
Is heart failure related to naps? Reminder: After 55, remember the "four don'ts" of naps


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Academician Zhong Nanshan once publicly stated that he believed that naps are a refueling station for the day's spirit. A nap of about half an hour at noon can make you energetic in the afternoon and more efficient. He also believed that naps are a good habit.

There are indeed many benefits of taking naps, but there are also prerequisites. Studies have shown that there are also some rules for taking naps. Taking naps incorrectly may even affect your lifespan. What’s going on?

1. Is napping related to heart failure? Sleeping like this is equivalent to aging 24 years!

Many people have the habit of taking naps. In addition to relieving physical and eye fatigue, naps can also improve memory and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. However, there are also rules for the length of naps. Taking naps for too long can also cause health risks. The authoritative journal JAHA has published a study that explores the relationship between naps and the risk of sudden heart failure.

The study included 1,140 elderly people with an average age of 80.7 years. The subjects' napping habits were followed up for 14 years, and a model was established to analyze the relationship between daily nap duration and frequency and heart failure risk.

The data showed that compared with people who took shorter naps,Napping for more than 30-60 minutes may increase the risk of heart failure by 68%-111%; and nap timePeople who nap for more than 60 minutes have a 26% increase in sleep compared to those who nap for 30-60 minutes.