
What’s so great about the “Fang Class” where Academician Fang Binxing participates in the teaching throughout the whole process?


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Hunan Daily Omnimedia reporter Huang Han Correspondent Kang Shanlin
On the afternoon of August 9, at the main forum of the 2024 Cybersecurity Technology Innovation and Talent Education Summit Forum held in Changsha, Fang Binxing, a well-known cybersecurity expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shared an innovative teaching model for cybersecurity talent training - the "Fang Class Seminar Hall" under the theme of "Fang Class Practice".
(Academician Fang Binxing introduces the "Fang Class Seminar Hall" teaching model. Photo by Hunan Daily Omnimedia reporter Li Jian)
Academician Fang Binxing's experimental class is referred to as "Fang Class". "Fang Class Seminar Hall" is also known as "Innovation and Thinking". It was designed by Academician Fang Binxing and he participated in the teaching throughout the whole process. The course adopts a small class and discussion and comment teaching mode. The teaching team is composed of Academician Fang Binxing, well-known experts and professional teachers. The classroom form of "students speaking, teachers and students asking, experts commenting" is adopted, and it is committed to better cultivating professional talents related to cyberspace security. Since the first graduate class was opened in the School of Cyberspace Security of Guangzhou University in September 2018, it has been expanded to more than 40 universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Central South University, and Hunan University, and dozens of academicians have participated in teaching.
"The course requires students to master analytical thinking methods through training, and improve their ability to find sources, reduce entropy, do things, and think critically." Fang Binxing introduced that the "Fang Class Seminar Hall" mainly includes five roles: reporting students, tutors, questioning students, questioning teachers, and commenting teachers, and has five links: topic selection, preparation, reporting, summarizing, and verification. Compared with traditional teaching, it focuses more on improving students' ability to enter roles and cultivating game thinking and innovation awareness.
Before the class, students will find articles on network security published in top journals in the past two years. After a month of preparation, they will conduct research, experiments and prepare reports on their own selected topics. In class, students will demonstrate, analyze and explain the research results of their selected topics, and other participating students will ask questions, doubt or make suggestions. The teaching group teachers matched according to the topics of the students' reports will give inspiring questioning guidance, and Academician Fang and other experts participating in the course will comment and guide the students who report and ask questions at the same time. After class, the students who participated in the report will sort out the pre-class research, experiments and other preparation processes, as well as the class reports, classmates' questions and expert comments, and review and analyze their strengths and weaknesses from the aspects of thinking mode, research methods, and expression, and propose specific and implementable improvement measures to form a summary report.
"Through participation in the course, students change from spectators to listeners, from listeners to thinkers, and from thinkers to questioners. Because every discussion leads to confrontation, we finally transform questioners into innovators through practice, and this is the purpose of our entire course." Fang Binxing introduced that the course advocates "teaching and learning from each other", and the teacher should spend the same amount of energy as the students, which is why it is difficult for many schools to offer this course. The tutor should provide guidance throughout the entire process (before, during and after class); the questioning teacher should score students' classroom reports, questions asked in class, and post-class summaries according to the specified indicators. "Teachers should lead students to 'know the facts' and 'why the facts are so'."
As more and more schools participate in the course, the "Fang Class Seminar Hall" has built multi-level topic labels, covering 9 categories, including cyberspace theory, cryptography and applications, network and system security, information content security, application and emerging information technology security, data security and privacy protection, artificial intelligence security and applications, blockchain and security, and the Internet of Things and security. "Our students can hear more than 100 cutting-edge articles in a year, and he will speak on 3 of them. If all 100 articles are presented in this way, then students will definitely become very capable in this area," said Fang Binxing.