps are good, they should be taken in moderation.

Elderly people should pay attention to these points when taking a napControl the length of your nap

Taking a nap for too long can disrupt the body's biological clock and affect the quality of sleep at night, which may result in the heart not getting enough rest and recovery.Control between 30 minutes to 1 hour.This can effectively relieve fatigue without having a negative impact on nighttime sleep.