
What should you pay attention to when "sunbathing your back" during the dog days of summer? Detailed explanation at the National Health Commission press conference


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Cover News reporter Zhang Xinxin
On August 6, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the relationship between the seasons and health. Gong Yanbing, chief Chinese medicine doctor at the Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said that sunbathing is a way to use the sun to increase the body's yang energy, and sunbathing during the dog days of summer is in line with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine that winter diseases should be treated in summer.
Gong Yanbing, chief Chinese medicine doctor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital. Image source: National Health Commission website
Gong Yanbing introduced that there are two yang meridians on the back, namely the Governor Meridian and the Foot-Taiyang Bladder Meridian. The Governor Meridian is the "sea of ​​yang meridians" and controls the yang energy of the whole body, which is very helpful for the circulation of yang energy throughout the body. In addition, the Governor Meridian has an important influence on the smoothness and warmth of the overall meridians, including strengthening the body's resistance and eliminating evil.
Gong Yanbing said that sunbathing is suitable for people with yang deficiency, weak constitution or severe cold and dampness, and ordinary people can also maintain health through sunbathing. However, patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, skin diseases, and people who are prone to getting angry or have damp-heat syndrome should be cautious about sunbathing.
She pointed out that the weather is hot in the summer and it is generally necessary to avoid exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays are relatively weak between 8 and 10 in the morning and after 4 in the afternoon, which is more suitable for back sunbathing.
She also reminded that the time of sunbathing the back should be controlled. For example, the elderly and the weak can sunbathe their backs for a short time, generally 15 minutes or 20 minutes at first, and gradually increase to 30 minutes, depending on how comfortable they feel.
"When sunbathing your back, you should pay attention to replenishing water. If you sweat a lot, you can drink some light salt water, functional drinks, etc. If you experience profuse sweating or even chest tightness and shortness of breath, stop sunbathing your back immediately and seek medical attention in time." said Gong Yanbing.