
Hong Kong media: Shortage of charging facilities "dissuades" Indian electric car owners to buy electric cars


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Source: Global Times

[Global Times Special Correspondent Wang Yi] India's lack of charging stations has discouraged electric car consumers. According to a recent survey by Park+, an Indian smart parking application solution provider, more than 51% of 500 electric car owners surveyed in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and surrounding areas want to return to diesel and gasoline-powered internal combustion engine cars, and 88% said they are always anxious about charging facilities.

According to reports, India currently has a total of nearly 25,200 public charging facilities, and plans to build 46,397 public charging facilities in nine cities by 2030. A report by Climate Trends Research and India's JMK Research Institute estimates that India will need about 3.9 million public and semi-public charging facilities to achieve its goal of having 80 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030.

Amit Bhatt, managing director of the Indian chapter of the International Council on Clean Transportation, a US think tank, said that Indian resident welfare associations and real estate developers usually do not allow the construction of charging stations because it is not mandatory by the government and the process lacks transparency. In this regard, a sales manager of an Indian electric vehicle charger manufacturer said that the Indian government needs to allocate land to private companies so that companies can build charging stations on highways, etc. "In addition, power facilities should be enhanced to ensure that charging stations can operate uninterruptedly." The manager said.

It turns out that the lack of charging facilities has seriously hindered Indian consumers' purchasing confidence and usage rates, which also poses challenges for India to achieve its 2070 net zero carbon emissions target.