
Good morning, | Tsung-Dao Lee passed away at the age of 98


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nowThe sky is the space with youNo. 2297Expect】

Weather forecast

Beijing,24~33℃, thunderstorm. Moderate to heavy rain will occur in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, northeastern Liaoning, eastern and southern Shandong, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, central and southern Henan, central and western Hubei, southern Sichuan, central and western Yunnan, southeastern Tibet, Hedong, Gansu, Ningxia, and Taiwan Island, with local heavy rain or torrential rain (50-130 mm).

Warm Tips from XiaotaiAffected by frequent rainfall, there will be a high meteorological risk of local geological disasters and floods in small and medium-sized rivers in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places in the next three days. Everyone needs to pay close attention to the latest forecasts and warnings, and take precautions against secondary disasters.

WeChat Hotspot

Tsung-Dao Lee dies at age 98

The famous Chinese physicist and Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Mr. Tsung-Dao Lee, passed away at the age of 98. Professor Lee has been engaged in physics research for a long time and has made a series of milestone works in the fields of particle physics theory, nuclear theory and statistical physics. Source: "CCTV News" WeChat official account

Although he is gone, his wisdom lives on, and his scientific research spirit inspires those who come after him. Rest in peace, and may there be endless explorations in heaven.

Weibo Hotspot

It turns out that Beijing's central axis also appeared in the Olympic Games

This summer, Beijing's Central Axis was successfully listed as a World Heritage Site. 16 years ago, the Central Axis of Beijing made a stunning appearance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, accompanied by the "Big Footprint" fireworks, witnessing the moment of dream fulfillment.

As the Paris Olympics are underway, China, please keep moving forward!

Tik Tok Hot List

●The sign language teacher directed the hearing-impaired students to be very engaged‍‍‍‍‍‍

Recently, at the Gansu Province Disabled People's Art Performance, a sign language teacher directed the hearing-impaired students from the audience with a firm look in his eyes and powerful movements.

Sonorous and powerful! Silence is better than words!

Kuaishou Hot List

●Man painting on a wooden board with an angle grinder

Recently, a man in Hubei used an angle grinder to paint on a wooden board, and the picture of "joy on the brows" came to life!

There are masters among the people! Painters in the woodworking world, carvers among painters! Xiaotai reminds everyone: operate professionally, do not imitate! ‍

B station hot list

What is the infrastructure mania? The Chinese have already started repairing the earth!

In Ordos, Jungar Banner, Inner Mongolia, arsenic sandstone, known as the "cancer of the earth", occupies more than 70% of its surface, making it difficult for plants to grow and causing extremely serious soil erosion. In order to change this harsh landform caused by the spontaneous evolution of the planet, a "planetary transformation project" must be carried out! Let's take a look together↓↓↓

After more than half a century of efforts, this land with inherent deficiencies has been transformed in the hands of humans, and today, this "planetary transformation project" of green waters and green mountains is still continuing in Jungar Banner in more ways, constantly opening up a new path for counterattack. If God does not give you a perfect home, then make it green waters and green mountains!

Zhihu Hot List

The 38-yuan Chinese medicine ice cream is sold out. Is it really for health or just a gimmick? Why is the "new Chinese health regimen" becoming popular among young people?

As the prices of various Chinese medicinal materials soar, fancy consumption of Chinese medicinal materials has also become popular, attracting countless young people! Recently, the topic #38 yuan Chinese medicinal ice cream is sold out# has become a hot search. New varieties such as Chinese medicinal ice cream, Chinese medicinal coffee, and Chinese medicinal milk tea have attracted "crispy" young people to buy. Can this new Chinese consumption trend continue?

Some netizens said that health and wellness is one of the selling points of this product, and its popularity is inseparable from the current popularity of Chinese medicinal materials. If Chinese medicinal ingredients with certain health-preserving effects are indeed reasonably added during the production process, and the ratio is scientific and reasonable, and the production process is proper, it may be able to play a health-preserving role to a certain extent.

Another netizen said,It is possible that this is just a marketing gimmick, using concepts such as "traditional Chinese medicine" and "health preservation" to attract consumers, while the actual health preservation effect is minimal.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

Hot search headlines

9 killed and 18 missing in mudslide in Kangding, Sichuan

In the early morning of August 3, a flash flood and mudslide disaster occurred in Ridi Village, Guza Town, Kangding City, Sichuan Province. As of 9:00 on the 5th, the disaster caused 9 deaths and 18 people missing. Among them, 11 people from 4 vehicles fell off the bridge (1 person was rescued, 2 people died, and 8 people were missing), and 7 people died and 10 people were missing in Ridi Village, Guza Town, Kangding City. At present, personnel search and rescue and emergency rescue work is underway.

May the deceased rest in peace and the injured be safe!

Source |Our Space (ID:ourspace0424)

Editors: Liu Xinrui, Cheng Jianan

Proofreading|Li Wenhui‍‍‍‍

Editor-in-Chief | Zhang Wenjun

Deputy Editor-in-Chief | Ma Yujie

Email | [email protected]