
Consumer Rights Protection Weekly Report | Online shopping complaints increased last week, involving issues such as false shipments


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Last week, The Paper's Quality Complaint Platform ( received an increase in online shopping complaints. Among them, a consumer reported that he paid 9,593.89 yuan to buy 6 "Midea" air conditioners on Xianyu, but the seller delayed delivery and changed the delivery address, making the consumer believe that the system would automatically delay the confirmation of receipt, resulting in the order being automatically confirmed by the system.

On July 31, a reporter from The Paper contacted Xianyu, and the staff said that after verification, the seller involved had adopted a false delivery method of delaying delivery time and quickly recalling the courier. After Xianyu identified it, it repeatedly pushed and pinned reminders to buyers such as "The seller has a high return rate, so be cautious, and the order will be confirmed soon." However, the consumer did not file a complaint in time, resulting in financial losses after the system automatically confirmed the receipt.

At present, Xianyu has banned the account of the seller involved, applied for experience compensation for consumers, and recommended calling the police.


After The Paper intervened in several complaints against Honor Mobile, Zeekr, Xiaomi customer service, etc., the two parties reached an agreement.

No response:

Several complaints against China Eastern Airlines, Zhibang Home Furnishing, Xiaohongshu, etc. are still under negotiation.

No agreement reached:

Recently, a Shandong consumer reported to the quality complaint platform of The Paper that she was attracted by the promotional video of the "Green Slim" weight loss product on Taobao and started to buy it. Under the recommendation of the "Green Slim" brand consultant, she spent 170,000 yuan to buy hundreds of weight loss health products in three months. The consultant suggested that she take at least 8 to 9 products every day, and sometimes even asked her to eat only these products for three meals. After the consumer successfully lost 21 kilograms, she developed problems such as immune system disease and abnormal liver function.

The consumer asked Guangzhou Green Slim Health Consulting Co., Ltd. for a full refund, but was rejected. The other party was only willing to return about 32,000 yuan of unopened products. Guangdong Yijiankang Health Industry Group Co., Ltd. (the parent company of the "Green Slim" brand) responded that the products sold were qualified after third-party testing and could not be fully refunded, but they would continue to negotiate.

The two sides have not reached an agreement yet.

The reporter of The Paper found that the company involved had previously been exposed for using brainwashing rhetoric and pricing strategies that cater to different customers. On a certain consumer complaint and rights protection platform, the number of complaints about Lushou slimming products reached 1,299, mainly involving issues such as inducing consumption and false marketing.

In response, the company involved said that it has a detection system to monitor employees' WeChat accounts to avoid inducing consumption. Regarding the situations reported by consumers, the company will strictly investigate the behavior of individual sales staff.

One-week rights protection news:

1. The car owner claimed that Zeekr's "AEB" system triggered emergency braking inexplicably, and Pengpai reached a consensus after intervention

Recently, a Shenzhen consumer reported to the Pengpai Quality View platform that when the "ZEKR 001" he was driving was decelerating and leaving the parking lot, the vehicle's forward collision mitigation function "AEB" was inexplicably triggered, causing the vehicle to brake suddenly and scaring the people on the car. The consumer questioned the safety performance of the vehicle.

After The Paper intervened, Zeekr's official customer service said it would send someone to verify the situation. On July 30, the consumer had a face-to-face communication with Zeekr's after-sales staff in Shenzhen and reached a settlement.

On July 31, after-sales staff explained to The Paper that the AEB system is controlled by an algorithm and cannot accurately judge the driver's habits. They apologized for the bad experience caused to consumers by this trigger.

2. "13-year-old child was 'dumped' by a ride-sharing car at a highway toll gate" tracking: the qualifications of the car owner involved have been banned by the platform

Recently, a consumer in Henan reported to the Pengpai Quality View Platform that on July 19, she placed an order through Hello for her 13-year-old son, planning to take him from his hometown in Anyang to Xinxiang where his father worked. However, at the Xinxiang Expressway Toll Gate, 37 kilometers from the destination, the child was asked to get off the car by the ride-sharing driver. After trying to contact the driver many times without success, the consumer contacted Hello, but the other party only proposed to issue vouchers as compensation and did not provide an effective solution.

The Paper noted that Hello's "Ride-sharing Convention" clearly stipulates that passengers must have full civil capacity and is prohibited from calling a ride on behalf of unaccompanied minors.

In response to the incident of a 13-year-old child being "dumped" at a highway toll gate by a ride-sharing car, Hello responded on July 30 that it had banned the qualifications of the ride-sharing car owner involved and restricted him from accepting orders. Hello also said that it was paying close attention to this incident and was fully checking the order track and the communication between the car and the passengers. To prevent similar incidents from happening again, Hello will strengthen reminders to drivers and passengers that "minors are prohibited from riding alone" to ensure travel safety.

Consumer alert for the week:

Shenzhen Consumer Council issues reminder: Be aware of the risks of eating birthday cakes

On July 29, according to the Shenzhen Consumer Council, as birthday cakes play an increasingly important role in celebrations, consumers have higher expectations for the taste and appearance of cakes. The Shenzhen Consumer Council and Guangdong Zhongding Testing Technology Co., Ltd. jointly issued a consumer reminder to remind consumers to pay attention to the possible safety risks in cakes.

Birthday cakes, also known as decorated cakes in professional terms, usually consist of cake base and decorations, and are divided into traditional cakes, cheesecakes, mousse cakes, composite decorated cakes, and other types. The use of decorations makes cakes more beautiful, but it also brings some potential risks. The sugar and protein in the cake can easily breed bacteria under improper processing or storage conditions, leading to spoilage. In addition, nuts, dairy products and other ingredients that may be contained in the cake may cause allergic reactions in consumers with allergies.

What is more serious is that some businesses use non-edible decoration materials such as feathers, plastic, gold and silver foil powder, etc. in order to pursue the beauty and creativity of cakes. These materials may contain heavy metals, organic solvents, synthetic dyes and other harmful substances, posing a threat to human health. The Shenzhen Consumer Council reminds consumers to pay attention to the following points when purchasing and eating cakes:

1. Pay attention to the material of the decorations: When buying cakes, consumers should carefully check the material of the decorations and confirm with the merchant whether they are edible materials to avoid ingesting harmful substances.

2. Prevent children from swallowing them accidentally: Non-edible decorations such as pearls, toys, dolls, etc. that may be used on cakes may look similar to food. Children may mistake them for candies and swallow them, causing danger.

3. Be careful with sharp objects inside the cake: Some shaped cakes or multi-layer cakes may be supported by sharp objects such as metal wires, bamboo sticks, plastic, etc. Consumers may be stabbed or even at risk of disfigurement when playing pranks such as smearing their faces.