
Will smoking and drinking affect pregnancy preparation? How can IVF treatment improve pregnancy rates?


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In the process of IVF, in order to improve the quality of embryos for transplantation, infertile couples should quit smoking and drinking before planning to do IVF, in the hope of obtaining high-quality sperm and eggs. At the same time, after the transplant is successful, the woman should not smoke during pregnancy. A large number of studies have shown that smoking during pregnancy or inhaling secondhand smoke will have an impact on the fetus, which can easily cause low birth weight and fetal developmental abnormalities.

If one of the spouses is a long-term smoker and alcoholic, then preparations for pregnancy will be hindered; this is because the harmful factors in tobacco and alcohol can damage sperm and eggs. If the quality of sperm and eggs is low, then the quality of the fertilized egg formed by the combination of the two will also decrease, which will affect preparations for pregnancy.

In addition to quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption during in vitro fertilization, you can also pay attention to the following points to get pregnant faster?

1. Arrange meals reasonably and form healthy and scientific eating habits

The principle is to reduce the total daily calorie intake on the basis of balanced dietary nutrition, reduce excess fat formation, and supplement high-quality protein (such as fish, eggs, soy products, chicken, milk, etc.).

Make a good combination of daily staple food, vegetables and fruits, eat small meals frequently, and avoid overeating. Try to choose high-fiber, low-fat foods, or eat light vegetable soup before meals to increase satiety and reduce appetite.

2. Increase exercise and practice

It is advisable to exercise and do appropriate exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc. Perform aerobic exercise regularly to improve physical functions.