
Dietary precautions after the beginning of autumn


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After the beginning of autumn, as the seasons change, the body's physiological functions will also adjust, so you need to pay attention to the following points in your diet to maintain your body's health and balance:

1. Dietary principles

1. Prevent dryness and protect yin:

After the beginning of autumn, the weather gradually becomes dry, which can easily damage the body's yin fluid, leading to symptoms such as dry mouth, dry throat, and cracked skin. Therefore, you should eat more foods that have the function of preventing dryness and protecting yin, such as lily, white fungus, honey, pear, grapefruit, grape, yam, sesame, etc. These foods can not only nourish the lungs and kidneys, but also produce body fluids and moisturize dryness, replenishing the body's water and nutrients.

Nourishing Yin and moistening the lungs:

Autumn is the season for the lungs, which control qi, open up to the nose, and are the exterior and interior of the skin and fur. The dry air in autumn can easily damage the body fluid of the lungs, leading to dry lungs, coughs and other symptoms. Therefore, you should eat more foods that nourish yin and moisten the lungs, such as snow pears, lotus seeds, peach loquats, mulberries, milk, duck meat, pig lungs, etc. These foods can nourish yin and clear heat, moisten the lungs and relieve coughs, and enhance the resistance of the lungs.

1. Strengthens the spleen and stomach: