
Shenzhen strives to open up more than 70% of its airspace suitable for drones, with more than 1,000 low-altitude commercial routes


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Nandu News: On the morning of August 2, the Shenzhen Low-altitude Economy High-quality Development Conference, jointly sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, was held in Shenzhen. The conference was themed "Low-altitude New Quality Shenzhen is Taking Off", and brought together more than 500 experts, enterprises, and government representatives in the field of low-altitude economy. The conference focused on infrastructure, operation systems, industrial ecology, application scenarios, and other aspects, and released a number of policy measures and pilot results to fully promote the acceleration of Shenzhen's low-altitude economy.

In recent years, Shenzhen has made every effort to promote the high-quality development of the low-altitude economy, give full play to the advantages of the concentration of innovative factors and advanced manufacturing industry, and actively cultivate the low-altitude economy and strategic emerging aerospace industry clusters. In terms of policy, Shenzhen has issued the country's first low-altitude economic industry promotion regulations, issued the "20 Articles" on low-altitude economy, and planned to build 10 low-altitude economic industrial clusters. It has a number of industry leading companies such as DJI, SF Express, and Meituan UAVs, and more than 1,700 industrial chain supply chain companies, covering the entire industrial chain of aircraft manufacturing, key components, core materials, control systems, and operation services. The output of consumer-grade and industrial-grade drones accounts for 70% and 50% of the world respectively.

Shenzhen will have more than 1,000 low-altitude aircraft take-off and landing platforms by the end of 2025

The Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission introduced the achievements of Shenzhen's low-altitude infrastructure construction. As of June 2024, 249 low-altitude take-off and landing points have been built and 207 drone routes have been opened. At the same time, drone test sites covering an area of ​​more than 500,000 square meters have been built in Bao'an, Longgang, Pingshan and other districts, with functions such as testing and calibration flights, and the infrastructure service level is leading in the country. It is proposed that in the future, Shenzhen will build a hierarchical and rationally structured low-altitude take-off and landing service system, and create a low-altitude take-off and landing network consisting of helicopter/eVTOL passenger transportation, logistics transportation, community distribution, public governance services, etc., to provide support for "heterogeneous, high-density, high-frequency, and high-complexity" low-altitude flight activities and the cultivation of "low-altitude +" emerging business formats.

By the end of 2025, more than 1,000 low-altitude aircraft take-off and landing platforms and more than 1,000 routes will be built, and low-altitude flight service guarantees will reach international advanced levels. At the meeting, the "Shenzhen Low-altitude Take-off and Landing Facilities High-Quality Construction Plan" was also released, and the main contents were introduced: first, to build a low-altitude take-off and landing infrastructure network; second, to improve the facility construction mechanism; and third, to improve the low-altitude infrastructure investment and operation mechanism.

The city aims to open up 75% of its airspace suitable for drone flights by 2025.

The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau introduced Shenzhen’s low-altitude operation system, application scenarios, route targets, etc., and stated that under the support and guidance of higher-level departments, Shenzhen explored the coordinated operation of low-altitude airspace through mechanism reform, supported flight service guarantee with technological innovation, led the agglomeration of low-altitude industries with application expansion, and led the innovative development of low-altitude economy with standard integration. It focused on the following four key tasks to enhance the new momentum and comprehensive competitiveness of the development of low-altitude economic industries.

First, explore and build an efficient and coordinated low-altitude airspace management mechanism. We strive to exceed 75% of the open area of ​​the city's suitable airspace below 120 meters by 2025, and the total number of low-altitude commercial routes will exceed 1,000. Second, build a high-quality low-altitude operation management service system to support large-scale commercial flight needs. By the end of 2025, it will have the service guarantee capability to support more than 1,000 commercial low-altitude aircraft in the air at the same time and 10,000 flights per day. Third, expand five low-altitude application scenarios and create the best low-altitude demonstration site. Continuously enrich and expand low-altitude scene applications in cargo transportation, manned transportation, emergency rescue, urban governance, cultural tourism consumption, etc. Fourth, build a complete low-altitude standard, regulation and policy system to promote the innovative development of the low-altitude economy. Recently, the Shenzhen Low-altitude Economy Professional Standardization Technical Committee was established, and the compilation of the first batch of 18 Shenzhen standards in the low-altitude economy field was launched. We will strive to release the 1.0 version of the Shenzhen Low-altitude Economy Standard System within the year, and take the lead in the construction of the rule and standard system.

Accelerate the deployment of low-altitude synaesthesia 5G-A test base stations to achieve full coverage of low-altitude communication and surveillance

Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology introduced the development of Shenzhen's low-altitude economic industry and related policies, and said that Shenzhen has formed a full industrial chain system integrating low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude flight, low-altitude support and comprehensive services in the field of low-altitude economy, showing the characteristics of "fast gathering" in the field of key systems and parts, "strong strength" in the field of complete machine manufacturing, "stable foundation" in the field of ground support, and "new model" in the field of operation and supporting. At the same time, 4 low-altitude test areas, 4 low-altitude test sites, "Top Ten Low-altitude Economic Industrial Parks" and 2 low-altitude economic field characteristic parks have been planned and deployed, providing a solid ecological and spatial guarantee for the implementation of low-altitude economic projects.

In addition, Shenzhen has listed the low-altitude economy as a strategic key industrial cluster among the "20+8" industrial clusters, and has mobilized the city's efforts to gather resources and support its cultivation with extraordinary efforts. The first local regulation on low-altitude economy in the country, the "Regulations on Promoting Low-altitude Economy Industry in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone", was promulgated, the "Action Plan for Cultivating and Developing Low-altitude Economy and Aerospace Industry Clusters in Shenzhen (2024-2025)", and the "Several Measures for Shenzhen to Support the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy", have been issued, building a low-altitude policy system of "regulations + action plans + several measures" covering the entire chain and all formats. At the same time, various districts have issued action plans and special policies to support the high-quality development of the low-altitude economy.

In the next step, Shenzhen will focus on promoting the integrated construction of information infrastructure, accelerate the deployment of low-altitude synergy 5G-A test base stations, and achieve full coverage of low-altitude communication and surveillance. Accelerate the establishment of a low-altitude economic industry fund to support the development of the low-altitude economic industry throughout the entire cycle and chain. Focus on the low-altitude industry chain to supplement and strengthen the chain, provide in-depth services to enterprises and institutions on the chain, and promote Shenzhen to accelerate its progress towards the "first city of low-altitude economy."

The first in China to break through the restrictions on drone flights at airports

Shenzhen AirportThe first test flight of high- and low-altitude fusion operation was successfully carried out

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Institute has released the Pioneer Edition of the Low-Altitude Intelligent Fusion System SILAS. The system collects all-factor data of Shenzhen's airspace and has the basic management and service capabilities to support all Shenzhen's cooperating aircraft in the air at the same time. It is the first low-altitude management and service operating system that digitizes the city-level low-altitude airspace and integrates the city-level CIM base with global intelligent computing power. In the next step, SILAS will continue to iterate and evolve in combination with advanced artificial intelligence technology, and a more comprehensive, open and intelligent system will be presented by the end of the year.

Shenzhen Airport Group announced at the conference the official opening of the Shenzhen Low-altitude Operation Management Center. The center is an important achievement since the airport group established the country's first local low-altitude economic state-owned platform in November last year. It has built a key platform for low-altitude flight service guarantee and will become a reporting window, command center, and information platform for the city's low-altitude flight activities, promoting Shenzhen's low-altitude flight "one-network management".

The conference also announced that the first test flight of eVTOL and logistics drones in the airport area organized by the airport group achieved the expected results. This is the first domestic breakthrough in the flight restrictions of airport drones and the successful first test flight of high- and low-altitude fusion operations. On July 26, after the civil aviation flight arrived at Shenzhen Airport, the drone loaded the air cargo, flew over the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, crossed the Pearl River Estuary, and transported it to Zhongshan Airport. The cargo was transported across the city and across the sea in 25 minutes, realizing the seamless connection between low-altitude logistics and civil aviation flights.

In the next step, the airport group will plan more than 60,000 square meters of land in the Shenzhen Airport area to build the Shenzhen low-altitude operation headquarters base with the largest scale, the most comprehensive functions and the best facilities in the country, to meet various practical functions such as low-altitude operation management, low-altitude data integration, and low-altitude economic display, to ensure the take-off and landing of various aircraft such as general aviation helicopters, eVTOL, and drones, to realize various application scenarios such as high- and low-altitude integration, multimodal transport, and passenger and cargo integration, and to create a low-altitude hub center that radiates the Bay Area and is leading the country.

SF Group spoke as a corporate representative, saying that as an emerging industry, the low-altitude economy has the characteristics of complex application scenarios, multiple users, and multiple departments and fields involved. The company has encountered many problems in the construction of take-off and landing fields, the installation of drone batteries, radio interference, and the expansion of application scenarios. Thanks to Shenzhen's good business environment and the support of various government departments, Fengyi Technology, a drone logistics company under SF Group, is building a low-altitude logistics network centered in Shenzhen and covering the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the next step, SF will also be based in Shenzhen, gradually promote the construction of a low-altitude logistics network in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and continuously expand the scale of flights. It is hoped that Shenzhen can continue to provide more support in enriching low-altitude application scenarios and building low-altitude service infrastructure.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Yanli

Photo: Southern Metropolis Daily reporter Xu Songlong