
What do Olympic champions eat to win?


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Paris Olympics
Tennis player Zheng Qinwen
Won the first medal in China's Olympic history
Tennis singles gold medal
After winning the championship
#Zheng Qinwen has never eaten snacks or drank beverages since he was a child#
It became a hot search
Source: Weibo screenshot
Zheng Qinwen's first coach Chen Hongming said in an interview
One thing that impressed me deeply was
Zheng Qinwen has been very self-disciplined since childhood
Never eat snacks or drink beverages
Every training and game
She brought a big thermos bucket filled with water.
Zheng Qinwen is not an isolated case
Before, she didn't eat snacks or drink beverages.
Later, "Pan Zhanle's birthday cake can't be eaten, only smelled"
Source: Jiupai News
You can't eat this, you can't eat that
Olympic Athletes
What did you eat in exchange for this?
Is it eating bananas?
Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News
not really
Eat bananas because
Bananas can make the players
Quickly replenish potassium, carbohydrates, etc.
Help players replenish energy
Provides satiety
Then the Olympic athletes
What are your usual dietary requirements?
Zheng Siwei shares Paris Olympic Village food source: Zheng Siwei
The diets of athletes are "customized". An Nan, head of the Sports Nutrition Center of the Institute of Sports Medicine of the General Administration of Sport of China, said: "Through scientific research support, we accurately grasp the physical characteristics and nutritional needs of key athletes, establish a personalized nutrition database, integrate training load and injury status data, and formulate exclusive diet and nutritional supplement plans."
Nutritionists need to have a deep understanding of the athletes' individual nutritional needs, and meet their individual nutritional needs in competitive competitions by scientifically managing their daily diet and reasonably guiding the use of sports supplements. For example, female divers need to regularly assess their weight and body fat levels. To this end, their diet is strictly managed during daily training, but this may lead to low energy intake and nutrient deficiencies. Therefore, it is necessary to select nutritious and low-fat foods for meals and snacks.
Chinese players Chen Yuxi (back) and Quan Hongchan in the competition Source: Xinhua News Agency
Weightlifters consume a lot of calories during training, and they need to keep up with nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and unsaturated fatty acids. Weightlifting requires strong explosive power in muscles. In order to increase muscle weight, you can supplement with high-quality proteins such as whey protein powder during training, and eat dark vegetables to meet the need for vitamins. At the same time, weightlifting is a weight-based level sport, so it is also very important for athletes to control their own weight.
Chinese player Li Fabin in the competition Source: Xinhua News Agency
How can we help athletes recover quickly during the competition through scientific supplementation? The 30 minutes after training or competition is the golden window for recovery. During this period, by timely and reasonable intake of recovery drinks containing protein, the body will better absorb and utilize protein, restore damaged muscles, and promote muscle synthesis. This is also the reason why many athletes eat bananas.
What do Olympic athletes eat?
Need to be repeatedly studied by nutritionists
While we applaud the outstanding performance of the Olympic athletes,
We also need to see their self-discipline in life
For example, diet
You can't eat this, you can't eat that
Not everyone can persist
For the cause of love
They paid a lot
Deserves more applause and cheers!
We should also learn from the Olympic athletes
Proper diet and self-disciplined life
Be your own athlete! integrates Xiaoxiang Morning News, Jiupai News, and Jimu News