
Lenovo Vice President Amu talks about enterprise intelligent transformation: We must firmly transform and upgrade the internal digital foundation


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Beijing News Shell Finance (Reporter Sun Wenxuan) Under the tide of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, intelligent transformation has become a new engine for enterprises to achieve leapfrog development. On August 2, Amu, Vice President of Lenovo Group, Vice President of Strategy and Business Development in China, and Dean of the Lenovo Global Learning Center Intelligent Transformation Institute, said when talking about the intelligent transformation of enterprises that enterprises need to promote intelligent transformation in a comprehensive and systematic manner, rather than making fragmented attempts in some areas. He also mentioned that the real intelligent transformation is not a large amount of digitalization and big data analysis, but how to truly penetrate AI, whether it is discriminative AI or generative AI, whether it is a specialized artificial intelligence algorithm or a generalized artificial intelligence algorithm, into the entire value chain process of the enterprise.

Based on Lenovo's practice, Amu said that enterprises must first have a strategy for intelligent transformation. Although the strategy itself is constantly iterating at a high speed, there must be a clear blueprint; the blueprint framework of different enterprises may be different because the industry, development stage and main business issues they face may also be different.

Secondly, there must be a full range of organizational and cultural changes. We must establish a professional organization to promote intelligent transformation, form a data-driven model, and promote the platformization and flattening of the organization. We must build an intelligent talent training system and establish an incentive system. We must use demonstration projects to lead the intelligent culture of all employees and inspire all employees to take intelligent actions. "These are the parts below the iceberg, but they are also the prerequisites for the success or failure of the final intelligent transformation."

In addition, we must firmly transform and upgrade the digital foundation within the enterprise itself. He mentioned that the digital foundation is to abandon the original traditional IT architecture, which is characterized by complex structure, poor agility, slow response, difficult operation and maintenance, and high cost. It is necessary to transform into a new IT digital foundation, which is characterized by agility, flexibility, timely response, intelligent operation and maintenance, and reduced costs. "Without this new type of digital foundation with automatic operation and maintenance, the implementation of many upper-level applications and AI technologies is actually very inefficient, and AI is very hungry for data and efficient computing power support. If the digital foundation cannot provide effective protection for it, artificial intelligence technology will often be abandoned by employees, because it cannot play a more valuable role than manual work, and it is unlikely to become popular again."

Finally, AI is widely used to realize intelligent operation of the entire value chain. Amu mentioned that the intelligent transformation of many enterprises is actually an information transformation, which is just to standardize the process or solve the breakpoints in it. At most, unified data may form clear reports and see real results. "But this is not the true meaning of intelligent transformation. The true meaning of intelligent transformation is to truly apply artificial intelligence technology itself to the core links of the enterprise's own business."

Amu emphasized that the core value chain of enterprises must boldly explore the application of artificial intelligence technology, and not just stay in the administration, ticket booking and reimbursement links. It must be introduced in key links such as production, R&D, supply, and customer service to truly change the face of the enterprise. At the same time, the application scenarios of artificial intelligence are a process of continuous exploration and enrichment. It is necessary to give the team, employees and operators enough space to explore. "It is difficult to implement it through top-down design and planning. It is necessary to initiate a bottom-up mobilization of the whole people to truly tap into effective scenarios."

Amu finally said that in the process of intelligent transformation, it is necessary to keep the top-level framework agile, precipitate and continuously iterate the intelligent transformation framework. On the one hand, it is because the transformation of the enterprise itself is constantly making new progress. On the other hand, it is also because the new external IT technology, especially artificial intelligence technology, is undergoing tremendous changes. The "Enterprise Intelligent Transformation Methods and Practices: Lenovo Revelation" released on the same day systematically disclosed Lenovo's transformation practices and methodology.

Jia Jingyu, deputy chief engineer of the Industrial Planning Institute of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, said, "Enterprises have gone through a process from the most basic automation to informatization to digitalization, and will continue to evolve to a more advanced form in the future. They will have five core characteristics, including data empowerment, global coordination, human-machine collaboration, optimized resource allocation, and autonomous automation. This is the inevitable result of intelligent transformation."

Editor: Tan Che

Proofread by Zhao Lin