
One house purchased by one family cannot be converted into commercial housing


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Original title: Guangzhou's allocation-type affordable housing management measures are open for comments (lead)
One house purchased by one family cannot be converted into commercial housing (theme)
Guangzhou Daily Omnimedia Reporter Li Tianyan
In order to increase the construction and supply of affordable housing and meet the rigid housing needs of the working class, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has drafted the "Guangzhou Allocated Affordable Housing Management Measures (Trial) (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft") and will solicit public opinions starting from the 6th.
The draft opinion clearly states that eligible existing housing can be converted into allocated affordable housing in accordance with regulations after approval. Photo by Chen Youzi, a reporter from Guangzhou Daily
Allocated affordable housing can be converted from existing housing
The new round of affordable housing construction is divided into two types: rental type and sales type. Among them, the rental type includes public rental housing and affordable rental housing, while the sales type is a new path that this reform focuses on expanding, and ultimately realizes that the government guarantees basic needs and the market meets multi-level housing needs.
The draft opinion clarifies that allocated affordable housing refers to affordable housing that is sold to eligible families with housing difficulties in the city and various wage-earning groups such as various types of introduced talents, with the government providing policy support and limiting the unit size, purchase conditions, sales price, and disposal rights.
There are four ways to raise funds for the construction of allocated affordable housing. The first is to allocate land for centralized construction. The second is to build in commercial housing, urban village renovation, urban renewal and other projects according to actual conditions. In addition to direct construction, the construction model for urban village renovation projects can also be implemented through the issuance of housing tickets, the storage of abandoned houses acquired by the renovation entity, and the centralized planning and construction of rebuilt resettlement houses other than the self-occupied parts of the villagers.
In addition, the allocation-type affordable housing can be converted from existing housing. Existing housing that meets the conditions such as clear property rights, suitable location, and moderate area can be purchased by specialized agencies and converted into allocation-type affordable housing after approval.
Enterprises and institutions can use their own existing construction land to cooperate with specialized institutions to build allocated affordable housing, and some of the housing can be supplied preferentially to eligible employees of the unit.
Priority should be given to areas with convenient transportation
The draft opinion requires that the location of allocated affordable housing should be located within the urban development boundary, and in accordance with the principle of work-housing balance, priority should be given to areas with convenient public transportation and relatively complete municipal infrastructure and public service facilities.
In urban built-up areas, combined with the reconstruction of urban villages, urban renewal, and renovation of dilapidated houses, we will coordinate and optimize planning indicators, support the conversion of existing land and space uses, and effectively increase the supply of land for allocated affordable housing.
In newly built urban areas, new land for allocated affordable housing will be mainly arranged around rail transit stations, public transportation hubs, industrial parks, universities, vocational schools and strategic emerging industry clusters, and will be equipped with basic public service supporting facilities such as education and medical care.
Bachelor's degree applicants are not limited to their registered permanent residence age
The application for allocated public housing is based on the family unit. The access conditions are divided into two types: household registration family and talent family. For the former, the applicant must have a household registration in this city, no house in this city and no record of transfer of self-owned property in this city within 3 years before the application, no preferential housing purchase policy, and cumulative social security payment for 3 years. Single applicants must be 30 years old or above; as for the latter, applicants with bachelor's degree or above, intermediate and senior professional and technical titles, high-skilled talents, and Guangzhou Talent Green Card main cardholders are not subject to household registration and age restrictions, and the social security period is shortened (high-level talents and doctors have no social security period requirements, 1 year for masters, and 2 years for undergraduates).
A family can only own one allocated affordable housing unit. If a family meets both the household registration and talent family application requirements, they can choose to apply for it as needed.
In terms of apartment size, the building area of ​​a single unit in a new project shall, in principle, be controlled below 90 square meters - the area of ​​existing housing conversion can be appropriately relaxed, with practical and compact two- and three-bedroom apartments as the main focus.
The selling price is based on the housing price in the same area.
As for the sales price, the sales benchmark price of the allocated affordable housing is determined by comprehensively considering the housing security policy, the real estate market situation, and combining factors such as land acquisition cost, construction cost, financial expenses, sales management expenses, reasonable profit and related taxes and fees, and is determined according to a certain proportion of the market assessment price of ordinary commercial housing in the same area. The sales benchmark price of specific projects is announced in the sales announcement.
The allocation-type security housing is subject to closed management. It is prohibited to change the allocation-type security housing into commercial housing and put it on the market in any illegal or irregular way. Those who own their own property after purchasing must withdraw from the allocation-type security housing. The purchased allocation-type security housing shall not be rented out, and shall not be left idle for one year or more without justifiable reasons.
The allocation-type affordable housing is withdrawn through repurchase or internal circulation. The repurchase price is calculated by deducting 1% of the purchase price each year (if it is less than one year, it will be calculated as one year), and the decoration expenses of the purchasing family are not included in the calculation of the repurchase price.
The draft opinion was open for public comments from August 6 to August 15. During the publicity period, citizens can log on to the website to view the full text of the draft opinion and submit their opinions and suggestions to the Municipal Housing Security Office by mail or email.
Source: Guangzhou Daily