
The level test standards for securities firms' senior executives will be revised, with five new test points, including salary system and quantitative trading


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Interface News reporter | Chen Jing

The proficiency test for senior executives of securities firms has new requirements.

Jiemian News reporter learned from securities firms that in order to implement the spirit of the new "Nine National Regulations", the China Securities Association recently revised the current "Outline for the Evaluation and Testing of the Level of Senior Management of Securities Companies" and "Outline for the Evaluation and Testing of the Level of Compliance Management of Securities Companies", and formed a draft for soliciting opinions, and is soliciting opinions from securities firms. Securities firms are required to provide feedback before August 2.

The China Securities Association said that the outline for senior managers of securities companies focuses on corporate governance, internal control, risk management, job performance requirements and other management-related systems and rules, while the outline for compliance managers focuses on the company's compliance management functions and guarantees, and the substantive and procedural compliance requirements of each operating link and each business line. The main revisions include five aspects, mainly new test points.

Judging from the revised content, the outline for senior management of securities companies focuses on corporate governance, internal control, risk management, job performance requirements and other business management-related systems and rules, while the outline for compliance management personnel focuses on the company's compliance management functions and guarantees, and the substantive and procedural compliance requirements of each business link and business line.

Specifically, first, actively convey the major decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council; in the two outlines, add requirements for mastering the new "Nine National Policies" and other policy documents, and urge senior executives to strengthen their understanding of the political and people-oriented nature of the capital market.

The second is to implement the requirements of strong supervision; according to the "Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Securities Companies and Public Funds to Accelerate the Construction of First-Class Investment Banks and Investment Institutions (Trial)" and the "Regulations on Strengthening the Supervision of Listed Securities Companies" as well as the securities company remuneration guidelines, two types of subsidiary management regulations and other institutional rules issued or revised, the two outlines are supplemented with knowledge points such as securities companies should correct their institutional positioning, improve corporate governance, strengthen internal control and risk management, improve personnel management and incentives, establish and improve investor protection and shareholder return mechanisms, strengthen internal control of subsidiaries, and establish a sound remuneration system, to guide senior executives to establish a correct business philosophy.

The third is to improve relevant requirements such as information security, risk management, and internal audit; include the recently issued and implemented "Guidelines for Operational Risk Management of Securities Companies" and other rules into the testing scope of the two types of senior executives, and increase the overall requirements for securities companies' network and information security management, management responsibilities, emergency response, investor personal information protection, as well as operational risk management, internal audit requirements and other knowledge points to guide senior executives to enhance their awareness of information security and risk prevention.

Fourth, according to the new company law that has been implemented, the relevant knowledge points in the two outlines are supplemented and improved, reflecting the company's shareholders' capital contribution, share issuance and transfer, directors, supervisors and senior managers' fidelity and diligence obligations, protection of small and medium shareholders, listed company governance, company issuance and transfer, etc.BondsAnd other new legal amendments that are closely related to the capital market.

Fifth, in the test outline for compliance management personnel of securities companies, the corresponding requirements are updated according to the changes in the rules of each business line. According to the "Securities Brokerage Business Management Measures", "Securities and Futures Institutions Private Asset Management Business Management Measures", "Securities Market Program Trading Management Regulations (Trial)", "Securities Investment Fund Securities Trading Fee Management Regulations" and other rules issued since last year, relevant knowledge points are added; knowledge points such as the "Enterprise Bankruptcy Law" that are not directly related to compliance management work are deleted.

A senior industry insider told Jiemian News, "The revision of the Outline for the Level Evaluation Test of Senior Management Personnel of Securities Companies and the Outline for the Level Evaluation Test of Compliance Managers of Securities Companies highlights the regulators' high attention to improving the professional skills of senior managers and compliance managers in the securities industry."

"The newly added test items, such as salary management and quantitative trading, reflect the market's increased demand for the overall quality of senior executives and compliance personnel. In particular, the understanding of the political and people-oriented nature of the capital market highlights the social responsibility and risk prevention awareness of senior executives in the capital market. It plays a very important role in improving the management level of the entire securities industry and enhancing compliance awareness," he said.